General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. NIMITZ DAY IN WASHINGTON - PARADE amp; DECORATION BY PRESIDENT THUMAN


General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. NIMITZ DAY IN WASHINGTON - PARADE amp; DECORATION BY PRESIDENT THUMAN


1) MS-CU Navy Nurses, pass camera during parade on Washington Monument grounds.2) CU U.S. flag and Marine Corp. flag pass reviewing stand.3) MS Adm. Nimitz standing at attention, saluting colors. Mrs. Nimitz in BG - parading units pass FG.4) MS Floats carrying LVT, LCVP, Japanese amphibious tank, F6F pass camera.5) MS D.C. commissioner speaking before mike.6) CU Adm. Nimitz speaking before battery of mikes as he displays key to city.7) HS Looking down from behind review platform showing service personnel massed on platform - Adm. Nimitz at speakers stand, photographers and crowd BG.8) MS Motorcycle policemen leading automobile hood of automobile FG.9) MS Entrance to White House as Pres. Truman and Adm. Nimitz exit and pass camera.10) MS President Truman and Admiral Nimitz exit and pass camera.11) MS Adm. Nimitz, Pres. Truman, Secretary of the Navy Forrestal. Mre. Nimitz and her daughters on White House lawn as Pres. Truman places decoration on Adm. Nimitz-SV.12) CU Clapsed hands as Adm. Nimitz and Pres. Truman shake hands.13) MS Adm. Leahy passes camera.14) HS Auto carrying Adm. Nimitz during parade, flowers passes on closed top as it drives out of scene.QUALITY: GENERALLY GOOD.

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