The Senior Vice President for Administration is the third highest office in the university's administration. The office's chief responsibility is for non-academic affairs, finances and physical plant. William Vandament, formerly Vice President for Finance and Planning at Ohio State University, held the post from November of 1981 through May of 1983 under President John Brademas.
Vandament earned a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Massachusetts in 1964 and taught at SUNY Binghamton from 1964-1969; after which, his career turned to university administration.
In his time as Senior Vice President for Administration, Vandament focused on resolving financial problems at the College of Dentistry where he successfully lobbied for significant State support. Vandament was also active in upgrading of the university's computer facilities.
From the guide to the Records of the Office of Senior Vice President for Administration, 1981-1983, (New York University Archives)