The Office of the Vice President for Academic Administration was established by the Board of Regents on June 12, 1943. Created along with the Office of the Vice President for Business Administration, the positions were to relieve the President of the University from some of the administrative duties that had been assigned to the Presidents Office over the years. The Board of Regents meeting minutes state the vice presidents were to "perform such duties and undertake such responsibilities in the administration of the University of Minnesota as may be assigned to them from time to time by the President of the University with the approval of the Board of Regents." Malcolm Willey, University dean and assistant to the president was appointed as the first vice president for academic administration. He held this position from 1943 until his retirement from the University of Minnesota in 1963.
From the guide to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Administration papers, 1932-1963, (University of Minnesota Libraries. University of Minnesota Archives [uarc])