Summary: Footage of the pilots, including such aces as Lt. E. V. Rickenbacker, Maj. Raoul Lufbery, Capt. J. A. Meissner, Capt. David Peterson, and Maj. William Thaw, during WW I. Scenes are included of the presentation ceremonies of the DSC and Croix de Guerre; and the funeral of Maj. Raoul Lufbery. Reel 1: MS camera in large canvas hangar shows canvas doors being pulled back and several ground crewmen rolling a Nieuport 28 C.1 out of hangar -- personnel and other Nieuport 28 C.1's are in front of hangar. 36') Several scenes of ground crewmen working on a row of parked Spad l3's of the 94th Aero Squadron -- the "Hat in Ring" insignia of the 94th Squadron is painted on sides of aircraft. 112') MS FV several American ground crewmen holding the wings of a 94th Aero SquadronNieuport 28 0.1 with engine running -- wheel chocks are pulled from under wheels, aircraft turns left and starts taxiing -- "Hat in Ring" Squadron insignia on side of fuselage. 130') MS FV 2nd Lt. E. K. Delaney climbs into cockpit of De Havilland DH-4 -- officer and ground crewman are standing by nose of aircraft. 144') CU 2nd Lt. Allan F. Winslow, who shot down a German plane 14 April 1918, the first day of operations for the 94th Aero Squadron, seated in cockpit of Nieuport 28 C.1. 149') MS FV ground crewman turning propeller on a DH-4 -- another crewman is holding onto the first crewman's arm. 154') MS RV DH-4 taxiing away from camera and executing a 90 degree right turn. 164') MS right RV parked Nieuport 28 C.1 with engine running -- ground crewmen standing in front of left wing. 168') CU Lt. Douglas Campbell of the 94th Aero Squadron, first American Ace, seated in cockpit of Nieuport 28 C.l. 172') MS right RV parked Nieuport 28 C.l with engine running -- group of ground crewmen standing in front of left wing at Toul, France, 17 May 1918. 175') MLS left SV two parked Nieuport 28 C.1's starting to taxi, executing a 180 degree right turn, and taxiing out right frame -- third Nieuport 28 C.l parked in fg; large canvas hangar in bg. 184') MLS left RV pan left, Nieuport 28 C.l taxiing away from camera -- bi-wing of a parked aircraft in fg. 188') MS ground crewmen starting engine of Nieuport 28 C.l -- ground crewmen holding onto wing as wheel chocks are removed and aircraft turns left toward camera -- ground crewmen and hangar in bg. 214') MS to MLS left RV pan left, Nieuport 28 C.1 taking off -- two ground crewmen standing beside a parked bi-winged aircraft in fg. 230') MS Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker seated in cockpit of Spad 13 -- 94th Aero Squadron "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of aircraft. 235') CU Lt. Rickenbacker seated in cockpit of Spad 13 near Rembercourt, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, 18 October 1918. 256') MLS left RV pan left, Nieuport 28 C.1 taking off and climbing to the left. 270') MS left SV pilot seated in cockpit of a 94th Aero Squadron Nieuport 28 C.l as ground crewman turns prop and engine starts. 284') CU Capt. J. A. Meissner seated in cockpit of Spad 13. 288') MS Lt. Edwin Green, seated in cockpit of Nieuport 28 C.19 which starts to taxi left. 302') MLS to LS left RV pan left with Nieuport 28 C.1 taking off and climbing to the left. 345') AMCU RV Capt. J. A. Meissner, seated in cockpit, turning around to look at camera and pointing toward ground -- earth in bg. 368') Several AV's of a dog fight between two WW I bi-winged aircraft. 411') MCU RV Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker, seated in cockpit of DH-4, looking back and waving -- aircraft is in flight. 431') ALS of the ground. 439') MCU RV Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker seated in cockpit of DH-4 in flight. 485') ALS of aircraft executing a left wingover and diving over clouds. 499') MCU RV Capt. J. A. Meissner seated in cockpit of an aircraft in flight. 514') Sequence of scenes of Lt. Rickenbacker in his Spad 13 in flight over and through clouds. 571') MCU RV Capt. J. A. Meissner seated in cockpit of aircraft in flight. 578') MLS left FV Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker in Spad 13 in flight toward camera. 611') MCU RV Capt. J. A. Meissner seated in cockpit of aircraft in flight. 614') ALS Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker's Spad 13 in flight and diving out lower frame. 627') MS left RV Capt. Meissner climbing out of cockpit of Eddie Rickenbacker's Spad 13 and walking out left frame -- "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of aircraft. 646') MS left RV ground crewmen working on Spad 13. 654') MS FV three ground crewmen working on a Spad 13 -- 1st Lt. Allan Rankin, Engineering Officer, 94th Aero Squadron, enters right frame and reads from a notice to Lt. Allan F. Winslow's former mechanics that he is not dead and is a prisinor -- they pound each other on the back and jump around. 675') MS Maj. Hartney, Commanding Officer, 1st Pursuit Squadron, and Lt. Cunningham, Operations Officer, 94th Aero Squadron, standing in front of a Fokker V-8 shot dowri by Lt. Rickenbacker. 683') MS at Toul, France, 18 April 1918, pan left, group of officers of 94th Aero Squadron, left to right: Maj. J. W. F. M. Huffer, Maj. Raoul Lufbery, Capt. J. N. Hall, Capt. Kenneth Marr, Capt. D. McK. Peterson, Lt. J. B. H. Smith, AdJ., Lt. C. A. Rankin, Lt. Reed Chambers, Lt. Douglas Campbell, Lt. Ww. L. Loomis, Lt. James N. Neissner, Lt. M. E. Green, Lt. A. L. Cunningham, Lt. A. F. Winslow, Lt. C. W. Chapman, and Lt. P. H. Walter, Surgeon, standing in front of a Nieuport 28 C.l. 722') MCU Maj. Huffer and Maj. Lufbery, standing beside a Nieuport 28 C.l with the "Hat in Ring" insignia painted on side of aircraft -- Maj Huffer is lighting Maj. Lufbery's cigarette. 738') MCU Maj. J. W. F M. Huffer, Commanding Officer, 94th Aero Pursuit Squadron, smoking a cigarette, standing beside a Nieuport 28 C.1. 760') MCU Maj. Raoul Lufbery, standing in front of a Nieuport 28 C.1. 778') MS Capt. Bud Mars, standing beside cockpit of Nieuport 28 C.1, with "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of aircraft -- he walks toward carmera. 788') MCU Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Nieuport 28 C.1 near Toul, Meurthe-et-Moselie, France, 30 April 1918. 798') MCU Lt. Allan F. Winslow, standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Nieuport 28 C.1. 817') MS Capt. J. A. Meissner, standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Spad 13. 830') MCU Capt. D. McK. Peterson standing beside Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Nieuport 28 C.l. MS Lt. J. N. Neissner standing beside cockpit of Nieuport 28 C.1, "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of aircraft. 846') MCU 1st Lt. Douglas Campbell, standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on Nieuport 28 C.l. 852') MCU Capt. Bud Mars, standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Nieuport 28 C.1. 868') Maj. Huffer and Maj. Lufbery, talking with Maj. S. P Adams, editor of the "Stars and Stripes," the AEF weekly newspaper. 887') MCU Lt. Neissner, standing beside "Hat in Ring" insignia on side of Nieuport 28 C.1. 899') MS Lt. A. F. Winslow, standing beside a Nieuport 28 C.1, walking beside camera and exiting left frame. 904') Several scenes of the remaining officers of the 94th Aero Squadron -- the others have been killed, captured, transferred or sent back to US. Shown are: Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker, Capt. J. A. Meissner, 1st Lt. Reed Chambers, and 1st Lt. J. H. Eastman standing beside a Spad 13 parked in front of a hangar. 930') Total footage in reel. Reel 2: MS Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrick, and Brig. Gen. William Mitchell standing together as Brig. Gen. Mitchell reads a citation -- Maj. Gen. Patrick and Brig. Gen. Mitchell then walk left and out of frame -- Maj. William Thaw in left fg. 10') MS Lt. Fred Tillman, Artillery Observer, 90th Aero Squadron, receives the Distinguished Service Cross and citation from Maj. Gen. Patrick and Brig Gen. Mitchell -- a row of officers are standing in bg. 36') MS Maj. William Thaw, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and citation from Maj Gen. Patrick and Brig. Gen. Mitchell. 57') MS Capt. James A. Meissner, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and citation from Maj. Gen. Patrick and Brig. Gen. Mitchell. 70') MS Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross with four Oak Leaf Clusters and a citation from Maj. Gen. Patrick and Brig. Gen. Mitchell. 87') MCU Maj. Gen. Mason Patrick talking with a colonel. 109') MS pan right to show the officers who have just received the Distinguished Service Crosses. 136') MCU Capt. Meissner and Lt. Rickenbacker wearing their Distinguished Service Crosses. l58') MCU Lt. Eddie Rickenbacker, wearing the Distinguished Service Cross, standing beside the tail of a Spad 13 -- a Spad 13 is being towed out of a hangar in bg. 176') MS the 101st Infantry Band as it plays in a field -- several planes and buildings in bg. 188') MS pan right from Maj. Gen. C. R. Edwards, Commander of the 26th Division and Staff, to Lt. Gen. Hunter Liggett and French Gen. Passaga and three French officers saluting. 203') MS Brig. Gen. William Mitchell, Capt. Peterson, Lt. Rickenbacker and Capt. Meissner of the 94th Aero Squadron and three French officers, saluting formation of troops at attention in bg. 210') MS French Generals Gerard and Passaga and Lt. Gen. Hunter Liggett and French and US Army Staff officers reviewing Company D, 101st Infantry. 221') MS French Gen. Gerard handing several sheets of paper and citations to Brig. Gen. Mitchell. Several scenes of French Gen. Gerard awarding the Croix-de-Guerre. 253') MS Gen. Gerard shaking hands with four French officers as other French staff officers look on -- three Nieuport 28 C.1's and large hangar in bg. MS RV French Gen. Gerard, U.S. Army Gen. Liggett, French Gen. Passaga and US Army Gen. Edwards, reviewing troops of the 101st Infantry. 318') MCU U.S. Army Maj. Gen. C. R. Edwards and Gen. Hunter Liggett standing together talking. 334') MS French Escort of Honor marching on grassy field and passing out left frame -- several Nieuport 28 C.l's and large hangar in bg. 346') MS Gen. Gerard standing at attention saluting several Nieuport 28 C.1's -- troops at attention and hangar in bg. 353') MS part of the French Escort of Honor, marching on grassy fieid and passing out left frame -- several Nieuport 28 C,1's and hangar in bg. 361') Ms Gen. Gerard, Gen. Passaga, Lt. Gen. Liggett and Maj. Gen. Edwards standing together. 365') MS Gen. Hunter Liggett, Commanding General, 1'st Army Corps, and Gen. Passaga, Commanding General, 32nd French Army Corps, congratulating Capt. Peterson of the 94th Aero Squadron. 369') MS Maj. Henry Seidel Canby of Yale College; Mr. Bolton and Mr. Williams, correspondents of the Los Angeles TImes; Mr. Bell of th eProvidence Journal; and Lt. Reynolds, Press Division, at the decoration ceremony of the aviators. 404') Ms pan left from three French officers to a group of officers including Lt. Rickenbacker and Capt. Meissner of the 94th Aero Squadron standing in a grassy field -- Army Band, several Nieuport 28 C.l's, and hangar in bg. 426') MS pan right, pilots and mechanics of the 94th Aero Squadron including Maj. Kirby Maxwell, Capt. Peterson, Capt. Meissner, 1st Lt's. E. V Rickenbacker, T. C. Taylor, Hamilton Civledge, S. Thayer, A. B. Sherry, J. N. Jaffers, C. G. Snow, C. A. Rankin, D. G. Herring, S. W. Sparks, H. W. Cook, J. H. Eastman, W. W. Palmer, S. Kaye, Jr., K. E. Hopkins, E. G. Garnsey, C. T. Crocker, C. A. Smith, B. G. Jones, W. W. Fowler, R. J. Saunders, L. A. Cox, D. R. McKenzie, 2nd Lt. D. M. Outcalt, B. B. Noris, R. W. Witt, J. DeUrtt, and H. B. Marshall gathered around a German Hanover two-seat fighter in front of a hangar. 446') MS Lt. Gen. Hunter Liggett, Commanding General, 1st Army; Col. Thomas B. Milling, Chief of Air Service, 1st Army; Lt. Col. Stackpole, ADC; Lt Col. Sherman; Lt. Col. Bert M. Atkinson; and Lt. Sturgis saluting. 461') MLS seven officers standing in a row saluting. Another officer is standing in front of them saluting -- he then drops his salute does an "about face." The row of officers drop their salute and the officer in front does an "about face" and returns to his original position -- several Spad 13's and troops at attention in bg. 470') REMBERCOURT, MEURTHE-ET-MOSELLE, FRANCE, NOVEMBER 10, 1918. 539') Series of scenes of Lt. Gen. Hunter Liggett decorating Capt. J. B. Espe, Capt. E. V. Rickenbacker, Capt. C. G. Sellers, Lt. C. R. D'Olive, Lt. B. J. Gaylord, Lt. J. Knowles, Jr., Lt. H. G. Rath, Lt. L. C. Simon, and Lt. Brewster. 539') MS Commandant de la Forst decorating 1st Lt. Douglas Campbell and 2nd Lt. Allan F. Winslow with the Croix de Guerre. Maj. Raoul Lufbery is among five men standing in a row in bg. 556') MS a group of officers, including Capt. Rickenbacker, saluting and breaking ranks after receiving the DSC. 569') MCU Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker after receiving the Distinguished Service Cross -- row of parked Spad 13's and several officers in bg. 578') 1st Lt. Douglas Campbell and 2nd Lt. Allan Winslow, standing beside a Nieuport 28 C.1 after receiving the Croix de Guerre. 607') MCU Maj. Raoul Lufbery standing in front of a Nieuport 28 C.1. 613') MS flag-draped coffin of Maj. Raoul Lufbery -- a guard is standing on either end of the coffin, Toul, France, 19 May 1918. 634') MS a group of French soldiers paying respect to Maj. Raoul Lufbery. 649') Several scenes of funeral procession for Maj. Raoul Lufbery -- three French pilots and three American pilots are carrying the f1ag-draped coffin -- Brig. Gen. Mitchell is in procession. 690') MS airmen placing flag-draped coffin in a truck. 717') Series of scenes of the graveside services for Maj. Raoul Lufbery, including scenes of a Spad 13 flying over the cemetery. 799') Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Mas pos)