Summary: Famous planes (including early models) flights, and pilots. Aircraft shown: Wright (1911); Curtiss (original model--US Navy seaplane, 1910--Curtiss Pusher Bamboo, 1912); original Bleriot model, 1909; Farman Jabiur, French 10-passenger; Bellanca; Lindbergh and "Spirit of St. Louis"; round-the-world tour plane, "Miss Wayco"; Stinson monoplane, "Spirit of Detroit"; Lockheed Vega, 1928; dirigibles, "Italia" and "Norge" (1926). Includes WF 34-1, 2, 4, 5, 8 WF 35-1 and 36-1. DEMONSTRATION OF WRIGHT AIRPLANE AT NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1911. 1) LPS Wright Brothers' aircraft taxiing across grassy area in front of the NCR Co. Building Dayton, Ohio. 2) PS aircraft taking off. PILOT ROGERS MAKES THE FLIGHT. 3) PS of the aircraft in flight near the NCR Building. WF-34-1, WF-34-2, COLONEL FOULOIS FLIES ORIGINAL CURTISS AIRPLANE. NOTED FLYER PILOTS DADDY OF CURTISS AIRPLANE STILL WORKING AS EVER, LONG ISLAND, N.Y5, ARMY AIR CORPS. 4) MS men removing the original Curtiss model airplane from hangar building. (Film printed has off frame, does not hold frame line, negative in bad condition) SIXTEEEN YEAR OLD PLANE MAKES ITS FIRST FLIGHT, VETERAN NAVY PILOT THRILLS WASHINGTON F WITH TEST OF PIONEER FLYING CRAFT. PATHE NEWS. 5) MSV of the Curtiss aircraft stationary, pilot sitting at controls. ITS A CURTISS PUSHER BAMB0O BUILT IN 1912. 6) CS of the Curtiss aircraft. CAPT, DICK RICHARDSON TRIES OUT THE CONTROLS, PLANE IS U.S, NAVY CURTISS SEAPLANE 0F l910 DESIGN. 7) MS men launching the Curtiss aircraft into the river. 8) MS aircraft takes off and lands immediately in same area. WF 34-4, WF 34-5, BLERIOT FLIES AGAIN, CALAIS, FRANCE. PIONEER AIRMAN WHO STARTLED WORLD BY FLYING ENGLISH CHANNEL 20 YEARS AGO, HOPS OFF IN ORIGINAL MONOPLANE, PARAMOUNT NEWS. 9) CS pioneer inventor of aircraft being greeted warmly by friends prior to take off in his first aircraft. 10) CS pilot getting into cockpit of same. 11) CS tail structure of plane, flag of France upon tail, "L. Bleriot" on tail section. 12) PS aircraft taxiing across field; aircraft taxiing out onto field past stationary Farman Jabiru, French ten-passenger aircraft. 13) LPS of Jabiru aircraft taking off. 14) MLS of one of the Bleriot passenger-type aircraft taxiing up towards camera, large throng of French spectators watching same. 15) CS pilot, inventor coming out of hatch in same plane, two-engine transport aircraft. WF 34-6. MINEOLA, N.Y., BIG BELLANCA PLANE DESIGNED TO FLY FROM NEW YORK TO PARIS, IN COMPETITION FOR THE $25,000 ORTEIG PRIZE IS CHRISTENED "COLUMBIA" BY LITTLE MISS LEVINE. PATHE NEWS. 4-5 JUNE 1927. THE MEN TO MAKE 3600 MILE HOP, LEFT TO RIGHT ARE PILOT-C.D. CHAMBERLAIN, NAVIGATOR--L.W. BERTAUD, PILOT-BURT ACOSTE. 16) MS FV, small girl christening the aircraft, breaking bottle of champagne over propeller of same. 17) CU small girl, crowd in bg. 18) CS of the three crew members of the aircraft. 19) PS of the aircraft taxiing across airfield, "Paris" written on side beneath front windows of same, "Bellanca" on tail. 20) LPS of the aircraft taking off. 21) LPS aircraft approach for force landing after damaging left landing gear wheel during take off. Pilot sets plane down on right gear, holding right wing tip down--plane slows down, settles back upon left wheel which collapses, aircraft wheels around to left dragging on wing tip--excellent landing made, spectators starting to run out to crash area. 22) CS of repairs being conducted upon the landing gear. "SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS" IS GIFT TO NATION. WASHINGTON, ONE YEAR AFTER EPIC FLIGHT, LINDBERG'S PLANE GOES TO SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. PATHE NEWS. 23) MS tractor pulling trailer up to front of Smithsonian Institute, wing of "Spirit of St. Louis" on same--Army personnel lifting wing section from the trailer and carrying same into building. 24) MS moving fuselage section into the Institute. 25) CU nose section and engine of the "Spirit of St. Louis." 26) MS interior Institute showing "Spirit of St. Louis" being raised off floor. 27) MS "Spirit of St. Louis" hanging suspended in the Institute. "WE" A YEAR AGO. 28) CS Col. Lindberg standing beside nose section of his plane, "Spirit of St. Louis." WF 35-1 and 35-8.--AUG 28,--SEPT 14, 1927, FLIGHT TO JAPAN. RESTLESS AVIATORS ARE UP ONCE MORE; E. SCHLEE AND PILOT BROCK LEAVE CURTISS, N,Y., ON HOP ROUND-THE-WORLD TOUR. 29) CU Brock and Schlee standing beside the aircraft. 30) CS pilot Brock's head protruding from pilot's compartment of plane, "Miss Wayco" insignia on nose--pilot waves at spectators. 31) MS FV of C-8 or Stinson Monoplanc model, "Spirit of Detroit"--aircraft flown by two men. 32) PS aircraft take off. AT HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, FIRST PICTUUES WERE MADE OF START ON ATLANTIC HOP BY SCHLEE AND BROCK IN ORIENT ON WORLD CIRCLING FLIGHT. PATHE NEWS. 33) CU of the two men standing beside their plane. 34) MS FV, men working on their aircraft, tarp lying over top of engine for protection; men pouring fuel in the wing tanks from five gallon containers, other person working on the engine--spectators around the plane. 35) MS of spectators grouped around the aircraft. 36) PS of aircraft taking off from Newfoundland. 37) LS spectators perched upon hill nearby. WITH THE WORLD PLANE, CROYDON, ENGLAND, FIRST PICTURE OF "SPIRIT OF DETROIT" ABROAD. AMERICAN PLANE MAKES 4TH ATLANTIC FLIGHT, PARAMOUNT NEWS. 38) CS of one of the men getting out of the plane. 39) CS men being interviewed by spectators and press in England. 40) MS spectators grouped around the plane. WILLIAM F. BROCK AND E.F. SCHLEE WINGING THEIR WAY AROUND THE WORLD. 41) CS of Mr. Brock and Mr. Schlee. WF 36-1. WF 35-1. FLY OVER TOP OF WORLD, GREEN HARBOR, SPITZBERGEN, CAPT WILKENS AND LT. EIELSON, HIS PILOT, COMPLETE SENSATIONAL 2,200 MILE TRANS-ARCTIC FLIGHT, ALASKA TO SPITZBERGEN. PARAMOUNT NEWS. SCIENTISTS AND EXPLORERS UNITE IN DECLARING FLIGHT GREATEST IN AERIAL EXPLORATION IN HISTORY, CU OF CAPT WILKINS AND LT. EIELSON. 42) CS of Capt. Wilkins in civilian dress. 43) CS of Capt. Wilkins. MONTHS OF CAREFUL PREPARATION PRECEDE FLIGHT. FLYERS CHOOSE SMALL, SINGLE-MOTOR MONOPLANE WITH HUNDRED MPH AVERAGE SPEED (LOCKHEED VEGA AIRCRAFT). 44) CPS aircraft being moved out into area, "Detroit news, Arctic Expedition" on side of plane. 45) CS of Capt. Wilkins and Lt. Eielson checking over plane prior to take off--men still dressed in civilian garb. 46) PS of aircraft starting to taxi across the field, plane is a Lockheed Vega aircraft. (Date of Trans Arctic Flight--April 22, 1928). 47) Animated world map showing start of Wilkins flight, April 15, in Alaska from Point Barrow, traces route of flight across from Alaska to Spitzbergen--time of flight 20 hrs 20 min.--lands at Green Bay, Spitzbergen. TO COMPLETE EXPLORATI0N OF ARCTIC BLIND AREA, GEN NOBILE IN DIRIGIBLE "ITALIA" PLANS TO REPEAT FLIGHT OF DIRIGIBLE "NORGE" IN 1926. 48) Animated world map showing dirigible "Norge's" course from Spitzbergen to Point Barrow, Alaska. GEN. NOBILE NOW FLYING IN ARCTIC AND THE "ITALIA." 49) CS Gen. Nobile standing in doorway of the dirigible gondola. 50) PS underside dirgible "Italia" in flight. 51) LS same. Good