Records of the Director of the Heritage Administration Branch (RG 47-58)


Records of the Director of the Heritage Administration Branch (RG 47-58)


Series consists of records created and maintained by the Director of the Heritage Administration Branch and its predecessors pertaining to the administration of branch policies and programs. Records include correspondence of the Director with Branch clients such as the Ontario Heritage Foundation, municipal, Ontario and federal government ministries, historical and heritage groups, and museums. Series also includes agendas and minutes of meetings, statistics, budget estimates, memoranda, surveys, and reports. Subjects covered by the records include architectural conservation services, railway stations, antiquities legislation, historic plaques and markers, genealogy, heritage conservation, museum services, and federal/provincial conferences on historical resources.

6.5 metres of textual records

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11675560

Archives of Ontario

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Archives of Ontario (corporateBody)

The Archives of Ontario is responsible for acquiring, preserving and making available to the public, records of historical value created by both the Ontario government and the private sector, including textual documents, photographs, maps, pictures, sound and moving image recordings, and digital records. The Archives also offers advice and assistance to ministries and government agencies on records management. The Bureau of Archives, as it was originally known, was first located in the Ontario ...