John Foster Dulles Papers. 1950 - 1959. John Foster Dulles' and John M. Allison's Chronological Files


John Foster Dulles Papers. 1950 - 1959. John Foster Dulles' and John M. Allison's Chronological Files


This series documents John Foster Dulles' service as Consultant to Secretary of State Dean Acheson with the rank of Ambassador. Dulles was responsible for negotiating the multilateral Treaty of Peace between the World War II allied powers and Japan, and the bilateral security treaty between the United States and Japan. Both treaties were signed on September 8, 1951. Ambassador John M. Allison served as Special Assistant to John Foster Dulles during the treaty negotiations. Types of documentation found in this series include correspondence, memorandums, messages, statements, summaries and treaty drafts. This material reflects the interest of various Asian and European countries in the treaty negotiations, the involvement of the United States Congress and the Department of Defense in discussing and approving the treaties, and issues specifically pertaining to Japan. A number of messages in this series were drafted by John Foster Dulles and signed by Secretary of State Dean Acheson.

Approximately 4,000 pages

eng, Latn

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