Dell Upton Papers 1973-1999


Dell Upton Papers 1973-1999


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There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Colonial Williamsburg foundation (corporateBody)

Colonial Williamsburg is the largest outdoor living museum in the country, upholding our educational mission through immersive, authentic 18th-century experiences and programming for our guests. In 1926, the Reverend Dr. William Archer Rutherfoord Goodwin, with the financial backing of John D. Rockefeller Jr., began to restore Williamsburg to its original colonial state, starting with the purchase of the historic Ludwell-Paradise House. Today, Colonial Williamsburg’s Historic Area houses resto...

Upton, Dell. (person)

Dell Upton, a graduate of Colgate University and Brown University, is currently Professor of Anthropology and Architecture at the University of Virginia. Previously he taught at the University of California, Berkelely. In his own words, "I study the material world as an aspect of human expressive culture. My research and publications have focused on architecture and cultural landscapes, which I see as subsets of material culture. Early in my career I worked on colonial American arch...