Lavender Information and Library Association, 1989-1998

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The organization now called the Lavender Information and Library Association (LILA) was formed in June 1989, by members of the University of Michigan library staff. The original name of the organization, Gay and Lesbian Library Staff (GALLS) reflected its founding membership. When the group decided to include library students as members, the organization's name was changed to the Gay and Lesbian Library Association (GALLA), which was later revised to Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Library Association (BGALLA). In 1996, the name was changed to LILA to include transgendered people and to reflect changes in the library and information profession.

The mission of LILA is to promote awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues within the School of Information, the university libraries and throughout the university. It also serves as a social and advocacy organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered library/information students and staff. LILA activities have included maintenance of a computer message board, promotion of social events, and building exhibits promoting awareness of its constituent communities. The organization also serves as a liaison, working with the School of Information administration and student groups and maintaining relations with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered organizations at the university.

From the guide to the Lavender Information and Library Association records, 1989-1998, (Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan)

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Ark ID: w68j1xf6

SNAC ID: 72367119