Morris, John Turner MacGregor-, 1872-1959

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John Morris was born in London in 1872. He married Annie Elizabeth Frances Macgregor in 1917. Educated privately and at University College London. He became an Assistant to Professor Fleming at University College London, 1894-1898; specialising in subjects connected with illumination and cathode ray oscillographs.

Joined East London College in 1898; Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, 1901; College Professor 1903; University Professor 1924; Fellow Queen Mary College 1938 and of University College London. During the First World War he cooperated with a research student, A.F.Sykes, in the development of a design for a directional hydrophone which was taken up by the Admiralty. Contributed to the establishment of the high voltage laboratory at East London College. Honorary Research Associate in Electrical Engineering at University College London from 1939, and Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at the University of London from 1938.

Publications 'Cathode Ray Oscillography' with J.A.Henley in 1936; 'Sir Ambrose Fleming and the birth of the valve', in 1954; and numerous papers in scientific journals.

Died on 18 March 1959.

From the guide to the MORRIS, John Turner MacGregor- (1872-1959), Professor Electrical Engineering, 1872-1959, (Queen Mary, University of London)

Archival Resources


Birth 1872

Death 1959

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Ark ID: w66g125z

SNAC ID: 71017473