Buchanan, Scott Millross, 1895-1968.

Hide Profile

Scott Milross Buchanan was an American educator, philosopher, and foundation consultant. He was dean of St. John's College, Annapolis (1937-1947).

From the guide to the Scott Millross Buchanan papers, 1911-1972., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf St. John's College (Annapolis, Md.). Letters, 1937-1948, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
creatorOf Scott Millross Buchanan papers, 1911-1972. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith AAUP corporateBody
associatedWith Abraham, Herbert person
correspondedWith Ackley, Charles Walton. person
associatedWith Adlai E. Stevenson person
correspondedWith Adler, Helen. person
correspondedWith Adler, Michael. person
correspondedWith Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902- person
associatedWith Adolf Meyer person
correspondedWith Agard, Walter Raymond, 1894- person
associatedWith A. H. Gie person
associatedWith Alan W. Brownsword. person
associatedWith Alexander Clinton Zabriskie person
correspondedWith Alexander, Jon. person
associatedWith Alexander Meiklejohn. person
associatedWith Alfred A. Knopf person
associatedWith Alfred Harcourt. person
correspondedWith Alfred Harcourt foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Alfred Harcourt foundation, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Alfred S. Goodale. person
associatedWith Alfred Taylor. person
correspondedWith Alvan S. Ryan person
associatedWith American chemical society corporateBody
correspondedWith American council of learned societies, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith American philosophical association corporateBody
correspondedWith American technion society. corporateBody
associatedWith Amherst. corporateBody
correspondedWith Amherst college. corporateBody
correspondedWith Amherst college, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Amherst graduates' quarterly. corporateBody
correspondedWith Amherst student. corporateBody
correspondedWith Amherst student, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anastaplo, George, 1925- person
correspondedWith Anastoplo, George, 1925- person
correspondedWith Anderson, Paul Bunyan. person
associatedWith Andrews, Donald. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Faith. person
associatedWith Angell, Norman. person
associatedWith Angus Cameron. person
associatedWith An institute for world government. corporateBody
associatedWith Ann (Andrews) Kane. person
associatedWith Anson Phelps Stokes. person
associatedWith Aquinas, Thomas person
associatedWith Aristotle person
associatedWith Aristotle's person
correspondedWith Aron, Bruno. person
correspondedWith Aron, Bruno, recipient. person
correspondedWith Aronowitz, Leonard. person
correspondedWith Aronowitz, Leonard, recipient. person
associatedWith Arrowsmith, William, 1924- person
associatedWith Arthur L. H. Rubin person
associatedWith Arthur Selwyn Miller person
correspondedWith Ashmore, Harry Scott, 1916- person
correspondedWith Bader, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Bader, Ernest, recipient. person
correspondedWith Baehr, Karl. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Grigsby. person
correspondedWith Baird, Walter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Baird, Walter S person
correspondedWith Baise, David. person
correspondedWith Baise, David, recipient. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Cary. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Cary (Peebles), recipient. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Roger Nash, 1884- person
correspondedWith Barnard, Harry, 1906- person
correspondedWith Barr, Gladys (Baldwin). person
correspondedWith Barr, Stringfellow, 1897- person
correspondedWith Barsale, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Barsale, Herbert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Barzun, Jacques, 1907- person
correspondedWith Bean, David R person
associatedWith Beardsley Ruml person
associatedWith Bell, Charles G., 1916- person
correspondedWith Benedict, Martha. person
correspondedWith Benedict, Martha, recipient. person
correspondedWith Benedict, Stephen. person
correspondedWith Benedict, Stephen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ben-Levi, Michael, recipient. person
associatedWith Benton, William person
correspondedWith Benton, William, 1900-1973 person
correspondedWith Ben-Yosef, Avraham C., 1917- person
correspondedWith Ben-Zvi, S. person
correspondedWith Bergen, Stephen. person
correspondedWith Berkshire eagle, recipient. person
associatedWith Berkson, I. B. person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Abraham. person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Abraham, recipient. person
associatedWith Bertrand Russell's person
correspondedWith Bevans, Margaret (Van Doren), 1917- person
associatedWith Bill Darkey. person
associatedWith Bill Goldsmith person
correspondedWith Birnbaum, David. person
correspondedWith Bisberg, Aaron?. person
correspondedWith Bixler, Julius Seelye, 1894- person
correspondedWith Blackmur, Richard Palmer, 1904-1965 person
correspondedWith Blankmeyer, Harrison C., 1913- person
correspondedWith Bloom, Aaron. person
correspondedWith Boardman, Harry. person
associatedWith Board of trustees corporateBody
correspondedWith Boas, George, 1891- person
correspondedWith Bodner, Charles J. person
correspondedWith Bomhardt, Warren. person
associatedWith Boole, Mary person
correspondedWith Boone, Gladys, 1895- person
correspondedWith Borgerhoff, Elbert Benton Op't Eynde, 1908-1968 person
correspondedWith Borgese, Elisabeth (Mann), 1918- person
correspondedWith Borgese, Elizabeth (Mann), 1918- person
correspondedWith Born, Walter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Boyden, Roland W. person
correspondedWith Brackman, Arthur. person
associatedWith Briffault, Robert. person
correspondedWith Brill, Elmer. person
correspondedWith Britt, Joan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Britt, Joan S person
correspondedWith Broaddus, Edward J person
correspondedWith Brokensha, David W. person
associatedWith Brother T. Brendan Kneale person
associatedWith Brownell Baker. person
correspondedWith Brown, Robert Wylie, 1922- person
correspondedWith Brownstein, Buffie. person
correspondedWith Bryson, Lyman, 1888-1959 person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, David person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Douglas. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Douglas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Helen. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Joëlle. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Miriam. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Roy O person
associatedWith Buchanan, Scott person
associatedWith Buchanan, Stringfellow Barr person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Vera person
correspondedWith Buchanan, William C person
correspondedWith Bunche, Ralph Johnson, 1904- person
correspondedWith Bundy, MacGeorge, 1919- person
correspondedWith Bureau of naval personnel. corporateBody
correspondedWith Burkhart, James A. person
correspondedWith Burkhart, James A, recipient. person
associatedWith Burrhus Frederic Skinner. person
correspondedWith Butler, Beth. person
correspondedWith Butler university. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cadarette, Jane. person
associatedWith Cahn, Edgar. person
associatedWith Cairns, Darron person
correspondedWith Cairns, Huntington, 1904- person
correspondedWith Calhoun, John Bumpass, 1917- person
correspondedWith California. University. University at Riverside. corporateBody
associatedWith Calvin Hastings Plimpton. person
correspondedWith Cambridgeshire, Eng. County Chief Constable's office. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cameron, Emily C person
correspondedWith Cameron, Emily C, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cameron, Meribeth E person
correspondedWith Campbell, Adelphia Allen. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Kent. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Kent, recipient. person
associatedWith Camp, Leo Leonard. person
correspondedWith Camponeschi, Philip A person
correspondedWith Camponeschi, Philip A, recipient. person
associatedWith Carl F. Stover person
associatedWith Carter Parker?. person
associatedWith Cassie person
associatedWith Center for study of democratic institutions corporateBody
associatedWith Center for the advanced study in the behavioral sciences. corporateBody
correspondedWith Center for the study of democratic institutions. corporateBody
associatedWith Central high school corporateBody
correspondedWith Chalmers, Gordon Keith, 1904-1956 person
correspondedWith Charity organization society of the city of New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Charity organization society of the city of New York, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Charles Fort's person
associatedWith Charles Guy Bolté person
associatedWith Charles Jasper Cooper person
associatedWith Charles S. Johnson. person
associatedWith Charlie Van Doren. person
associatedWith Chase, Stuart. person
correspondedWith Chayes, Abram, 1922- person
correspondedWith Chesney, Alan Mason, 1888- person
correspondedWith Chicago. University. Board of trustees. corporateBody
associatedWith Christian Bay. person
associatedWith Christian Gauss person
associatedWith Christopher Browne Garnett person
associatedWith Christopher Jencks. person
associatedWith Clara Wells Herbert person
associatedWith Clara Woolie Mayer. person
correspondedWith Clark, Franklin Stetson. person
correspondedWith Clark, Franklin Stetson, recipient. person
correspondedWith Clark, John Alden, 1907- person
correspondedWith Clark, Martin. person
correspondedWith Clark, Martin J, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cleveland, Richard F person
correspondedWith Clifford Dancer. person
associatedWith Clifton Fadiman. person
correspondedWith Close, Elsie. person
correspondedWith Clucas, George. person
correspondedWith Clucas, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Clyde, George. person
correspondedWith Cobham, Eleanor Meredith. person
correspondedWith Cogley, John. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Robert Sonné, 1923- person
associatedWith College of the City of New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Collingwood, Charles, 1917- person
correspondedWith Colton, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Columbia university. Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Connecticut general life insurance company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Connecticut general life insurance company, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Conservative judaism, Philadelphia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Conservative judaism, Philadelphia, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Constable, George W person
correspondedWith Constable, George W, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Charles Jasper. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Charles Jasper, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cooper union for the advancement of science and art. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coriden, James A. person
correspondedWith Corwin, Edward Samuel, 1878-1963 person
correspondedWith Cowley, Malcolm, 1898- person
correspondedWith Cowley, Malcolm, recipient. person
associatedWith Cranberg, Lawrence. person
correspondedWith Crocco, Luigi. person
correspondedWith Crocco, Luigi, recipient. person
correspondedWith Cronig, Stanley A person
correspondedWith Crowley, Patrick F person
correspondedWith Cueto, Jose M person
correspondedWith Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939 person
associatedWith Dahl, Robert Alan, 1915- person
correspondedWith Dalton, Jack. person
correspondedWith Dancer, Clifford. person
correspondedWith Dancer, Clifford, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dancer, Kathy. person
correspondedWith Dancer, Kathy, recipient. person
associatedWith Dancer, Ruth person
correspondedWith Dancer, Ruth (Scott). person
correspondedWith Dancer, Ruth (Scott), recipient. person
correspondedWith Darkey, Connie. person
correspondedWith Davenport, Charles K person
associatedWith David Buchanan. person
associatedWith David C. Katz. person
correspondedWith David McDonald person
associatedWith David T. Bazelon. person
correspondedWith Davis, Robert O person
associatedWith D. D. A. Lockhart person
correspondedWith de Fremery, Robert. person
associatedWith Dewey, John. person
correspondedWith Dewey, John, 1859-1952 person
correspondedWith Diamandi, I N person
correspondedWith Dillingham, Mary P person
correspondedWith Dixon, John. person
correspondedWith Dobreer, Dov, recipient. person
correspondedWith Donaldson, James W person
correspondedWith Donohue, John W, 1917- person
correspondedWith Dooley, Parker. person
associatedWith Dorine Real. person
associatedWith Dorothy (Graffe) Van Doren. person
associatedWith Dorothy (Pilley) Richards. person
associatedWith Doughty, Frank Herbert. person
correspondedWith Douglas Buchanan. person
correspondedWith Douglas, Pat. person
correspondedWith Douglas, William O., 1898-1980 person
correspondedWith Downey, Marvin. person
correspondedWith Dron, John A person
associatedWith Dr. White person
correspondedWith Dugan, Henry Francis, 1889- person
associatedWith Duhl, Leonard. person
correspondedWith Duhl, Leonard J. person
correspondedWith Dummer, Ethel Sturges. person
correspondedWith Dummer, Ethel Sturges, recipient. person
correspondedWith Dunham, Barrows, 1905- person
correspondedWith Dunn, Mildred. person
correspondedWith Dupee, Gordon G person
correspondedWith Dupee, Gordon G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Dushkin, Alexander Mordecai, 1896- person
correspondedWith Earl, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Eberhart, Richard, 1904- person
correspondedWith Eberle, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Ecker, Jerome A person
correspondedWith Ecker, Jerome A, recipient. person
correspondedWith Edelman, Gerald. person
associatedWith Edward Engel DiBella person
associatedWith Edward Reed. person
associatedWith Edward Worfield, Jr. person
correspondedWith Ehrenreich, Isaac. person
correspondedWith Ehrenreich, Isaac, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ehrlich, Clara Hildreman. person
correspondedWith Ehrlich, Moses L, recipient. person
correspondedWith El Al Israel Airlines. corporateBody
correspondedWith Eldredge, Inez. person
correspondedWith Eldredge, Inez, recipient. person
correspondedWith Elgutter, Sallie. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Alexander, recipient. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965 person
associatedWith Elizabeth Eldredge. person
associatedWith Ella A. Merritt person
correspondedWith Elliott, John C person
correspondedWith Ellul, Jacques, 1912- person
associatedWith Elmer Zilch. person
correspondedWith Emory university, Atlanta, School of medicine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Emory University, Atlanta. School of medicine, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Encyclopaedia britannica. corporateBody
correspondedWith England, Isabel E, recipient. person
correspondedWith England, Isabel G person
correspondedWith Epstein, Diane. person
correspondedWith Erickson, Wallace A person
correspondedWith Erickson, Wallace A, recipient. person
associatedWith Eric Temple Bell person
correspondedWith Erikson, Erik Homburger, 1902- person
associatedWith E. R. Lewis person
associatedWith Ernest Jones person
associatedWith Ernst Kantorowicz. person
associatedWith E. Ruth Graham person
associatedWith Ethel Sturges Dummer person
associatedWith Eulah Laucks. person
correspondedWith Fadiman, Clifton, 1904- person
correspondedWith Faust, Clarence Henry, 1901- person
associatedWith F. Edward Hébert person
correspondedWith Ferguson (J.G.) publishing company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ferry, William Harold, 1909- person
correspondedWith Fife, Don M person
correspondedWith Fife, Mary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Finkelstein, Louis, 1895- person
correspondedWith Finley, Joseph Edwin, 1919- person
correspondedWith Fischer, John. person
associatedWith Fisk Universities corporateBody
associatedWith Fisk University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fisk university. Nashville. corporateBody
associatedWith F. Kingston Berlew person
associatedWith Flexner, Abraham. person
correspondedWith Ford, Peter. person
correspondedWith Forrest, John K. person
correspondedWith Foundation for world government. corporateBody
correspondedWith Foundation for world government, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Francis James Wylie. person
associatedWith Franck R. Havenner person
associatedWith Frank Kelly. person
associatedWith Frank K. Kelly. person
associatedWith Franklin Victor Reno. person
associatedWith Frank Youtz. person
correspondedWith Frasca, Hedy A W person
associatedWith Freda Sass. person
associatedWith Frederick Paul Keppel's person
associatedWith Fred Miller. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Harrop Arthur, 1907- person
correspondedWith Free press of Glencoe. corporateBody
correspondedWith Frenkil, Victor. person
correspondedWith Freund, C J person
correspondedWith Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 person
correspondedWith Fuller, Andrew, recipient. person
correspondedWith Fuller, Edward C., 1907- person
correspondedWith Fuller, Lon Luvois, 1902- person
correspondedWith Fulton, John Farquhar, 1899-1960 person
correspondedWith Fulton, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Fund for adult education. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fund for adult education, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Fund for the republic corporateBody
correspondedWith Gans, Herbert J., 1927- person
correspondedWith Gans, John. person
correspondedWith Garvey, Mary C person
correspondedWith Garvey, Mary C, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gaukrodger, Edith. person
correspondedWith Gazette citizen, Goleta, California. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gazette citizen, Goleta, California, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith General motors corporation, Buick motor division. corporateBody
correspondedWith General motors corporation, Buick motor division, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith George A. Riding person
associatedWith George A. Works person
associatedWith George Boole person
associatedWith George Johnson person
correspondedWith George L. Criminger person
associatedWith George Santayana's person
correspondedWith George Washington law review. corporateBody
correspondedWith George Washington law review, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Gerald Bernard Phelan person
correspondedWith Gibson, Raymond E. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Susan. person
associatedWith Gideon Chagy. person
correspondedWith Gill, John. person
correspondedWith Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978 person
associatedWith Ginzburg, Benjamin, 1898- person
associatedWith G. Murahari person
correspondedWith Goe, Robert. person
correspondedWith Goe, Robert, recipient. person
associatedWith Golda Meir person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Robert Laurence. person
correspondedWith Goldie, Louis Frederick Edward, 1918- person
correspondedWith Goldman, Nahum, recipient. person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, William. person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, William, recipient. person
associatedWith Gooch, Robert person
correspondedWith Gooch, Robert Kent. person
correspondedWith Gordon, Edith. person
correspondedWith Gordon, Edith, recipient. person
associatedWith Gordon, Gene. person
correspondedWith Gordon, Michael Robert, 1939- person
correspondedWith Gorman, William. person
correspondedWith Gorman William, recipient. person
associatedWith Grace Ford person
correspondedWith Graham, Charles A person
correspondedWith Graham, Ruth Moore, 1917- person
correspondedWith Graham, Shirley. person
correspondedWith Grant, George. person
correspondedWith Grant, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Gray, Richard G person
correspondedWith Great books foundation, Chicago. corporateBody
associatedWith Gredt person
correspondedWith Grennan, Jacqueline. person
correspondedWith Gridley, Dorothea. person
correspondedWith Grimes, Agnes V person
correspondedWith Gupta, Brijen Kishore, 1929- person
correspondedWith Guzman, Kathleen. person
correspondedWith Haines, Beatrice Thorne. person
associatedWith Haldane, J. B. S. person
correspondedWith Hall, F W person
associatedWith Hallock Hoffman person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Polly. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Walton Hale, 1881- person
correspondedWith Hammond, Lewis M person
correspondedWith Harper & brothers, publishers, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harper & brothers, publishers, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Zellig Sabettai, 1909- person
associatedWith Harry de Forest Smith person
associatedWith Harry K. Girvetz person
associatedWith Hart, Joseph K. person
associatedWith Harvard corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard university corporateBody
associatedWith Harver Wheeler person
correspondedWith Havighurst, Robert James, 1900- person
correspondedWith Haviland, John. person
correspondedWith Haviland, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hayward, Sumner. person
correspondedWith Hazo, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Heinemann, Mary Pryor. person
associatedWith Helen Meilkejohn person
associatedWith Helen T. Steinbarger person
associatedWith Henry E. Sigerist person
associatedWith Henry M. Wriston. person
associatedWith Henry Pitney Van Dusen person
correspondedWith Henshaw, Mary. person
associatedWith Herbert Newhard Shenton person
associatedWith Herbert Weisinger. person
associatedWith Herb Johnson. person
correspondedWith Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 1907-1972 person
correspondedWith Hewett, Henry E person
correspondedWith Hilderbrand, Grace H person
correspondedWith Hilderbrand, Grace H, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hill, Christopher, 1912- person
correspondedWith Hill, Harriet H person
correspondedWith Hill, Harriet H, recipient. person
associatedWith Hinners, Howard person
correspondedWith Hirsch, Valia. person
associatedWith H. M. Bassett. person
associatedWith Hocking, William Ernest. person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Gene. person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Hallock person
correspondedWith Hogan, Robert Goode, 1930- person
associatedWith Hogben, Lancelot. person
correspondedWith Holder, Sibyl. person
correspondedWith Hollett, John M person
correspondedWith Hollett, John M, recipient. person
correspondedWith Holt, Rinehart and Winston, inc., publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith Honeywell, Roy J. person
correspondedWith Hooker, Gertrude S, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hook, Sidney, 1902- person
correspondedWith Hopkins, Clark, 1895- person
correspondedWith Horwitz, Robert Henry, 1923- person
correspondedWith Horwitz, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Houle, George, recipient. person
correspondedWith Houle, Georges. person
correspondedWith Houle, Linda. person
associatedWith Housman, Alfred Edward, 1859-1956 person
associatedWith Howard Mark Roelofs person
associatedWith Howard Richards. person
associatedWith Howard W. Fensterstock person
correspondedWith Huban, George H person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Paul E person
correspondedWith Hubbell, Paul E, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hudgens, Robert W. person
associatedWith Hugh De Lacy person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 1911-1978 person
correspondedWith Hunt, Marion. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Eric. person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, Eric, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hutchins, Vesta. person
correspondedWith Hyde, Lawrence, 1894- person
correspondedWith Institute for advanced study, Princeton, New Jersey. corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute for advanced study, Princeton, N.J., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith International institute of philosophy. corporateBody
correspondedWith International research institute. corporateBody
associatedWith Irving Norton Fisher person
correspondedWith Irwin, William P person
correspondedWith Isaacs, Nathan, 1895- person
correspondedWith Israel horizons, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Israel horizons, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Israel, Office of the prime minister. corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Ashby person
associatedWith Jacques Ellul. person
associatedWith Jacques Maritain person
associatedWith J. A. Leighton person
associatedWith James Barrett Reston. person
associatedWith James Forrestal. person
associatedWith James H. Woods person
associatedWith James J. Heffernan person
associatedWith James M. Tolbert person
associatedWith James S. Martin person
associatedWith James Tolbert. person
associatedWith Jane M. person
correspondedWith Jarman, Shelly. person
correspondedWith Jarman, Shelly, recipient. person
associatedWith J.B. Lippincott company corporateBody
associatedWith Jean Cahn person
associatedWith Jeans, James. person
correspondedWith Jenkins?, Ann. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Iredell. person
correspondedWith Jenkins, Iredell, recipient. person
associatedWith Jennette Gerson. person
correspondedWith Jewish community council of Pittsfield, Mass. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jewish community council of Pittsfield, Mass., recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith J. H. Newcombe? person
associatedWith Joan Erikson. person
associatedWith Joan Stillman. person
correspondedWith John Day company. corporateBody
correspondedWith John Day company, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith John D. Barrett person
associatedWith John Dewey. person
correspondedWith John Finan person
correspondedWith John Hay Whitney foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith John Hay Whitney foundation, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith John Jay McCloy person
associatedWith John L. McClellan person
associatedWith John Matthew Morgan. person
associatedWith John M. Gandy person
associatedWith John R. Seeley person
associatedWith Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893- person
correspondedWith Johnson, Frederick Ernest, 1884- person
correspondedWith Johnson, Gerald White, 1890- person
associatedWith John Van Doren. person
associatedWith John Walker Powell. person
associatedWith John Wilkinson person
correspondedWith Jones, Mary. person
correspondedWith Jordan, Charles R person
correspondedWith Jordan, Harvey Ernest, 1878- person
associatedWith Joseph Tussman person
associatedWith Joseph Wilford. person
correspondedWith Josiah Macy, Jr. foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Josiah Macy Jr. foundation, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Journal of higher education, the, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith J. Robert Oppenheimer person
associatedWith Judah L. Schwartz. person
associatedWith Julai Chandra Goshami. person
correspondedWith Kahn, Journet. person
associatedWith Kallen, Horace M. person
correspondedWith Kalven, Harry, 1914-1974 person
correspondedWith Kalvin, Harry, 1914-1974 person
correspondedWith Kane, Ann (Andrews). person
associatedWith Karl Aschenbrenner. person
correspondedWith Katz, Sidney I. person
correspondedWith Katz, Sidney I., recipient. person
correspondedWith Kaufmann, Walter Arnold. person
correspondedWith Kaufmann, Walter Arnold, recipient. person
associatedWith Kautsky, Karl. person
correspondedWith Keane, Michael. person
correspondedWith Kean, Richard. person
associatedWith Keddy, John person
correspondedWith Keegan, Frank L person
correspondedWith Keenan Boyd R., recipient. person
correspondedWith Keith, Stewart. person
correspondedWith Kelly, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Kelly, Harry C person
correspondedWith Kelly, Kitty. person
associatedWith Kenneth Simon person
correspondedWith Kepler, Milton O person
correspondedWith Kepler, Milton O, recipient. person
correspondedWith Kerr, Anthony J C person
correspondedWith Kershaw, J F person
correspondedWith Kieffer, John Spangler. person
associatedWith Kilzer, Ernest person
correspondedWith Kimball, June. person
correspondedWith King's daughters, Richmond, Mass., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kinney, Laurence F person
correspondedWith Kirker, Bill. person
correspondedWith Kirker, Bill, recipient. person
associatedWith Kitty Lathrop. person
correspondedWith Klein, Jacob, 1899- person
correspondedWith Knopf, Alfred A., 1892- person
correspondedWith Koenig, Hedwig. person
correspondedWith Kosch, Irving. person
correspondedWith Kotler, Milton. person
correspondedWith Kramer, Clarence J. person
correspondedWith Kramer, Clarence J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Kranes, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Krimsky, Joseph Hayyim. person
correspondedWith La Dow, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Lally, Francis J. person
correspondedWith Lamb, Helen (Boyden) person
correspondedWith Lamb, Robert Keen. person
correspondedWith Lamb, Robert Keen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Landeck, Armin. person
correspondedWith Lang, Reginald. person
correspondedWith Lanou, William W., recipient. person
correspondedWith Lansing, Marjorie, recipient. person
correspondedWith Larkin, Virginia. person
correspondedWith Lattimore, Owen, 1900- person
correspondedWith Laucks, Eulah. person
correspondedWith Laucks, Irving. person
correspondedWith Leckie, George Gaines?. person
correspondedWith Lee, Elaine. person
correspondedWith Lee, Otis Hamilton. person
correspondedWith Leibner, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Leibner, Joshua, recipient. person
correspondedWith Leibner, Primah. person
associatedWith Leon A. Fox person
associatedWith Leon, Dan. person
associatedWith Leon Mohill person
associatedWith Leonore Mohill person
correspondedWith Lerrigo, Florence. person
correspondedWith Levinson, Morris L person
correspondedWith Lewis, Harry R. person
correspondedWith Libby, Violet K person
correspondedWith Liberal Arts, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lichtenstiger, Dalrie S person
associatedWith Lilian Temkin. person
correspondedWith Lilienthal, Philip E?. person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop, baron, 1879-1952 person
correspondedWith Lippincott (J.B.)company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lippincott (J.B.) company, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lippmann, Walter, 1889- person
correspondedWith Lipshires, Sidney, 1919- person
correspondedWith Littel, Franklin Hamlin, 1917- person
correspondedWith Littell, Franklin Hamlin, 1917- person
correspondedWith Little & Ives company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Litvin, Baruch. person
correspondedWith Litvin, Baruch, recipient. person
correspondedWith Liveright, Alexander Albert, 1907- person
correspondedWith Logan, Frances (Dummer). person
correspondedWith Lohia, Rammanohar, 1910- person
correspondedWith Lohia, Rammanohar, 1910-1967 person
correspondedWith Longstreth, Bevis. person
correspondedWith Longstreth, Bevis, recipient. person
associatedWith Losskey. person
correspondedWith Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 1856-1943 person
correspondedWith Lowe, Victor Augustus, 1907- person
correspondedWith Lubin, Shami. person
correspondedWith Lubin, Shami, recipient. person
associatedWith Ludwig Kast person
associatedWith Luis Quintanilla. person
correspondedWith Lurie, William. person
correspondedWith Lyford, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Lynd, Helen Merrell, 1896- person
correspondedWith MacDonald, Donald. person
correspondedWith Mac Dougall, Curtis Daniel, 1903- person
correspondedWith MacDougall, Curtis Daniel, 1903- person
correspondedWith MacLeish, Archibald, 1892- person
correspondedWith Madeleva, Sister, 1887- person
associatedWith Madeline Marina. person
correspondedWith Marcuse, Herbert, 1898- person
correspondedWith Marcuse, Herbert, 1898-1979 person
associatedWith Marina, Madeline person
correspondedWith Maritain, Jacques, 1882- person
correspondedWith Mark Van Doren person
associatedWith Marshall Best person
correspondedWith Marshall, H Snowden. person
correspondedWith Marshall, James, 1896- person
correspondedWith Martin, Caroline. person
correspondedWith Martin, Everett Dean, 1880- person
associatedWith Martin, James person
correspondedWith Martin, Jim. person
associatedWith Martin, Lowell person
correspondedWith Martinson, John. person
correspondedWith Martinson, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mason, Alpheus Thomas, 1899- person
correspondedWith Mason, Francis. person
correspondedWith Mason, Robert S person
correspondedWith Massie, Samuel P person
correspondedWith Massie, Samuel P, recipient. person
correspondedWith Matson, Floyd W. person
associatedWith Maurice F. X. Donohue person
associatedWith Mayer, Albert. person
correspondedWith Mayer, Clara W., 1895- person
correspondedWith Mayer, Jane. person
correspondedWith Mayer, Milton Sanford, 1908- person
correspondedWith Mayock, Peter. person
correspondedWith Mazor, Lester, recipient. person
correspondedWith McClean, C C person
correspondedWith McCloy, John Jay, 1895- person
correspondedWith McDonald, Virginia. person
correspondedWith McGill, Jerry. person
correspondedWith McInery, Noreen. person
correspondedWith McKeon, Richard Peter, 1900- person
correspondedWith Meals, Mary Louise. person
correspondedWith Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1872-1964 person
correspondedWith Meiklejohn civil liberties library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Meiklejohn civil liberties library, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Meiklejohn, Helen. person
correspondedWith Meiklejohn, Helen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mellon, Paul, 1907- person
correspondedWith Mertz, Henriette person
correspondedWith Meyer, Adolf, 1866-1950 person
correspondedWith Meyer, Agnes Elizabeth (Ernst), 1889- person
associatedWith Michio Nagai. person
correspondedWith Mickelsen, Peggy. person
correspondedWith Mickelson, Peggy, recipient. person
associatedWith Mike Rossman person
associatedWith Millard E. Tydings person
correspondedWith Miller, Francis Pickens, 1895- person
correspondedWith Miller, Richard Irwin. person
correspondedWith Milne, Douglas D person
correspondedWith Milne, Douglas D, recipient. person
associatedWith Milton Charles Winternitz person
associatedWith Milton Graham. person
associatedWith Milton R. Stern. person
correspondedWith Miner, Ralph. person
associatedWith Mira Van Doren. person
correspondedWith Miriam Buchanan. person
correspondedWith Mischel, David. person
correspondedWith Mischel, David, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mischel, Florence person
correspondedWith Mohill, Leon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mohill, Sonia. person
associatedWith Monroe Engel. person
correspondedWith Moorhead, Hugh S person
correspondedWith Moos, Malcolm Charles, 1916- person
associatedWith Mordecai Johnson person
correspondedWith Morray, Joseph P, 1916- person
associatedWith Morrison, Stanley Andrew. person
associatedWith Morris R. Cohen's person
associatedWith Morse, Marston, 1892- person
associatedWith Moses L Ehrlich. person
correspondedWith Mount mercy college, Pittsburgh. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mount mercy college, Pittsburgh, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Mr. George Bones. person
correspondedWith Mrs. Horace F. Pierce person
correspondedWith Mumford, Lewis, 1895- person
associatedWith Muriel McKeon person
correspondedWith Nabokov, Nicolas, 1903- person
associatedWith Natalie Gorman. person
correspondedWith Nathan, Henry. person
correspondedWith National citizens' commission on international cooperation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Neal, Fred Warner. person
associatedWith Neal O. Weiner. person
associatedWith Ned O'Gorman person
associatedWith Nelson associates, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nelson, Charles Arthur, 1922- person
associatedWith Nettlefield? person
correspondedWith Neustadt, John O person
correspondedWith Neustadt, John O, recipient. person
correspondedWith Neustadt, Peggy. person
correspondedWith Neustadt, Peggy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Newcomb, George C person
correspondedWith New leader, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Newman, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith New outlook, Tel Aviv, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith New school for social research, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith New university thought. corporateBody
correspondedWith New university thought, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York (City) university. School of education. corporateBody
correspondedWith Niebuhr, Helmut Richard, 1894- person
associatedWith Ninth conference on science, philosophy, and religion corporateBody
associatedWith Noble, Edmund. person
associatedWith Norman Cousins person
associatedWith Norman T. Byrne person
correspondedWith Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow, 1893- person
correspondedWith Novak, Michael. person
correspondedWith Novak, Michael, recipient. person
correspondedWith Nyhart, J. Daniel. person
correspondedWith Ogden, Charles Kay, 1889-1957 person
correspondedWith Ogilvy, Gilbert, Norris & Hill, recipient. person
correspondedWith O'Gorman, Ned, 1929- person
correspondedWith Old dominion foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Ordway Tead. person
correspondedWith Oren, Ahason. person
correspondedWith Oren, Ahason, recipient. person
correspondedWith Orr, John Boyd. person
correspondedWith Osborn, Wilda. person
correspondedWith O'Shea, Bernard. person
correspondedWith O'Shea, Bernard G person
correspondedWith O'Shea, Sheila. person
correspondedWith O'Shea, Sheila, recipient. person
correspondedWith Osman, John. person
correspondedWith Osman, John, recipient. person
associatedWith Otto Kahn-Freund person
correspondedWith Overstreet, Harry Allen, 1875- person
associatedWith Owen Brewster. person
correspondedWith Oxford university. Rhodes scholarships. corporateBody
correspondedWith Oxford university. University registry. corporateBody
correspondedWith Packard, Mildred Radcliffe. person
correspondedWith Paddock, Franklin K person
correspondedWith Paddock, Franklin K., recipient. person
correspondedWith Paepcke, Walter P person
correspondedWith Pagano, Jules. person
correspondedWith Palley, Reese. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Frances. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Lucille. person
correspondedWith Parmelee, Foster. person
correspondedWith Parran, Thomas. person
associatedWith Patrick Malin person
correspondedWith Pattin, Fred C person
correspondedWith Patton, Price A. person
associatedWith Paul Mellon person
correspondedWith Peabody, Endicott, 1857-1944 person
correspondedWith Pegis, Anton Charles, 1905- person
correspondedWith Pennebaker, Gregory. person
associatedWith People's Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Perlmutter, O William. person
correspondedWith Perry, Ralph Barton, 1876-1957 person
associatedWith Peter Weiss. person
associatedWith Phil Camponeschi person
associatedWith Philip Newell Youtz person
correspondedWith Philosophical library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Philosophical library, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pickett, Clarence Evans, 1884- person
correspondedWith Pierson, John Herman Groesbeck, 1906- person
correspondedWith Pincu, Charles. person
correspondedWith Pincu, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Pincu, Sydelle. person
correspondedWith Pipkin, Charles Wooten, 1899-1936 person
associatedWith Pitkin. person
correspondedWith Pittsfield, Mass. Public school department. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pittsfield Mass. Public school department, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Platig, E. Raymond. person
correspondedWith Poe, L Harvey, Jr. person
correspondedWith Poe, L. Harvey Jr., recipient. person
correspondedWith Polier, Justine (Wise), 1903- person
correspondedWith Pollard, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Porter, H P person
correspondedWith Powell, John Walker, 1904- person
correspondedWith Prag, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Prag, Alexander, recipient. person
associatedWith Princeton corporateBody
correspondedWith Prior, W. F. company, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Prior, (W.F.) company, inc., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Proehl, Paul O., 1921- person
associatedWith Progressive party corporateBody
correspondedWith Quam, Louise. person
correspondedWith Quinn, T. Michael, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rabs, Morris. person
associatedWith Ralph W. Tyler person
associatedWith Ransom, John Crowe. person
correspondedWith Ratcliff, Marylyn. person
correspondedWith Ratner, Victor M person
associatedWith Rau person
correspondedWith Raymond, Charles. person
correspondedWith Raymond, Charles, recipient. person
correspondedWith Razon, Chavah. person
correspondedWith Razon, Chavah, recipient. person
correspondedWith Read, Jacqueline. person
correspondedWith Real, James. person
correspondedWith Redd, George N person
correspondedWith Redd, George N., recipient. person
correspondedWith Reed, Edward. person
correspondedWith Reed, Edward, recipient. person
correspondedWith Reeves, John Baptist. person
correspondedWith Reynolds & Barnes, inc., recipient. person
associatedWith R G D Richardson. person
correspondedWith Rhodes memorial international campaign. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rhodes scholarships trust. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rhodes scholarship trust. corporateBody
associatedWith Richard Peter McKeon person
associatedWith Richard Poston person
correspondedWith Richards, Howard. person
correspondedWith Richards, Ivor Armstrong, 1893-1979 person
correspondedWith Richard Waverly Poston person
correspondedWith Richman, Ralph E person
correspondedWith Richman, Ralph E., recipient. person
correspondedWith Richmond, Mass. person
correspondedWith Richmond, Mass., recipient. person
correspondedWith Rieff, Philip, 1922- person
correspondedWith Rieger, Eliezer, 1896-1954 person
correspondedWith Rieger, Eliezer, recipient. person
correspondedWith Riley, William H person
associatedWith Riley, Woodbridge. person
correspondedWith Ripley, Julien Ashton, 1908- person
correspondedWith Ristine, Helen. person
associatedWith Rob Buchanan. person
associatedWith Robert C. Townsend. person
associatedWith Robert Joseph Slavin person
associatedWith Robert Kent Gooch. person
associatedWith Robert K. Merton. person
correspondedWith Robert Lansing person
correspondedWith Robert Maynard Hutchins person
correspondedWith Roberts, Michael, 1902-1948 person
associatedWith Robinson, Henry Morton. person
correspondedWith Rockefeller foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rockefeller foundation, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rockwell, Betty. person
associatedWith Rogat, Yosal person
associatedWith Roma Mitra. person
correspondedWith Roseman, Cyrus B person
correspondedWith Roseman, Cyrus B, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rosenberg, John. person
correspondedWith Rosenberg, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rosenfeld, Eric. person
correspondedWith Rosenfeld, Steve. person
correspondedWith Rosenfield, Leonora (Cohen). person
correspondedWith Rosshandler, Betty. person
correspondedWith Ross, Murray G person
correspondedWith Roszack, Theodore, 1933- person
correspondedWith Roszak, Theodore, 1933- person
correspondedWith Rotenstreich, Nathan, 1914- person
correspondedWith Rowe, Dot. person
correspondedWith Rubenstein, Robert. person
correspondedWith Rubenstein, Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rubin, Arthur L. A. person
correspondedWith Rubin, Arthur L H person
associatedWith Ruby Rabs. person
associatedWith Russell, Bertrand. person
associatedWith Rutgers university press corporateBody
correspondedWith Sacramento state college. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sacramento state college, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sager, Margaret. person
associatedWith Saint Augustine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Salz, Jerome. person
correspondedWith Salz, Jerome, recipient. person
associatedWith Samuel D. Schmalhausen's person
correspondedWith Sanford Freedman person
associatedWith Santayana, George. person
correspondedWith Sasscer, Harrison. person
correspondedWith Sasscer, Harrison, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sass, Freda. person
correspondedWith Sass, Sam. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Helen. person
correspondedWith Saunders, Helen, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sayre, Francis Bowes, 1885- person
correspondedWith Scandrett, Jay Johnson Morrow. person
correspondedWith Scarlett, William, 1883- person
correspondedWith Schainuck, Madeleine. person
correspondedWith Schenker, Avraham. person
correspondedWith Schenker, Avraham, recipient. person
correspondedWith Schiffer, Carl Eill. person
correspondedWith Schneider, Herbert Wallace, 1892- person
correspondedWith Schuman, Frederick Lewis, 1904- person
correspondedWith Schwartz, Jack. person
associatedWith Scofield, Iola person
correspondedWith Scolnik, Julie. person
correspondedWith Scolnik, Robert J person
correspondedWith Scolnik, Robert J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Scott Buchanan person
correspondedWith Scott Buchanan's person
correspondedWith Scott, Peter Dale. person
correspondedWith Scott, Peter Dale, recipient. person
correspondedWith Scott, Roderick, 1895- person
correspondedWith Secord, Fran. person
correspondedWith Seeley, John Ronald, 1913- person
correspondedWith Selassie, Bereket H. person
correspondedWith Selassie, Bereket H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Shapley, Harlow, 1885- person
correspondedWith Sharp, Malcolm Pitman, 1897- person
correspondedWith Sheed & Ward, publishers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sheppard, Harrison J person
correspondedWith Shields, Jack W., 1924- person
associatedWith Shorey, Paul. person
correspondedWith Shriver, Robert Sargent. person
associatedWith Shriver, Sargent person
associatedWith Sigmund Freud person
correspondedWith Simha, Genevieve, recipient. person
correspondedWith Simon, Ernst, 1899- person
correspondedWith Simon, Matthew H person
correspondedWith Simon, Matthew H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Simons, Hans, 1893- person
correspondedWith Simons, Joshua, recipient. person
associatedWith Simon, Yves. person
correspondedWith Singer, Stanley. person
associatedWith Sir John Lubbock's person
correspondedWith Sisson, Daniel, 1837- person
correspondedWith Sisson, Daniel, 1937- person
correspondedWith Skole, Bertha. person
correspondedWith Smith, Arthur Lionel, 1850-1924 person
correspondedWith Smith, Dorothy. person
correspondedWith Smith, Dorothy, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, Helen H person
correspondedWith Smith, William Kyle. person
correspondedWith Smith, William Kyle, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, Winfree. person
correspondedWith Smith, Winfree, recipient. person
correspondedWith Smith, Winthrop H person
associatedWith Sonia Mohill person
correspondedWith Sonntag, Wolfgang. person
correspondedWith Spaulding, Sheila. person
correspondedWith Spaulding, Sheila, recipient. person
correspondedWith Spencer, Lyle Manley, 1911- person
correspondedWith Springer, Norman. person
correspondedWith Springer, Norman, recipient. person
correspondedWith Stannard, David. person
correspondedWith Stannard, David, recipient. person
correspondedWith Stark, Dick. person
correspondedWith Starobin, Joseph Robert, 1913- person
associatedWith State university college corporateBody
correspondedWith Steinbach, Meyer. person
correspondedWith Steinbach, Meyer, recipient. person
associatedWith Stephen Kemp Bailey person
correspondedWith Stephenson, James. person
correspondedWith Stephenson, James, recipient. person
associatedWith Sternberg, Fritz, 1895-1963 person
correspondedWith Stillman, Edgar. person
associatedWith St. John's. corporateBody
associatedWith St. John's College corporateBody
correspondedWith St. John's college alumni association. corporateBody
correspondedWith St. John's college, Annapolis corporateBody
associatedWith St. John's College (Annapolis, Md.). corporateBody
correspondedWith St. John's college in Santa Fe. corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Mary's college, St. Mary's college, California. corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Mary's college, St. Mary's college, California, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stockbridge school, Interlaken, Mass. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stockbridge school, Interlaken, Mass., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stover, Carl F., recipient. person
correspondedWith Stover, Marion. person
correspondedWith Strahan, Malcolm. person
correspondedWith Strange, Miriam. person
correspondedWith Strange, Miriam, recipient. person
associatedWith Strauss, Leo. person
correspondedWith Stringfellow Barr? person
associatedWith St. Thomas person
correspondedWith Survey graphic, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Survey graphic, New York, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Susan Gibson. person
associatedWith Sven Eric Molin. person
associatedWith Sydelle Pincu. person
correspondedWith System development corporation, Los Angeles. corporateBody
correspondedWith Tabbot, Bernard, recipient. person
correspondedWith Taber, Steve. person
correspondedWith Talbert, James, recipient. person
associatedWith Taliaferro, Gatesby person
correspondedWith Taylor, Alfred H, Jr. person
correspondedWith Taylor, E I ?. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Harold, 1914- person
associatedWith Teddy Cogley. person
correspondedWith Temkin, Oswei, 1902- person
correspondedWith Temkin, Owsei, 1902- person
correspondedWith Terry, Steve W person
associatedWith The Carl Zeiss foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Thelma Pope. person
correspondedWith The nation corporateBody
correspondedWith Theobald, Robert, 1929- person
associatedWith the University of Virginia, Charlottesville corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Dawes Eliot person
correspondedWith Thomas, Edith Lovell. person
associatedWith Thomas Mann person
correspondedWith Thomas Newman. person
associatedWith Thomas of Erfurt person
associatedWith Thomas Stearns Eliot person
correspondedWith Thompson, Maurice B person
correspondedWith Thompson, Robert T person
correspondedWith Thought: a quarterly of the sciences and letters. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thought: a quarterly of the sciences and letters, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thrasher, Peg. person
correspondedWith Toth, Robert C. person
associatedWith Touchstone club corporateBody
correspondedWith Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 1891- person
correspondedWith Underwood, Kenneth Wilson. person
associatedWith University of Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago committee on the liberal arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Urquhart, Francis Fortesque. person
correspondedWith U.S. - Peace corps. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S.-Peace corps, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Uzay, Yael, recipient. person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Charles Lincoln, 1926- person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Dorothy (Graffe), 1896- person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Irita, recipient. person
correspondedWith Van Doren, John. person
correspondedWith Van Doren, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Van Doren, Mark, 1894- person
correspondedWith Van Dusen, Henry Pitney, 1897- person
correspondedWith Vardi, Dov. person
correspondedWith Vargus, Anne. person
associatedWith Vera Buchanan. person
associatedWith Victor Rabinowitz. person
correspondedWith Viking press, New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Viking press, New York, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia quarterly review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia quarterly review, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia. University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia. University. Alderman library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia. University. Plume & sword. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia. University. Plume & sword, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Virginia. University press. corporateBody
associatedWith V. J. McGill person
correspondedWith Walby, Eric C. person
associatedWith Wallace Brockway person
correspondedWith Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965 person
correspondedWith Wallis, Charles Glenn. person
associatedWith Warren E. Preece person
associatedWith Warren S. Longcope person
correspondedWith Washburn, Alfred H person
correspondedWith Washburn, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Washburn, Arthur H person
correspondedWith Washburn, Laura O person
correspondedWith Washington, D.C. Public library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Washington, D.C. Public library, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Watson, David Lindsay, 1901- person
correspondedWith Watson, Marion (Trues). person
associatedWith Wayne B. Morse person
associatedWith W. Canby person
correspondedWith Webber, Melvin M. person
correspondedWith Weber, F. Palmer. person
correspondedWith Weed, Lewis Hill, 1886- person
correspondedWith Weigle, Richard D person
correspondedWith Weigle, Richard D., recipient. person
correspondedWith Weil, Eric. person
correspondedWith Weil, Eric, recipient. person
correspondedWith Weisinger, Herbert, 1913- person
correspondedWith Weiss, Bob. person
correspondedWith Weiss, Bob, recipient. person
correspondedWith Weisskopf, Bozema J person
correspondedWith Weiss, Paul, 1901- person
correspondedWith Weiss, Peter. person
correspondedWith Weiss, Peter, recipient. person
correspondedWith Welch, Joan. person
correspondedWith Welch, Wilson. person
correspondedWith Welch, Wilson, recipient. person
correspondedWith Whitehead, Alfred North, 1861-1947 person
associatedWith Whitehead Festschrift person
correspondedWith Whitehurst, Keturah Elizabeth. person
associatedWith W. Hobart Little person
associatedWith Wilbur Munnecke person
associatedWith Wilda Osborn. person
associatedWith Wild, John Daniel. person
correspondedWith Wilkinson, John, 1915- person
correspondedWith William Benton person
associatedWith William B. Lebherz person
associatedWith William E. Hess person
associatedWith William Goldsmith. person
correspondedWith William Gorman person
associatedWith William Harold Ferry. person
correspondedWith William H. Drake person
associatedWith William J. Newlin person
correspondedWith William, Lewis C person
correspondedWith Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972 person
correspondedWith Wilson, O Meredith. person
correspondedWith Wind, Edgar, 1900- person
correspondedWith Witwer, Andrew. person
correspondedWith Wofford, Harris. person
correspondedWith Wofford, Harris, recipient. person
correspondedWith Women's international league for peace and freedom. corporateBody
associatedWith Woodrow Wilson foundation corporateBody
associatedWith World publishing company corporateBody
correspondedWith World student campaign. corporateBody
associatedWith W. W. Norton. person
associatedWith W. W. Norton and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Yanai, Yonah. person
associatedWith Yarmolinsky, Adam person
correspondedWith Year book of education. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yearbook of education, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Yonah Yanai. person
correspondedWith Young men's christian associations. National board. Association press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Young, Stark, 1881-1963. corporateBody
associatedWith Ypsilanti press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yust, Walter, 1894- person
correspondedWith Zehmer, George Baskerville. person
correspondedWith Zeleznik, Carter. person
correspondedWith Ziegler, Herbert. person
correspondedWith Zielinski, Janusz G. person
associatedWith Zimmern, Sir Alfred Eckhard. person
correspondedWith Zinder, Harry. person
associatedWith Zuckerkandl, Victor person
correspondedWith Zwick, Lester. person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1895

Death 1968

Related Descriptions

Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6mm3vx6

Ark ID: w6mm3vx6

SNAC ID: 6342449