Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. NATO PRESS CONFERENCE, PALAIS DE CHAILLOT, FRANCE


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. NATO PRESS CONFERENCE, PALAIS DE CHAILLOT, FRANCE


Ext, representatives of NATO nations including Alcide DeGasperi of Italy; Rene Pleven of France; John Foster Dulles, US Sec State and US Sec Def Charles E. Wilson leave their autos at palace entrance. Int, CUs, NATO International Staff Secretariat, NATO Committee Structure charts. Three unidentified newsmen chat in press conference room. Van Beyen and escorts are seated at speakers' table. Newsmen in audience chat. Van Beyen speaks. CUs, NATO Secretariat and Committee organizational charts. Newsman's hand writes an excerpt from a speech by Dulles. Members of British delegation sit down at table as photogs work. CUs, faces of British delegates. View through control room window as British press conference continues. Ss, dignitaries at speaker's table. Audience listening, writing. NATO members step from auto at the palace entrance, chat. Gendarme directs arriving vehicles.

eng, Latn

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