Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. G.E. AIR RESEARCH COMMITTEE


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. G.E. AIR RESEARCH COMMITTEE


Summary: Reel 1: 1)CU Lt Gen climbs out of a B-17. 2) CU Civilians greeting officers. 3) CU Lt Gen takes small bag out of B-l7. 4) CU Officers putting baggage into car. 5) CU Officers and civilians walking up by helicopter. 6) CU Civilians and officers walking together. 7) CU Civilians walking in front of C-6O, C-47, B-29. 8) CU Officers watching civilians lower jeep out of C-74. 9) MCU Two admirals walking pass helicopters. 10) CU Admiral talking. 11) MCU Admiral walking away with Naval officer. 12) Cu Naval officer speaking. 13) CU Civilians conversing. 14) MCU Honor guard performing rifle movements. 15) CU Civilians speaking over microphone. 16) CU Civilians talking to Jimmy Doolitt1e. 17) CU Naval officer. l8) CU Officers talking to civilians. 19) CU Various scenes of spectators. 20) US R-5 helicopter flying over hangar. 21) CU Spectators in front of hangar. 22) MS P-80, P-51 buzzing field. 23) CU P-80's taxiing in front of C-6O. 24) CU F-7-F's taxiing. 25) US F-7-F's doing aerial maneuvers. 26) CU P-51 on ramp. 27) CU Alexander P.D. Sikorsky, inventor of the helicopter. 28) CU R-5 helicopter taking off and in flight. 29) CU R-5 helicopter landing. Philippine-Mars in Bg. 30) CU Sikorsky. 31) CU R-5 in flight. 32) CU R-8 helicopter in flight and landing. 33) ACU R-5 helicopter in flight. 34) ACU R-8 helicopter in flight. 35) ACU R-5 in flight. 36) MS Philippine Mars in flight. 37) MS P-51 taking off. 38) CU C-47 on ramp. 39) LS Spectators. 40) US C-74 in flight. Reel 2: l) CU Aircraft engine. 2) CU P-8O on ramp. 3) CU Camera pans from L to R showing C-69, C-54, C-97. 4) MS Civilians looking at B-29. 5) MS Civilians looking at C-82. 6) CU Various shots of spectators. 7) MCU F-4-U's, F-7-F's, A-26, C-47, P-80, P-5l's and B-25 on ramp. 8) CU L-2 and civilian planes on ramp. 9) CU C-97 taxiing. 10) US Mars in flight. 1l) CU Officer and civilians (women) climb into P-59. 12) CU P-59 taxiing. 13) CU Officer and women climbing out of P-59. 14) CU Officer shaking hands with women. 15) CU PBM-3 on ramp. 16) CU PBM-3 taking off with jato assistance. 17) CU Launching model plane. 18) CU B-29 taxiing. 19) MS Civilians gathered around B-29. 20) CU F-7-F on ramp. 21) MS F-7-F taking off and in flight. 22) CU P-51 taking off. 23) CU P-8O and a P-51 buzzing field. 24) CU P-8O taxiing. 25) CU Letter addressed to President Truman. 26) CU P-80 taxiing in front of B-25. 27) MCU C-54 in flight. 28) MCU Civilians talking ever microphone. 29) MS R-5 helicopter in flight. 30) MS P-8O in flight. 31) MS F-7-F's taking off and in flight. 32) MS B-17 landing. 33) MCU C-97, C-69 and C-54 taxiing. 34) MS C-97 taking off. 35) CU Civilians planes on ramp, P-80 taking off in Bg. Reel 3: 1) MS P-8O taxiing. 2) CU Civilians gathered around C-119. 3) MS Civilians looking at the C-82. 4) CU Civilians fueling C-74. 5) CU Civilians fueling P-82, Camera pans to L showing F-4-U's and F-7-F's. 6) MS C-74, C-69, C-54 and C-97 on ramp. 7) MCU Mars in flight. 8) US P-5l's in flight 9) US F-7-F's in flight. 10) US F-6-F's and F-7-F's in flight. ll) ACU B-25 in flight. 12) MCU P-59 taking off. 13) MCU P-82 in flight, C-74 in Fg. 14) CU Unidentified planes on ramp. 15) MS BT-l3's and Piper Cubs on ramp. 16) US A-26 in flight. 17) US C-97, C-69, C-54 and B-29 in flight. 18) US C-97 in flight. 19) CU Spectators. 20) MS C-69 landing. Good

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 6496307

National Archives at St. Louis

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