Stephen, Rudin

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Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Gail and Stephen Rudin collection of Civil War letters, 1861-1865. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith 2nd Lt. Charles W. Smith person
correspondedWith 3rd Lt. William Nunnally person
correspondedWith A. A. Abernathy person
correspondedWith A. A. Winn person
correspondedWith Adjutant Jewett person
correspondedWith A. K. person
correspondedWith ALR person
correspondedWith Asst Surgeon C. James Terrell person
correspondedWith Benby person
correspondedWith Bill person
correspondedWith Blank person
correspondedWith Brother and Sister person
correspondedWith Brother George person
correspondedWith Brothers and Sister person
correspondedWith Brother & Sister person
correspondedWith Brother, Sister, Father person
correspondedWith Cadmus M. Amoss person
correspondedWith Capt. A. W. Alvord person
correspondedWith Capt. Charles R. Taylor person
correspondedWith Capt. Chief Qtrmaster Charles G. Sawtelle person
correspondedWith Capt. Frederick B. Doten person
correspondedWith Capt. John M. Huntington person
correspondedWith Capt. John M. Weidemeyer person
correspondedWith Capt. John N. Wiedemyer person
correspondedWith Capt. Samuel C. Pierce person
correspondedWith Capt. S. Boyer Davis person
correspondedWith Capt. Watson Sloan person
correspondedWith Capt. William B. Alexander person
correspondedWith Capt. William Morgan person
correspondedWith C. C. Mobley person
correspondedWith C. C. N. person
correspondedWith C. F. Noething person
correspondedWith Chaplain Levi W. Norton person
correspondedWith Charles H. Mendell person
correspondedWith Charles L. Fales person
correspondedWith Charles Ritner (Musician in Band) person
correspondedWith Charley person
correspondedWith Col. Charles Dwight person
correspondedWith Col. Charles W. Drew person
correspondedWith Col. J. A. Mulligan person
correspondedWith Col. McReynolds person
correspondedWith Col. Taylor person
correspondedWith Col. William McArthur person
correspondedWith Corp. Arthur M. Stone person
correspondedWith Corporal Roland J. Cook person
correspondedWith Corp. Patrick Murphy person
correspondedWith Cousin Hattie person
correspondedWith Cousins person
correspondedWith C. R. P. Rogers person
correspondedWith C. S. Graham person
correspondedWith Dan (?) person
correspondedWith Daniel Davis person
correspondedWith Darling Georgie person
correspondedWith Darling Hettie person
correspondedWith David M. Cushing person
correspondedWith Dear Emmie person
correspondedWith Dearest Ellen person
correspondedWith Dearest Friend person
correspondedWith Dearest Kate person
correspondedWith Dennis Tuttle person
correspondedWith Dr. Fossard person
correspondedWith Edward H. Daugherty person
correspondedWith Edward Henry person
correspondedWith Edward Minnie (?) person
correspondedWith E. Henry person
correspondedWith Elmora Anthony person
correspondedWith Ensign J. Louis Harris person
correspondedWith E. S. Reed person
correspondedWith E. T. Austin (sister of soldier) person
correspondedWith Father and Mother person
correspondedWith Father & Sisters person
correspondedWith F. H. Bond person
correspondedWith Flora person
correspondedWith Francis W. Baker person
correspondedWith Frank person
correspondedWith Friend Dick person
correspondedWith Friend Dwight person
correspondedWith Friend Ellery person
correspondedWith Friend Emery person
correspondedWith Friend Mr. Okson person
correspondedWith Friends at Home person
correspondedWith General William Taliaferro person
correspondedWith George B. Noyes person
associatedWith Githens, Sarah P. Robbins. person
correspondedWith Grandmother person
correspondedWith Hank Lamereaux person
correspondedWith H. D. Burr person
correspondedWith Herbert person
correspondedWith H. R. Doud person
correspondedWith James Henderson person
correspondedWith James W. Bartlett person
correspondedWith J. C. Williams person
correspondedWith J. J. Campbell person
correspondedWith John Allen person
correspondedWith Joseph Henry Pierce person
correspondedWith J. W. Austin person
correspondedWith L. A. Jobe person
associatedWith Lee, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Lewis Hanback person
associatedWith Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 person
correspondedWith Louise (Daughter) person
correspondedWith Lt. Martin Miller person
correspondedWith Major Clark S. Edwards person
correspondedWith Major Naughton person
correspondedWith Major Thomas Morris person
correspondedWith Matthew McCann person
correspondedWith M (a woman) person
correspondedWith Mifflin Gilbert person
correspondedWith Miss Ellen person
correspondedWith Miss Emma Leach person
correspondedWith Miss. Mary Marsh person
correspondedWith Miss Pegga Taylor person
correspondedWith Miss Rachel Ziza person
correspondedWith Mr. President person
correspondedWith Mrs. Morehouse person
correspondedWith Mrs. Smiley person
correspondedWith My dear Aurell person
correspondedWith My Dear Friends person
correspondedWith My Kind Pastor person
correspondedWith My loving Friend person
correspondedWith Nason B. Will person
correspondedWith Nephew person
correspondedWith N. Palmer person
correspondedWith Parents and Brother person
correspondedWith Parris M Lauw person
correspondedWith Peleg Bradford person
correspondedWith Phebe J. Parker person
correspondedWith Pvt. Albert C. Pray person
correspondedWith Pvt. Benjamin M. Florence person
correspondedWith Pvt. Charles B. Church person
correspondedWith Pvt. Charles W. Wall person
correspondedWith Pvt. E. A. Klipstein person
correspondedWith Pvt. Edward J. Rinebold person
correspondedWith Pvt. Ezra P. Prentice person
correspondedWith Pvt. George R. Baldwin person
correspondedWith Pvt. Henry Webb person
correspondedWith Pvt. Isaac Newton person
correspondedWith Pvt. James E. Russell person
correspondedWith Pvt. John Black person
correspondedWith Pvt. John G. Darling person
correspondedWith Pvt. John M. Lovejoy person
correspondedWith Pvt. Joseph H. Capen person
correspondedWith Pvt. Lewis Josselyn person
correspondedWith Pvt. Luther F. Davis person
correspondedWith Pvt. Nathan Hallock person
correspondedWith Pvt. Thomas Williams person
correspondedWith Qtrmaster J. F. Andrews person
correspondedWith Rebecca Wiswell person
correspondedWith Robert Taylor person
associatedWith Rudin, Stephen person
correspondedWith Samuel F. Emerson person
correspondedWith Samuel L. Graham person
correspondedWith Sarah (Githen's grand - daughter) person
correspondedWith S. C. Wilkerson (?) person
correspondedWith Sgt. J. E. Wallis person
correspondedWith Sgt. Lewis Sims person
correspondedWith Sgt. Sampson J. D. Whiteman person
correspondedWith Son James person
correspondedWith The Carthage Republican corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas Jefferson Campbell (C ) person
correspondedWith Thomas J. Moore person
correspondedWith Thomas M. C. Hane person
correspondedWith Thorton Haws person
correspondedWith Uncle and Aunt person
correspondedWith Unsigned person
correspondedWith Walter person
correspondedWith Wells C. Haynes person
correspondedWith Wife and Child person
correspondedWith Wife and daughter person
correspondedWith Wife and daughter Louise person
correspondedWith William Harrison Githens person
correspondedWith William H. Green person
correspondedWith William S. Campbell person
correspondedWith Zadak Austin, 5th Batallion, NY Infantry person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States


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Ark ID: w6c6986q

SNAC ID: 57280631