Catlin, George Edward Gordon, Sir, 1896-1979

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Visiting professor of political science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; d. 1979.

From the description of Papers, 1967-1968. (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign). WorldCat record id: 28421959

Epithet: political theorist

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001240.0x0002d7

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Low, David, 1891-1963. David Low papers, 1897-1985 (inclusive) 1920-1963 (bulk). Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn George Vernon Denny Papers, 1930-1959, (bulk 1950-1959) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
creatorOf George E. Catlin Papers, 1967-68 University of Illinois Archives
creatorOf Vol. xxxvi (ff. 159). 1920-1921.includes:ff. 2-5, 7 Sir Alexander Balmain Bruce Valentine, Chairman, London Transport Board: Letters to Sir Roy Forbes Harrod from Sir Alexander Balmain Bruce Valentine: 1919-[1922?].f. 9 Stephen Gerald Howard, QC,..., 1920-1921 British Library
creatorOf Catlin, George Edward Gordon, Sir, 1896-1979. Papers, 1967-1968. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf SUPPLEMENTARY HARROD PAPERS Vol. II (ff. 191). 1. ff. 1-14. Maurice Bowra; 1922-1959, n.d. 2. ff. 15-69. Letters, etc., of and concerning Guy Burgess; 1956-1972. 3. ff. 70-99v. Sir George Catlin; 1922-1959, n.d. 4. ff. 100-126v. Lord David Cecil and ..., 1922-1975 British Library
creatorOf Vol. XX (ff. 279). Undated correspondence.includes:f. 1 Sinead Acheson, of London: Letter to G. B. Shaw of Sinead Acheson: n.d.: Imperf. f. 2 Eugen d' Albert, d 1932 German composer and pianist: Letter to G. B. Shaw of Eugen d' Albert: n.d. f. 3 Mary... British Library
referencedIn Social Science Research Council committee records, 1926 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
creatorOf Records of the Committee on a Study of Sources of Information on the Operation of the Eighteenth Amendment, 1926. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Vol. xxvii. (ff. 248). 1927-Sept. 1928.includes:ff. 1-5, 11, 194-197 James Louis Garvin, Editor, 'The Observer': Correspondence with H. Wickham Steed of James Louis Garvin: 1926-1928: Partly signed and copy.f. 6 James Ramsay MacDonald, Prime Mini... British Library
creatorOf Second Supplementary Harrod Papers. Vol. ii (ff. 199).1. ff. 1-71. Maurice Bowra 1920-1964, n.d.; with correspondence concerning his obituary, 1964-1965.2. ff. 72-99. Sir George Catlin 1920-1956, n.d.3. ff. 100-132v. Lord David Cecil and Lady Cecil; ..., 1922-1965 British Library
creatorOf HARROD PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 173). 1. ff. 1-7. W. H. Beveridge; 1934-1953. 2. ff. 8-22v. Robert Blake; 1952-1959, n.d. 3. ff. 23-46. Paul and Millicent Bloomfield; 1930-1956. 4. ff. 47-74. Maurice Bowra; 1932-1971, n.d. 5. ff. 75-127. Robert Byron; 19..., 1926-1974 British Library
referencedIn Leon Trotsky exile papers, 1929-1940. Houghton Library
creatorOf Vol. XV (ff. 477). 1938-1942.includes:f. 1 Mrs Flora Drummond, of the Women's Guild of Empire, Glasgow: Vivisection: Circular letter of Mrs Flora Drummond: 1938: Copy with printed signature.f. 2 Xavier Heydet, lycée professor of Mulhouse, France..., 1938-1942 British Library
referencedIn David Low papers, 1897-1985 (inclusive), 1920-1963 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf West, Rebecca, 1892-1983. Rebecca West letters, 1937-1976. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Vol. CCLXI (ff. 122). Jan.-May 1930.Henry T. Cadbury, of the 'Daily News': Letter to Marie Stopes from Henry T. Cadbury: 1930: Signed.includes:f. 1 Bertha N. Graham: Letter to Marie Stopes from Bertha N. Graham: 1930.f. 4 Lady Helen Cynthia Colvi... British Library
creatorOf George Edward Gordon Catlin fonds. -- McMaster University
creatorOf Vol. CCLXV (ff. 103). Jan.-June 1932.includes:ff. 2, 22, 25 J. C. Horwell, Chief Inspector, Criminal Investigation Department, New Scotland Yard: Correspondence with Marie Stopes of J. C. Horwell: 1932: Partly signed, partly copy.f. 3 Stanley Owe... British Library
referencedIn Sir William Rothenstein correspondence and other papers, 1887-1957. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Place Name Admin Code Country
Monk's House, Sussex; home of Leonard and Virginia Woolf
Urbana (Ill.)
Universities and colleges
Political science
Representative government and representation
College teachers
Political science teachers
Political scientists


Birth 1896-07-29

Death 1979-02-08





Ark ID: w6t74kzs

SNAC ID: 63131363