1) CU Monument to U. S. personnel who died in Normandy Invasion; this is in Omaha Beach area. F2) LS Color guard, their backs to camera; troops in far BG, in ranks, and cemetery in BG. G3) CU Statue at monument grounds; color guard is middle BG, backs to camera. G4) LS Hundreds of white grave markers at cemetery; French and American colors flying at half mast from separate flagpoles in BG (SV). F5) HA LS Down toward Omaha Beach as it is today. G6) LS Down the mall toward monument at the American cemetery; grave markers seen to left and right. GtoF7) CU Interior view of chapel at the cemetery, showing French, American, British flags clustered together in a corner, on a stand; small altar to the right. GtoF8) CU Altar, flags draped to left and right of altar (SV). F9) LS Mall; troops lined up in left BG; French policemen lined up from FG, down toward monument, their backs to the camera. F10) MLS Grave markers at American cemetery; some American ships seen out in the water, in BG. G11) MS VIP"s attending ceremonies for Twentieth Anniversary; included in group are American Ambassador to France, CHARLES E. BOLEN, GEN. MAXWELL TAYLOR, GEN. MATTHEW RIDGEWAY, members of V.F.W., and American Legion (SV). G.toF12) CU VIP"s. G13) CU Vets with their various flags. G14) CU Marine guard with vets standing in BG, holding various unidentified flags.15) MS Framed view of VIP"s standing at attention; American SGT. standing in FG, with his shiny helmet on. G16) CU Veterans at salute.17) CU Veterans at salute; man in FG, wears paratroop emblem on his legion hat, near the words, "PARIS, FRANCE."18) CU High ranking American officers at the salute, with VIP"s standing at attention. G19) MCU U. S. Ambassador, GEN. TAYLOR, GEN. FREEMAN, GEN. RIDGEWAY, and many foreigh officers standing in a group; GEN. TAYLOR removing his hat, holding it over his breast; large crowd seen in BG (SV). G20) LS Large crowd attending ceremonies at Omaha Beach area; soldier stands off to left, with his rifle at right shoulder"s arm, U.S. Staff SGT. G21) CU British soldier handing a large wreath to one of the VIP"s; second wreath is handed to U.S. Ambassador, third one to the other VIP, and so on. G22) CU PAN Left, VIP"s walking forward with wreaths, placing them down in an area before the crowd. G23) CU VIP"s (SV).24) LS Monument at cemetery; military in FG, at salute. GtoF25) MS U. S. Army SGT. blowing taps, and then lowering the bugle, and coming to salute; part of Army band in FG. F26) CU High ranking officers at salute, facing the crowd seen in BG, GtoF27) MLS Crowd of VIP"s up on steps of monument; heads of several military in FG, backs to camera. GtoF28) CU U. S. Army honor guard at present arms; marine honor guard next to them, off to right; monument building seen in right BG. G29) MS VIP"s on steps of monument; officers at salute in FG; many flags seen flying in BG (American, French, Veterans" flag) (SV). GtoF30) CU British honor guard at present arms; grave markers in BG; U.S. Naval honor guard in right BG. G31) MLS U. S. Naval honor guard at present arms (shaky). F32) MLS Large crowd attending ceremony. GtoF33) CU French gendarmes at the salute. G34) CU U.S. Army and Navy officers at salute. G35) CU Three U.S. Army enlisted personnel at salute. G36) CU Crowd gathered at monument. G37) CU U.S. Army band marching away. F38) CU U.S. Marine honor guard marching off behind army band. G