Brighton (England). Aquarium.

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The Brighton Aquarium, designed by noted pier architect Eugenius Birch, opened in August 1872. It contained not only marine exhibits, but also a reading room, restaurant and conservatory, and soon added a roof terrace garden, roller skating rink and music conservatory. Through the 1890s the site offered organ recitals, lectures, concerts and plays. It was demolished in 1927.

From the description of Brighton Aquarium records, 1883-1894. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612750232

From the guide to the Brighton Aquarium records, 1873-1894., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Brighton (England). Aquarium. Brighton Aquarium records, 1883-1894. Harvard University, Harvard Theater Collection, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Brighton Aquarium records, 1873-1894. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adair, the Athlete. person
associatedWith Ada Tolkien. person
correspondedWith Addison & Lorimer. corporateBody
associatedWith Adeson family. family
correspondedWith Adeson, S. (?) person
associatedWith Adeson, Stephen. person
correspondedWith Albin, M. person
correspondedWith Alexander, I. F. person
associatedWith Alexander, John. person
correspondedWith Ali. person
correspondedWith Alveno Troupe. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, George. person
correspondedWith Barrett. person
correspondedWith Barth, Alice. person
correspondedWith Baxter, T. person
correspondedWith Baylis, Newton. person
correspondedWith Beauclerc, Dr. person
correspondedWith Beck, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Bell, Minnie. person
correspondedWith Belton, Nellie. person
correspondedWith Belton, Phoebe person
correspondedWith Bennett, L. G. person
correspondedWith Beresford, Bernard. person
correspondedWith Bessborough. person
correspondedWith Bianchi, E. person
correspondedWith Binns. person
correspondedWith Blanché, Adele. person
correspondedWith Boulard, J. M. person
correspondedWith Braham, Harry. person
associatedWith Brighton Aquarium corporateBody
correspondedWith Brothers Gillenos. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brothers Lee. corporateBody
correspondedWith Broute, Fred. person
correspondedWith Browne, E. M. person
correspondedWith Bruce, Eric S. person
correspondedWith Brushfield, W. F. person
correspondedWith Bullock, W. J. person
correspondedWith Burnell, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Carrodus, J. T. (John Tiplady), 1836-1895 person
correspondedWith Cave-Ashtow, Gertrude. person
associatedWith Charles Gardner person
correspondedWith Chirgwin, G. H. person
correspondedWith Clark, Henri. person
correspondedWith Clyforde, Alice L. person
correspondedWith Cobra, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Cole, J. Parry. person
correspondedWith Cole, W. person
associatedWith Cole, Walter. person
correspondedWith Conti, Luigi. person
correspondedWith Cooper, Annie. person
associatedWith Corney, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Cottell, Landsdowne. person
correspondedWith Cowen, Henrietta. person
correspondedWith Cramer, Albert. person
correspondedWith Crook, Charles. person
correspondedWith Daniels, J. C. person
correspondedWith Dashwood, Emily. person
correspondedWith D'Auban, Marriette. person
correspondedWith Davey, D. P. person
correspondedWith DePinna, D. person
correspondedWith DeVere, E. person
correspondedWith DeVere, Stella. person
correspondedWith Dolby, George, d. 1900 person
correspondedWith Doughty, James. person
correspondedWith Dunbar, S. A. person
correspondedWith Dunn, Lincoln. person
correspondedWith Dwight, Pete. person
correspondedWith Earée, Ada. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Annie. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Topsy person
correspondedWith Ethair, S. person
correspondedWith Evans, Fred. person
correspondedWith Fay, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Featherby, Pauline. person
associatedWith Fleury. person
correspondedWith Ford, Harold. person
correspondedWith Ford, W. H. person
correspondedWith Fothergill, F. person
correspondedWith Fountainbleu, Madlee. (?) person
correspondedWith Fredericks, L. C. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Charles. person
correspondedWith Friend, J. H. person
correspondedWith Fuller, James. person
correspondedWith Gana, Mayor. (?) person
correspondedWith Garnier, J. G. person
correspondedWith Gerson, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Gilliland, A. person
correspondedWith Gordon-Bartlett, Edith. person
correspondedWith Goring, Lady. person
correspondedWith Gowar, Florrie person
associatedWith Gowar, Rosie person
correspondedWith Grant, Professor. person
correspondedWith Greaves, William. person
associatedWith Grenville, V. person
correspondedWith Griggs, J. person
associatedWith Hall, Frank, 1836-1898 person
correspondedWith Hall, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Charles, 1838-1880 person
correspondedWith Harrison, F. L. person
correspondedWith Harvey, Professor. person
correspondedWith Hawke, H. person
correspondedWith Hawthorn, John. person
correspondedWith Heath, Rosie. person
correspondedWith Hemphrey, Harry. person
correspondedWith Hepworth. person
correspondedWith Heriott, Mary Julia. person
associatedWith Hoe, Yank person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Annie E. (?) person
correspondedWith Holloway, Henri. person
correspondedWith Hotine, Professor. person
correspondedWith Hudson, James. person
correspondedWith Huggins, John. person
correspondedWith Hun, R. H. (?) person
associatedWith Hunter, J. D. person
associatedWith Hunter's Burlesque Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hustein. (?) person
correspondedWith Jackson, Philip. person
associatedWith James Gardner. person
correspondedWith Jennings, G. A. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Mark. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Peter. person
correspondedWith Julian, W. R. person
associatedWith Keeble, Nettie. person
correspondedWith Kenhard. (?) person
correspondedWith Koenig, Rose. person
correspondedWith Kulie, W. (?) person
correspondedWith Lauraine, A. person
correspondedWith Lebright, Lady. person
correspondedWith Leech, Percy. person
correspondedWith Lee, Clarence. person
correspondedWith Lee, Harry. person
correspondedWith Lee, Henry, 1826-1888 person
correspondedWith Le Fre, T. person
correspondedWith Leitch, George, 1842-1907 person
correspondedWith Lennox, William Pitt, Lord, 1799-1881 person
correspondedWith Leopards. (?) person
correspondedWith Leu, James H. person
correspondedWith Levetus, Edward. person
correspondedWith Levy, J. person
correspondedWith Leybourne, Florrie. person
associatedWith Little Rosie. person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Lorimer & St Crye. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lovett, Miss. person
correspondedWith Lynn, Hugh S. person
correspondedWith Maccabes, Sutton. (?) person
correspondedWith Mackert, John S. (?) person
correspondedWith Maclagan. person
correspondedWith Maitland, William. person
correspondedWith Malden, R. J. person
correspondedWith Mapleson, James Henry, 1830-1901 person
correspondedWith Mariani, M. person
correspondedWith Martin, G. C. person
associatedWith Matthews, William. person
correspondedWith McMillan, J. person
associatedWith Melnotte, Nellie. person
associatedWith Milton, Arthur person
associatedWith Miss Lillian person
correspondedWith Moore. person
correspondedWith Mortimer, Charles person
correspondedWith Mortimer, John. person
correspondedWith Mortimer, Joseph person
correspondedWith Mortimore, Bess. person
correspondedWith Moser. person
correspondedWith Myers, Adele. person
correspondedWith Narkness, James M. person
associatedWith Nilo, J. person
correspondedWith Norman, Kate. person
correspondedWith Norton, Fleming. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, J. P. person
correspondedWith Ollive, Thomas. person
associatedWith Omene person
correspondedWith Paggi, Luciano. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Bessie. person
correspondedWith Parkes, Caroline. person
correspondedWith Parnaby person
correspondedWith Paul, Isabelle Howard. person
correspondedWith Paulsen, F. person
correspondedWith Pearce, H. R. person
associatedWith Percy Milton. person
correspondedWith Percy, Wilhemine. person
correspondedWith Perren, George. person
correspondedWith Pitzbook, A. (?) person
correspondedWith Pleon, J. person
associatedWith Pleon, Loui. person
associatedWith Poule, Jules. person
correspondedWith Redmond, Professor. person
correspondedWith Richards, D. person
correspondedWith Richardson, Juliet. person
correspondedWith Rogel, V. E. person
correspondedWith Rolleston, George, 1829-1881 person
associatedWith Rose Jackson. person
associatedWith Roseland, Marie. person
correspondedWith Rosie Gowar. person
correspondedWith Rutland, F. person
correspondedWith Rutt, F. R. person
correspondedWith Saiyeman, Laura. (?) person
correspondedWith Scott-Siddons, Mary Frances. person
correspondedWith Scroog, C. (?) person
correspondedWith Selbini, John. person
correspondedWith Selkirk, Professor. person
correspondedWith Sherington. person
correspondedWith Shingoly, Captain. (?) person
correspondedWith Simpson, J. H. person
correspondedWith Simpson, J. Rattray. (?) person
associatedWith Sisters Beresford. corporateBody
associatedWith Siston, Harry. person
correspondedWith Smith, Dudley. person
associatedWith Smith, George Reeves, person
correspondedWith Smith, Walter. person
correspondedWith Stachenhann, Carl. person
associatedWith Stanley, Jean person
correspondedWith Stevens, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Stevens, W. person
correspondedWith Sutton, Charles. person
correspondedWith Tate, Gilbert. person
associatedWith Taylor, P. W., person
correspondedWith Taylor, W. F. person
correspondedWith Templeton, R. person
associatedWith Tilley, Amy. person
associatedWith Titus and Mason. corporateBody
correspondedWith Toole, John Lawrence, 1830-1906 person
correspondedWith Trillo, Albert. person
correspondedWith Tupper, Martin. person
correspondedWith Unwin, G. W. person
correspondedWith Vance, A. S. person
correspondedWith Van Noorden, D. (?) person
correspondedWith Vapiani, G. person
correspondedWith Vert, N. person
correspondedWith Volta, R. person
correspondedWith Walcott, Ernest. person
associatedWith Walton, George. person
associatedWith Walton Quintette Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Warner, R. person
associatedWith Watts, George, person
correspondedWith Watts, John. person
associatedWith Wilkinson, Isaac person
associatedWith Wilkinson, Isaac, person
correspondedWith Wilkinson, Sam. person
correspondedWith Willing, I. person
correspondedWith Wilson, L. J. person
associatedWith Wise, John P. person
associatedWith Wonderous Panlos. corporateBody
correspondedWith Woods. person
associatedWith Wren, Kitty. person
correspondedWith Wyndham, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Yarnold, Fred. person
correspondedWith Yarwood. person
correspondedWith Zetina, F. person
associatedWith Zidney. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Animals in the performing arts
Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.)
Theater management

Corporate Body

Active 1883

Active 1894

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6x13g48

SNAC ID: 5888686