Summary: Scenes of Charles Lindbergh arriving in New York harbor by Loening amphibian, landing in the Spirit of St. Louis, ticker tape parade through the streets of the city, and presentation of the Orteig Prize. BROOKLYN SALUTES COLONEL LINDBERGH. HE ARRIVES AT MITCHEL FIELD AFTER FLIGHT TO BRING SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS FROM WASHINGTON, PATHE NEWS. 14': LS of crowd on ramp. 20': LS of monoplane Spirit of St. Louis landing to left. 30': MS of Spirit of St. Louis taxiing to right. 37': Series of shots of Col. Charles Lindbergh debarking from Spirit of St. Louis and standing beside plane. 53': THE BROOKLYN OFFICIALS GREET DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. PATHE NEWS. 59': Series of shots of Col. Lindbergh entering car with officials and motorcade with mounte police escort moving through cheering crowds. 87': PATHE NEWS. A TWENTY-MILE PARADE HONORS THE FLYER. 93': Series of shots of motorcade moving through crowded streets of Brooklyn. 132': PATHE NEWS. IN PROSPECT PARK HUGE THRONGS ATTEDS OFFICIAL CEREMONIES. 141': LS's high angle, pan right to show crowd in Prospect Park as motorcade passes. 179': AT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BUILDING FOR A LUNCHEON IN HIS HONOR. 187': LS high angle, motorcade stopping in front of Knights of Columbus Building. 202': MS of Lindbergh and officals getting into car and driving away from Knights of Columbus Building. 211': PATHE NEWS. AT HOTEL BREVOORT HE RECEIVES CHECK FOR 25,000. PRIZE OFFERED BY RAYMOND ORTEIG FOR THE NEW YORK TO PARIS FLIGHT. 225': ECU of check for 25,000 drawn on Bryant Park Bank. 234': MCU of Raymond Orteig and Charles Lindbergh-- shows ECU FV of Col. Lindbergh speaking. 264': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. MILLIONS HAIL LINDY AS ALL NEW YORK GIVES ATLANTIC AIR CONQUERER WORLDS GREATEST WELCOME NEW YORK CITY. 275': LS crowd and huge fleet of small craft in harbor. 287': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. A BLIZZARD OF TICKER TAPE AND CONFETTI SPARKLES DOWN THE CANYONS OF LOWER MANHATTAN. 295': Several LS's high angle of crowds and showers of ticker tape and confetti. 347': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. UNPRECEDENTED SCENES AS ALL NEW YORK BATTLES TO SEE THE NATION'S IDOL. 357': Series of shots of parade, crowd, ticker tape and confetti. 418': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. WHOLE WORLD ACCLAIMS LUCKY LINDBERGH TRIUMPH. IN NEW YORK CROWDS CHEER NEWS OF HEROIC YOUNGSTER'S SAFE ARRIVAL IN PARIS. NEW YORK CITY. 427': Series of shots of crowd in streets of New York City. 474': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. FROM ALL ACCOUNTS LUCKY IS STILL THE SAME MODEST CHAP AS WHEN HE LEFT ON HIS EPIC ADVENTURE. 483': MCU FV of Col. Lindbergh. 493': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. LINDBERGH AND HIS MOTHER WHO NEVER HAD ANY DOUBT HER BOY WOULD SUCCEED. 502': Scenes of Lindbergh and his mother. 514': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. THE FLYING FOOL IN THE CABIN OF HIS STURDY SHIP. 520': Scenes of Lindbergh in cabin of Spirit of St. Louis. 531': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. THE CITY THAT LUCKY NOW OWNS. AIR VIEWS OF BEAUTIFUL PARIS. 538': several ALS's of Paris. 588': INTERNATIONAL NEWSREEL. THE BEACON THAT GUIDED LUCKY TO HIS GOAL, THE FAMOUS EIFFEL TOWER AT NIGHT. 596': Series of shots of the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. 616': UNCLE SAM'S TRIO OF AIR HEROES, LINDBERGH, BYRD AND CHAMBERLIN PHOTOGRAPHED JUST BEFORE LINDY'S HOP TO PARIS. 627': Scenes of Lindbergh, Byrd and Chamberlin. 637': WELCOME LINDBERGH, SAYS NEW YORK. PATHE NEWS. 642': MCU FV of Lindbergh in cockpit of aircraft. 650': PATHE NEWS. AMERICA'S AIR HERO LANDS AT MITCHEL FIELD ON FLIGHT FROM WASHINGTON. 661': AELS large flight of unidentified biplanes. 666': LS biplane landing to left. 688': Series of shots of Lindbergh driving up on ramp and boarding aircraft. 716': PATHE NEWS. IN THE AIR AGAIN TO LAND IN HARBOR WHERE OFFICIALS WAIT. 724': ALS numerous small craft in harbor. 731': Series of shots of Loening amphibian landing in harbor. 750': PATHE NEWS. APPROACHING THE CITY ON BOARD THE MACOM. 757': Series of shots of Lindbergh and officials on board the Macom and small craft in harbor. 793': PATHE NEWS. ASHRE AT THE BATTERY WHERE NEW YORK HAS GREETED HER MOST DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. 803': ALS New York City. 830': Series of shots of crowds and ticker tape parade through streets of New York City. 900': PATHE NEWS. ON TO CITY HALL WHERE OFFICIALS WAIT TO VOICE THE PEOPLE'S WELCOME. 909': Series of Shots of crowds and Lindbergh speaking into microphone in front of city hall. 945': Total footage in reel. 1.Aircraft, US Civil--Post WW 1--Amphibious--Loening--Landing Good