Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. BEULAH FLOOD RELIEF, HARLINGEN, TEXAS AND ACAPULCO, MEXICO


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. BEULAH FLOOD RELIEF, HARLINGEN, TEXAS AND ACAPULCO, MEXICO


Covers flood relief operations following Hurricane Beulah which hit 22 September 1967. Shows airlift of food, supplies, 500-gallon rolling fuel cells, distribution of food and evacuation of Mexicans; spraying area for mosquitos, flooded areas in Texas and Mexico; Pres Lyndon B. Johnson arriving and departing from Harlingen Industrial Field. Other VIP's shown include: Governor John B. Connally, Maj Gen Charles R Bond, Jr., and USA Maj Gen Richard G. Stilwell. SLATE: ROLL: C-12. 3' Scenes showing boxes of clothing being transferred from a Confederate Air Force Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, into a Salvation Army truck -- shows the truck pulling away and backing inside hangar. 68' Pan area where hurricane Beulah struck. 82' CU and MS of sign: HARLINGEN, CITY LIMIT, POP 41207. 89' MCU of rushing water. 96' AV's of civilian and military aircraft on flight line.(Fair) 108' Shows FV of Confederate Air Force Boeing B-17, men wearing Texas hats, blue shirts, with markings on back: CONFEDERATE AIR FORCE with Confederate flag, greeting their families, mattresses and boxes of clothing being loaded into USA truck -- USA truck -pulls away as Salvation Army truck pulls up to the B-17. 183' SLATE: ROLL: C-11. 185' Scenes of Confederate Air Force B-26 Invader "Spirit of Big Springs" as boxes are being offloaded and transferred to USA truck; Confederate Air Force B-17 taxiing to a stop -- Confederate and US flags on tail of aircraft; AF, USA, Confederate Air Force personnel observing unloading operations. 285' SLATE: ROLL: S-3. 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 287' Scenes of Pres Lyndon B. Johnson arriving by VH-3A, walking across ramp past VC-140B with Presidential Seal on aircraft; Col Jones waiting, Pres Johnson leaving by AF car and VC-140B taxiing out. 439' SLATE: ROLL: C-5. 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 441' INT scenes of USAF/CAP personnel checking map -- shows sign on EXT of door: AF PRESS DESK, USAF/CAP RESCUE OPERATIONS AND BRIEFING ALL CAP PILOTS. 476' Shows civilian getting into a Piper Cherokee 140 and prop spinning. 484' AV's of flooded areas, Piper Cherokee 140 in flight. 539' Total footage in reel. Reel 2 - SLATE: ROLL: R30C-6. l OCTOBER 1967. 1' Shows USA officer and civilian dignitary getting into a Las Brisas pink and white striped jeep and pulling away. (Acapulco) 13' MS's of food being loaded into UH-1. 44' Scenes of food being handed out to Mexican refugees at side of UH-1D. 77' ALS of refugees from helicopter as it flies away and supplies alongside of runway. 91' LS of UH-1D coming in for landing. 100' SLATE: ROLL: R30C-12. 3 OCTOBER 1967. 109' Scenes of Mexican refugees being evacuated by UH-1D -- shows families boarding helicopter. 135' SLATE: ROLL: l5. 137' MS of civilian dignitary getting off helicopter. 141' Several scenes of Mexican children and families and AV of the crowd as helicopter flies away. 182' Scenes of activity around camouflaged C-123K during unloading of supplies, Mexican military and civilian personnel talking; Mexicans arriving by pickup truck, flight personnel and others boarding camouflaged C-123K and tail door closing. 337' SLATE: ROLL: 19. 338' Scenes of supplies being offloaded from UH-1D, US civilian dignitary meeting and talking to Mexican military and civilian personnel, then he boards UH-1D. 399' ALS of Mexican children and families as seen from helicopter at a remote village. 417' ALS of village in Mexico. 42l' ACU's of Mexican (military) USA general and UH-1D pilot. 434' SLATE: ROLL: 17. 436' MS's of few Mexican refugees leaving camouflaged C-123K, truck towing a rolling liquid fuel cell, fuel cell being winched inside camouflaged C-123K, aircraft engines starting and camouflaged C-123K taxiing out. 536' SLATE: ROLL: R30C-10. 2 OCTOBER 1967. 538' Scenes of UH-1D being fueled, fuel cells and civilian car being loaded into camouflaged C-123K, with CU's of the cars owner, and American doctor and his wife shaking hands with AF officer. 605' AV's pilots point of view of terrain in Mexico. 630' Total footage in reel. Reel 3 - SLATE: ROLL: S-4. 4 OCTOBER 1967. 3' LS and MLS of camouflaged C-130E -- shows MS's of APU, USA truck and jeep, and boxes of supplies being loaded into aircraft, doors closing and the C-130E taxiing out. 99' ALS's of washed out bridge on highway, shadow of UH-1D during flight, landslide and sections of highway gone. 186' SLATE: ROLL: 24 AND R30C-8. 2 OCTOBER 1967. 196' LS to MLS UH-1D landing on airstrip -- shows two USA men using portable radio set. 227' ALS of Mexicans gathered around building. 229' Scenes of UH-1D landing in field -- Mexicans walking out to helicopter and food being distributed. 250' AV from helicopter of Mexican around shack and terrain. 259' Scenes of food being loaded into UH-1D, UH-1D's taking off, camouflaged C-123K loading and offloading of fuel cells. 292' SLATE: ROLL: 21. 293' LS of C-123B climbing after takeoff. 305' MS's of Acapulco terminal and personnel operating communications equipment in van -- man at jeep speaking into mike. 341' ALS's of swollen river and washed out bridge. 362' MLS and MS of high Mexican military officers shaking hands with USA men -- helicopter rotor blades blowing tall grass, then the Mexican party walks toward flight line. 376' ALS's of UH-1D in flight over Acapulco Bay and two UH-1D' s in flight over terrain in Mexico. 393' SLATE: ROLL: 25. 394' MS of camouflaged C-130E taxiing left. 420' LS's of three camouflaged C-130E's taking off to left, singly. 463' SLATE: ROLL: 23. 465' ALS's of two UH-1D's in flight over water and washed out bridges. 565' SLATE: ROLL: 26. 566' Scenes of UH-1D being disassembled and helicopter being loaded into camouflaged C-130E. 656' SLATE: ROLL: 13. 657' ALS of flight line at Acapulco showing stacked supplies along edge of runway. 667' Scenes of US civilian dignitary, USA brigadier general and others alighting from VC-131, meeting USA men, going to Las Brisas jeep and inspecting area where rolling type fuel cells are located. 754' Total footage in reel. Reel 4 - SLATE: ROLL: C-10. 3' AV's of pilots point of view over flooded terrain, landing and view through rear cargo door of C-130E. 119' Shows equipment, fuel servicing unit and 500 gallon rolling fuel cells being off-loaded from camouflaged C-130E with cutaway shots of Mexicans, Mexican policeman and Col Jones observing. 178' Scenes of aircraft silhouetted against sunset. 191' AELS's and ALS of UC-123B's spraying area for mosquitoes, intercut with sunset, city, USA and civil aircraft at Corpus Christi. 331' Scenes of engines on camouflaged C-130E starting and aircraft taxiing out. 364' AMS's of C-130E pilot and copilot during flight. 378' SLATE: ROLL: C-6. 29 SEPTEMBER 1967. 379' Scenes of USA Maj Gen Richard G. Stilwell leaving car, walking over to meet Maj Gen Charles R. Bond, Jr., Comdr, 12th AF, who got off a T-39A -- pan to Col Jones, then the three walk across ramp. 426' CU of signs on door: AIR FORCE PRESS DESK, USAF/CAP RESCUE OPERATIONS & BRIEFING ALL CAP PILOTS 1800 -- pan up to hanging sign by door: USAF/CAP RESCUE OPERATIONS. 430' INT scenes of Maj Gen Bond, USA Maj Gen Stilwell and others entering room and exiting. 456' LS and MLS of Col Jones, Maj Gen Bond, USA Maj Sen Stilwell and others leaving building, the two generals shaking hands then Maj Gen Bond walks across ramp. 482' AMCU's of hand on throttle and pilot's face. 495' AMS FV and SV high angle of UC-123B in flight. 509' Scenes of fork lift carrying drums of Malathion LV Concentrate (spray) to rear of UC-123B -- shows drum being opened and concentrate solution being transferred to tank inside aircraft by pump system. 578' Night scenes and late evening of UC-123B spraying area. (Fair) 684' SLATE: ROLL: S-4. 29 SEPTEMBER 1967. 687' Scenes of spray solution being transferred to UC-123B, empty drums being carried away by fork lift. (Corpus Christi) 752' LS and MS of traffic entering and leaving US Naval Air Station main gate. 768' Total footage in reel. Reel 5 - SLATE: ROLL: S-1 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 4' AV's of flooded areas in Texas. 71' SLATE: ROLL: C-3. 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 73' MS pan with VC-137C -- shows ramp roll up to rear door. Pres Johnson and party alighting, being greeted by Governor John B. Connally and others, Pres Johnson inside school bus with CU of sign: DIGNITARIES -- staff and school bus pulling away. 142' MS's of Pres Johnson, Gov Connally and others getting off school bus, then the president boards VH-3A and helicopter takes off. 174' SLATE: ROLL: S-2. 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 178' MLS of camouflaged C-130E taking off to right -- followed by second in low flight over runway. 198' LS's of VC-137C taxiing left, rear section of aircraft as Pres Johnson alights and school bus comes to a stop in foreground; Pres Johnson leaving school bus and boarding VH-3A, then helicopter takes off. 258' ALS's of flooded areas. 285' SLATE: ROLL: C-1. 27 SEPTEMBER 1967. 292' MS of C-54 taxiing right. 298' LS's, MS and MCU's of USA and AF Combat Control Team working together in providing air traffic control along edge of runway with CU of wind sock. 36l' LS's to MLS of two camouflaged C-130E's taking off to right singly. 382' SLATE: ROLL: C-2. 28 SEPTEMBER 1967. 384' MLS of a camouflaged C-130E taxiing in behind a C-54. 401' LS's, MS and MCU of USA and AF CCT working together in directing aircraft traffic at portable set-up -- C-130E taking off in background. 449' Scenes of AF officer whirling a sling psychrometer, reading wind velocity gauge and writing down information -- HH-43B in background . 466' Total footage in reel.

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 6499027

National Archives at College Park

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