Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. T-39 INDOCTRINATION FLIGHTS, ANDREWS AFB, MARYLAND, 5-9 JUNE 1961


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. T-39 INDOCTRINATION FLIGHTS, ANDREWS AFB, MARYLAND, 5-9 JUNE 1961


Summary: Coverage of inspection of North American Aviation T-39A Sabreliner by military and civilian officials. Personnel shown taking familiarization flights include: Sec of Air Force Eugene Zuckert, Maj. Gen. Brooke E. Allen, Commander Headquarters Command USAF: Brig. Gen. Marion C. Smith, Dir. of Systems Service; Brig. Gen. Wm. E. Leonhard, Dir. of Budget; Sec of Commerce Luther H. Hodges; and Senator Barry Goldwater. Reel 1: Series of scenes showing Sec. of the Air Force Eugene Zuckert alighting from H-l3J helicopter on ramp and talking with T-39A pilot, Lt. Col. M.A. Anderson (T-39 project officer), then they board aircraft. Shows T-39 taxiing out on ramp, crew chief signaling; Andrews AFB control tower; T-39A taxiing in on ramp; Sec. Zuckert receiving certificate of flight and leaving in staff car. 239' Series of scenes showing T-39A taxiing in on ramp and two women alighting; Life correspondent, Jim Mills alighting from aircraft and talking with pilot (captain); Senator Barry Goldwater inspecting a T-39 and then boarding the aircraft, aircraft doors closed and T-39 taxiing on ramp; Senator Goldwater posing in T-39A cockpit, alighting from aircraft, talking with others in group and then walking toward Andrews Operations Building. 579' ANDREWS OPERATIONS BUILDING sign. 592' CU's of drawing showing details of the T-39A. 625' Sec. of Commerce Luther H. Hodges and Lt. Col. Anderson talking beside T-39A, four Marine pilots talking beside the aircraft then boarding it-- doors close and plane taxis out. 789' Total footage in reel. Reel 2: New control tower at Andrews AFB. 8' T-39A taxiing in on ramp, Sec. Zuckert alighting from aircraft and being presented with certificate of flight--shows him talking with pilot, Lt. Col. Anderson, entering staff car and departing. 81' CU's of Air Force Systems Command AF Flight Test Center insignia on side and tail of T-39A. 93' Sec. Zuckert arriving on flight line in H-l9J, talking with Lt. Col. Anderson and boarding T-39A--doors close and aircraft taxis out. 189' Brig. Gen. William Leonhard and Senator Goldwater talking on ramp--Senator enters and leaves aircraft for photographers, then poses with Gen. Leonhard and Lt. Col. Anderson. 297' Maj. Gen. Brooke E. Allen, inspecting T-39A and talking with Lt. Col. Anderson. 377' Brig. Gen. Marion C. Smith, in flight coveralls talking with the aircraft crew, receiving certificate of flight, boarding the T-39A and doors closing--shows Brig. Gen. Smith seated in pilot's seat. 484' Series of AV's of T-39A taking off, in flight to the right banking left, in flight to the left banking right and climbing-- shows open air brakes. 821' Total footage in reel. Reel 3: Several LS's to CU's to LS's pan left with T-39A takeoff. 54' LS to CU pan left with T-39A touching down and landing roll. 90' Sec. Zuckert talking with Lt. Col. Anderson, entering staff car and leaving flight line. 127' AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER insignia on tail of T-39A. 138' Sec. Hodges talking with aircraft crew and boarding T-39A; four Marine pilots talking with Lt. Col. Anderson beside the aircraft and Sec. Hodges seated in copilot's seat--doors close and T-39A taxis out. 277' Lt. Col. Anderson showing T-39A to Col. H.S. Williams dressed in civilian clothes and then talking with Col. Williams; Mr. C.B. Walk and Mr. L.E. Warren of the Federal Aviation Agency; party boards aircraft, doors close and T-39A taxis out. 421' Brig. Gen. Smith in flight coveralls walking to T-39A--shows Lt. Col. Anderson being presented with certificate of flight and boarding aircraft. 511' AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER insignia on side of T-39A. 520' Several pan shots with T-39A taxiing right on ramp past group of parked C-47's in bg. 587' Andrews AFB Operations Building. 597' Sec. Zuckert talking next to T-39A and leaving in staff car. 632' Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Orig. neg.)

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