Houston, Velina Hasu

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Hide Profile

Velina Hasu Houston is an award winning author of plays, screenplays, poetry, essays, and books. Her plays, which include the critically acclaimed Tea have been produced internationally. Some of her other works include Kokoro, Asa Ga Kimashita, Necessities, and As sometimes in a dead man's face. She is currently the head of the playwriting program at the University of Southern California.

From the description of Papers of Velina Hasu Houston, 1986-1998. (Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens). WorldCat record id: 122499745

Biographical Note

Velina Hasu Houston is a nationally recognized and award winning author of plays, screenplays, poetry, critical essays, and drama anthologies. Her signature play Tea, which chronicles the lives of Japanese "war brides"-women who married U.S. military personnel after WWII and moved to the United States-has been produced internationally. Other plays include Necessities, Kokoro, As Sometimes in a Dead Man's Face, Asa Ga Kimashita, and others. She is currently the head of the playwriting program at the University of Southern California.

The daughter of an African American/Blackfoot Indian soldier and a Japanese born "war bride," Houston grew up in Junction City, Kansas, near Ft. Riley, where her father was stationed. Beginning in her childhood, she was acutely aware of her multicultural identity. It is her multicultural background, along with the desire to help society learn about the cultural similarities and differences among people, that drives her work.

From the guide to the Velina Hasu Houston Papers, 1986-1998, (The Huntington Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Velina Hasu Houston Papers, 1986-1998 The Huntington Library
referencedIn Annotated Catalog to Productions and Scripts in the Asian American Theater Company Archives University of California, Santa Barbara, Davidson Library, Department of Special Collections, California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives
creatorOf Houston, Velina Hasu. Papers of Velina Hasu Houston, 1986-1998. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Ableser, Deanna. person
correspondedWith Access Theatre. person
correspondedWith Ackerman, Lynette Kajiwara. person
correspondedWith A Contemporary Theatre (Seattle, Wash.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Actors Theatre of Louisville. person
correspondedWith Ai, 1947- person
correspondedWith Ako. person
correspondedWith Akune, Shuko. person
correspondedWith Akune, Shuko and Pacelli, Michael. person
correspondedWith Alpert, Sandy. person
correspondedWith Alzona, José Emiliano. person
correspondedWith Amster, Betsy. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Wanni Wibulswasdi, 1937- person
correspondedWith Angela, June. person
correspondedWith Ansara, Amy. person
correspondedWith Aoki, Diane. person
correspondedWith Apstein, Pat and Apstein, Theodore. person
correspondedWith Arena Stage. person
correspondedWith Arensberg, Renny. person
correspondedWith Arizona Theatre Company. person
correspondedWith Armstrong-De-Vreeze, Pamela. person
correspondedWith Armstrong, Lloyd. person
correspondedWith Aschenberg, Bridget. person
associatedWith Asian American Theater Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Asian Pacific Alumni of UCLA. corporateBody
correspondedWith Association of Asian Pacific American Artists. corporateBody
correspondedWith Assorted Authors. corporateBody
correspondedWith Axelson, Hiroko Y. person
correspondedWith Bacchilega, Cristina, 1955- person
correspondedWith Barbera, Julianne Davis. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Fiona R. person
correspondedWith Barreto, Joyce. person
correspondedWith Barr, Kayoko and Barr, Irwin. person
correspondedWith Barroga, Jeannie. person
correspondedWith Benussen, Melia. person
correspondedWith Bergan, Georg. person
correspondedWith Berger, John. person
correspondedWith Berkeley Repertory Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith Berman, Lois. person
correspondedWith Berry, Carol and Roper, Dean. person
correspondedWith Berson, Misha. person
correspondedWith Bhargava, Amit, 1963- person
correspondedWith blue turtle, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boyd, Hope. person
correspondedWith Boyd, Julianne. person
correspondedWith Boyd, Malcolm. person
associatedWith Boyle, T. Coraghessan. person
correspondedWith Bradley, Tom, 1917- person
correspondedWith Brauer, Mark, et. al. person
correspondedWith Brauer, Steven. person
correspondedWith British Broadcasting Corporation. person
correspondedWith Britton, Sherrill. person
correspondedWith Brourman, Michele. person
correspondedWith Brown, Steve. person
correspondedWith Bryanston-Cross, Claudette. person
correspondedWith Budd, Robin. person
correspondedWith Burke, Franni. person
correspondedWith Burk, Juli Thompson. person
correspondedWith Burnett, Sandra E. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Jane. person
correspondedWith Canova, Derek. person
correspondedWith Carolan, Donna Marie. person
correspondedWith Carol, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Carrillo, Debra. person
correspondedWith Carroll, Dennis, 1940- person
correspondedWith Caruso, Sandra. person
correspondedWith Casper, Beth. person
correspondedWith Cates, Gilbert, 1934- person
correspondedWith Cavanaugh, James T. person
correspondedWith Chan, Eugenie. person
correspondedWith Chang, Fay. person
correspondedWith Chang, Tisa. person
correspondedWith Chan, Leilani. person
correspondedWith Chan, Merry Jean. person
correspondedWith Chan, Sucheng. person
correspondedWith Chaykin, Robin. person
correspondedWith Cheng, Meiling. person
correspondedWith Cheng, Stella. person
correspondedWith Chen, Tina. person
correspondedWith Circle Repertory Company. person
correspondedWith Cizmar, Paula. person
correspondedWith Cleveland Play House (Ohio). corporateBody
correspondedWith Climenhaga, Joel. person
correspondedWith Cocke, Enid. person
correspondedWith Collins, Ken and Zimmerman, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Cornerstone Theater Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Counts, Angela (Angela Michele). person
correspondedWith Cox, Thomas C. person
correspondedWith Craig, Monwilla F. person
correspondedWith Crewdson, Arlene J. (Arlene Joan), 1940- person
correspondedWith Crowl, Dawn. person
correspondedWith Daniel, Douglass K. person
correspondedWith Dannis, Raymond L. person
correspondedWith da Silva, Judith T. person
correspondedWith Denver Center Theatre Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith De Raey, Daniel. person
correspondedWith De Sosa, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Diamond, Betty Ann. person
correspondedWith Di Chiro, Juli. person
correspondedWith Ding, Loni. person
correspondedWith Doan, Dinh Q. person
correspondedWith Doherty, Nancy N. person
correspondedWith Doi, Yuriko. person
correspondedWith Donahoe, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Donaldson, Michael C. person
correspondedWith Doty, Lisa. person
correspondedWith Doyle, Brian. person
correspondedWith Dramatists Guild. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dukakis, Olympia. person
correspondedWith D'Vari, Marisa. person
correspondedWith Ebara, Miki. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Sandra. person
correspondedWith Elson, Lynne. person
correspondedWith Elson, Lynne and Bullock, Connie. person
correspondedWith Endo, Russell. person
correspondedWith Erickson, Helen Funai. person
correspondedWith Eureka Theatre Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Evans, Christopher. person
correspondedWith Fedder, Norman J. person
correspondedWith Film News Now Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fischer, Takayo. person
correspondedWith Francendese, Janet. person
correspondedWith Franzen, Susan. person
correspondedWith Freeland, Gloria B. person
correspondedWith Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fujikawa, Cynthia. person
correspondedWith Fujinobu, Naomichi. person
correspondedWith Fukuda, Susan. person
correspondedWith Gagliano, Frank. person
correspondedWith Gainor, J. Ellen. person
correspondedWith Gamboa, Ely, Jr. person
correspondedWith Garonzik, Sara. person
correspondedWith Garris, Mildred K. person
correspondedWith Gastambide, Rémy. person
correspondedWith Gendler, Michael and Teich, Jessica. person
correspondedWith Germain, Larry and Houston, Kiyoshi. person
correspondedWith Gershuni, Alex J. person
correspondedWith Givens, Inez and Givens, Johnnie. person
correspondedWith Glore, John. person
correspondedWith Goggin, Regis J. person
correspondedWith Gotanda, Philip Kan. person
correspondedWith Graham, Patsi. person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Gina. person
correspondedWith Gustafson, Thomas, 1953- person
correspondedWith Guy, Scott. person
correspondedWith Hacker, David. person
correspondedWith Haehl, J. Stanley. person
correspondedWith Hall, Alle. person
correspondedWith Hamanaka, Sheila. person
correspondedWith Ham, Christina. person
correspondedWith Hammel, Chris. person
correspondedWith Hara, Eriko, 1953- person
correspondedWith Hara, Marie, 1943- person
correspondedWith Harden, Mary. person
correspondedWith Harper, Lisa. person
correspondedWith Hart, Alexandra. person
correspondedWith Havis, Allan. person
correspondedWith Hernández, Tomás C. person
correspondedWith Hewitt, Frankie. person
correspondedWith Hill, Frances. person
correspondedWith Hindley, Kevin. person
correspondedWith Hirokane, Jeanie. person
correspondedWith Hodson, Sue. person
correspondedWith Hofflund, Mark. person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Steve. person
correspondedWith Holledge, Julie. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Susie. person
correspondedWith Hong, Stacey. person
correspondedWith Hori, Mariko. person
correspondedWith Horizons Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith HoSang, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Houston, Velina Hasu and Houston, Kiyoshi. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Olwyn. person
correspondedWith Huynh, Quang Nhuong. person
correspondedWith Hwang, David Henry. person
correspondedWith Hylkema, Sarie Sachie. person
correspondedWith Hyoun, Sara. person
correspondedWith Ide, Richard S. person
correspondedWith Ikeda, Edna. person
correspondedWith Imamoto, Meg. person
correspondedWith Inano, Lori Rika. person
correspondedWith Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. corporateBody
correspondedWith Iwai, Yumi. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Agnes M. person
correspondedWith Jaffe, Marc. person
correspondedWith Japanese American Citizens League. corporateBody
correspondedWith Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles, Calif.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Jiggetts, Shelby. person
correspondedWith John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (U.S.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Johnsen-Neshati, Kristin. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Anne Lacy. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Tonya. person
correspondedWith Jones, Julie. person
correspondedWith Jun, Ji Yeon. person
correspondedWith Kahane, Audrey. person
correspondedWith Kaplan, Randy Barbara. person
correspondedWith Karol, Pamala. person
correspondedWith Karp, Lila. person
correspondedWith Kataria, Gulshan Rai. person
correspondedWith Katayama, Tatsuo. person
correspondedWith Kehoe, Veronica. person
correspondedWith Kelin, Daniel A. person
correspondedWith Kelly, Nancy. person
correspondedWith Kelsey St. Press. person
correspondedWith Kiang, Peter. person
correspondedWith Killeaie, Gloria. person
correspondedWith Kim, Elaine H. person
correspondedWith King, Marc Thomas. person
correspondedWith Kneubuhl, Victoria N. (Victoria Nalani). person
correspondedWith KPBS (Television Station: San Diego, Calif.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Kring, Newell, et. al. person
correspondedWith Kurahashi, Yuko. person
correspondedWith La Jolla Playhouse. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lantz, Robert. person
correspondedWith L. A. Theatre Works. person
correspondedWith Law Offices of Michael C. Donaldson. person
correspondedWith Lee, Jason E. person
correspondedWith Lee, Myung. person
correspondedWith Lee, Philip. person
correspondedWith Leigh, Sarah Jane. person
correspondedWith Leonard, Karen Isaksen, 1939- person
correspondedWith Liacouras, Peter J. person
correspondedWith Licitra, Jay. person
correspondedWith Life, Regge. person
correspondedWith Lim, Genny. person
correspondedWith Lim, Paul Stephen, 1944- person
correspondedWith Lim, Shirley. person
correspondedWith Ling, Amy. person
correspondedWith Logan, Kazue. person
correspondedWith Loh, C. Y. and Shah, Smruti. person
correspondedWith Long, Roger. person
correspondedWith Los Angeles Theatre Center. corporateBody
correspondedWith Louie, Roella Hsieh. person
correspondedWith Lui, Mary Ting Yi. person
correspondedWith Luther, Claudia. person
correspondedWith Lyon, Marguerite. person
correspondedWith Mancinelli-Cahill, Margaret and Hill, Frances. person
correspondedWith Mandel, Denis. person
associatedWith Manhattan Theatre Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Marina Cub Pack 79, Den 4. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mariye, Lily. person
correspondedWith Mark, Samuel. person
associatedWith Mark Taper Forum (Los Angeles, Calif.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Mar, Lisa. person
correspondedWith Matsuda, Diane Miyeko. person
correspondedWith Mayeda, Gary. person
correspondedWith Mazur, Dana. person
correspondedWith McCann, Elizabeth I. person
correspondedWith McCarter Theatre Center for the Performing Arts. corporateBody
correspondedWith McCarthy, James. person
correspondedWith Mickey, Connie and Mickey, Scott. person
correspondedWith Miyazaki, Gerrielani. person
correspondedWith Moffat, Susan. person
correspondedWith Moore, Cornelia. person
correspondedWith Moore, Jubilith. person
correspondedWith Muraishi, Esho. person
correspondedWith Myers, Linda-Rose. person
correspondedWith Nahaku, Don. person
correspondedWith Nakamura, Midori. person
correspondedWith Nakamura, Wendy. person
correspondedWith Nakanishi, Masayuki, 1944- person
correspondedWith Nakao, Yayoi. person
correspondedWith Nakashima, Cindie. person
correspondedWith Nakatsuka, Shinobu. person
correspondedWith Nako, Joyce. person
correspondedWith Naseer, Muneera. person
correspondedWith Nash, Phil. person
correspondedWith National Repertory Theatre Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Natsioux. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nedell, Nancy. person
correspondedWith Nelson, Brian. person
correspondedWith New Professional Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Asian Women's Center. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ng, Karen. person
correspondedWith Nguyen, Tonga. person
correspondedWith Nichols, Harold J., 1945- person
correspondedWith Njeri, Itabari. person
correspondedWith Nodal, Adolfo, 1950- person
correspondedWith Non-Traditional Casting Project (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Nunes, Luanne. person
correspondedWith Nye, Brad. person
correspondedWith O'Kelly, Dana Duncan. person
correspondedWith Okuyama, Naomi. person
correspondedWith Old Globe Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, Calif.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Osburn, Julie L. person
correspondedWith Oukrop, Carol. person
correspondedWith Ozaki, Hiromi. person
correspondedWith Ozeki, Eliko. person
correspondedWith Pacific Citizen. person
correspondedWith PanAsian Repertory Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith Parker, Patricia Ann. person
associatedWith Park, Sharon H. person
correspondedWith Pating, Camille. person
correspondedWith Pendarvis, Rebecca. person
correspondedWith Phillips, Richard L. person
correspondedWith Pittard, Dana and Pittard, Lucille. person
correspondedWith Plato, Alice. person
correspondedWith Poitier, Sidney. person
correspondedWith Pollak, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Price, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Prus, Leslie J. person
correspondedWith Racelis, Felix. person
correspondedWith Ray, Melanie. person
correspondedWith Rhodes, Gary. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Stanley. person
correspondedWith Rno, Sung. person
correspondedWith Roberts, D. person
correspondedWith Saito, Keiko. person
correspondedWith Saito, Yoshihiko. person
correspondedWith Sample, Steven B. person
correspondedWith San Pablo Burns, Lucy Mae. person
correspondedWith Sarafan, Lauren. person
correspondedWith Sarvey, John Hoang. person
correspondedWith Satsuki, Rie. person
correspondedWith Satsuki, Rie and Satsuki, Mai. person
correspondedWith Sawamura, Wataru. person
correspondedWith Seattle Repertory Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith Seidman, Linda L. person
correspondedWith Seto, Thelma. person
correspondedWith Shaffer-Witherspoon, Tracy. person
correspondedWith Shannon, Chiyuki. person
correspondedWith Shannon, Peggy. person
correspondedWith Sheinbaum, Stanley K. person
correspondedWith Shindo, Tory. person
correspondedWith Shiomi, Rick. person
correspondedWith Shukert, Ellie. person
correspondedWith Sinor, Diane. person
correspondedWith Smilow, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Smith and Kraus, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sniffen, Elsie. person
correspondedWith Solomon, Larry. person
correspondedWith Soma, Yumi. person
correspondedWith Sono, Janet. person
correspondedWith Spickard, Paul, 1950- person
correspondedWith Stern, Edward. person
correspondedWith Stine, Mitsuko and Stine, Steve. person
correspondedWith Stockdale, Kathleen. person
correspondedWith Stout, Kazuko. person
correspondedWith Stroughter, Kenneth Donald. person
correspondedWith Studio Arena Theatre. corporateBody
correspondedWith Suid, Murray I. person
correspondedWith Sunaida, Mari. person
correspondedWith Swisher, Deborah. person
correspondedWith Syracuse Stage. person
correspondedWith Szentgyorgyi, Tom. person
correspondedWith Tahara, Mildred M., 1941- person
correspondedWith Takahashi, Tama. person
correspondedWith Tanaka, Cheryl. person
correspondedWith Tanaka, Diane. person
correspondedWith Taoka, Sakiko. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Sabrena. person
correspondedWith Tchen, John Kuo Wei. person
correspondedWith Telmaque, Chi-en. person
correspondedWith Temple University Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ten, Lilyane. person
correspondedWith Ten, Taro. person
correspondedWith Thacker, Joan E. and King, Owen K. person
correspondedWith The Asia Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theatre Communications Group, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith TheatreWorks. corporateBody
correspondedWith The Audrey Skirball-Kenis Theatre, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thibodeau, Fred. person
correspondedWith Thomson, Patricia Ayame. person
correspondedWith Toguri, David. person
correspondedWith Tokuda, Marilyn. person
correspondedWith Tom, Debbie. person
correspondedWith Tomita, Mitsuo. person
correspondedWith Tomita, Tamlyn. person
correspondedWith Toscan, Richard. person
correspondedWith Truett, Cecily. person
correspondedWith Tsutakawa, Laurie. person
correspondedWith Tuan, Alice. person
correspondedWith Union of Pan Asian Communities. corporateBody
correspondedWith Uno, Roberta, 1956- person
correspondedWith Upton, Mary D. person
correspondedWith Usui, Masami. person
correspondedWith Utzinger, Mark. person
correspondedWith Vandenbroucke, Russell. person
correspondedWith Victory Gardens Theater. corporateBody
correspondedWith Vietnamese Community of Orange County, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wagner, Gregory. person
correspondedWith Wakabayashi, Akira. person
correspondedWith Watanabe, Sylvia. person
correspondedWith West Coast Ensemble. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wilday, William. person
correspondedWith Wiley, Catherine. person
correspondedWith William Morris Agency. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Teresa Kay, 1963- person
correspondedWith Winfrey, Yayoi Lena. person
correspondedWith Winston, Vesta. person
correspondedWith Wolter, Nancy. person
correspondedWith Women's Project (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Wong, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Wong, Lily. person
correspondedWith Woo, Miseong. person
correspondedWith Wray, Connie. person
correspondedWith Yamada, Mitsuye. person
correspondedWith Yamamoto, Iwao. person
correspondedWith Yang, Jo. person
correspondedWith Yew, Chay. person
correspondedWith Yim, Wini. person
correspondedWith Yoshida, Chika. person
correspondedWith Yun, Grace. person
correspondedWith Zacuto, Wendy. person
associatedWith Zane, Lora. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
California, Southern
American drama
Women authors, American
Asian Americans
Japanese American authors
Multiculturalism in literature


Active 1986

Active 1998


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6km1khf

Ark ID: w6km1khf

SNAC ID: 75734601