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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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Manuscrits de la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon 1346-1964.
Bibliothèque municipale (Lyon) |
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'Catherine Howard', drama in two acts 'from the French of Alexandre Dumas', translated and adapted by John Coleman. Licence sent 16 July 1858 for performance at the Theatre Royal Bolton. LCO Day Book Add. 52703 records the stipulation that a numbe...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LIII (ff. 879). June-Aug. 1832. (1) 'The Wolf and the Lamb', by C. J. Mathews. ff. 1-37. (2) 'The Haunted Inn', by R. B. Peake (see also 42889, art. 11). Finales on ff. 53, 68 b-69 are autograph. ff. 38-69. (3) 'The Cli...
British Library |
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Romulus, comédie in one act by Alexandre Dumas the elder. Printed (Librarie théâtrale, 1854). French. Licence sent 18 May 1854 for performance at the St. James’s. Original first performance at Théâtre-Français 13 January 1854. Signed by Lafont....
British Library |
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L'auberge de Schawasbach, pièce in one act by Alexandre Dumas. Printed (1850). French. Licence sent 21 June 1855 for performance at the Soho Theatre. Original first performance at Théâtre de la Gaité 20 March 1850. Publisher's advertising at fr...
British Library |
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Vol. LVIII ( ff. 339 ). 30 Sept. 1854-14 Dec. 1863.Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Agreements with authors and others: 1829-1871.: Mostly signed.includes:ff. 1, 2, 63, 64, 135, 136, 237 Comte Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone Libri-Carrucci della S...
British Library |
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AUTOGRAPH LETTERS from the Alfred Morrison collection. Vol. III. (From the second portion, sold at Sotheby's, 15-19 Apr. 1918.) As in the case of the preceding volumes, Add. MSS. 39672, 39673, most of the letters are fully described in the folio cata..., 1656-1861
British Library |
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Donald and Katharine Foley Collection of Penguin Books, 1935-1965
Bancroft Library |
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Little Leather Library Collection, 1920-1924
Special Collections, Robert E. Kennedy Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCVII (ff. 886). Jan.-March 1842. (1) 'The Pawnbroker's Window', by E. Stirling. Autograph. ff. 2-29. (2) 'Elena Uberti'. ff. 30-71. (3) 'The Prisoner of War', by D. W. Jerrold. ff. 72-123 b. (4) 'Marriage', by R. Bell....
British Library |
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Play by Alexandre Dumas, Fils, French writer; submitted: 1879: Fr: Printed, 1879
British Library |
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Play by Alexandre Dumas, Fils, French writer; submitted: 1886, 1886
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 129), 1446-1864
British Library |
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ORIGINAL LETTERS of sovereigns and noblemen, actors, artists, and authors; arranged in each class, according to the nationalities of the writers, under the beads of England, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and th..., 16th century-19th century
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CX (ff. 953). March-April 1844. (1) 'The Giant's Causeway! or the Slumber of Wonders!!' al. 'O'Roon (altered from Rory O'Roon) and the Fairies of the Giant's Causeway!' alteredfrom 'Whisky and Wonders or Rory O'Roon and...
British Library |
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Play by Alexandre Dumas, Fils, French writer; submitted: 1879: Fr: Printed, 1879
British Library |
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Autograph File, D, 1586-1975.
Houghton Library |
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Play by Alexandre Dumas, Fils, French writer; submitted: 1873, 1873
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CVII (ff. 997). Dec. 1843. (1) 'Harlequin Tam O' Shanter and his Steed Meg! or the Witches of Alloway Kirk!', by R. N. Lee. ff. 2-30 b. (2) 'Beds for Two', by E. Stirling. ff. 31-45 b. (3) 'The Marriage Certificate', [b...
British Library |
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La traviata, libretto in three acts by F. M. Piave for the opera by Giuseppe Verdi. Printed (no date). Italian. Licence sent 19 May 1856 for performance at Her Majesty’s Theatre. Some of the actors’ names pencilled in alongside the dramatis perso...
British Library |
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Dumas, Alexandre. Additional letters of the LaVillebeuve family of New Orleans [manuscript] 1843-1854.
University of Virginia. Library |
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'CAUSERIE CULINAIRE', by Alexandre Dumas, père. The autograph manuscript, with a few unimportant corrections, of the article which appeared under this title in Dumas's journal Le Monte-Cristo (Paris) 20 May 1858, and was reprinted, together with an a..., 1858
British Library |
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Play by Alexandre Dumas, Fils, French writer; submitted: 1890, 1890
British Library |
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‘The Corsican brothers, or, Les frères Corses’, ‘dramatic romance’ in three acts and five tableaux, adapted ‘from the romance of M. Dumas by MM. E. Grangé and X. de Montépin’. Printed (Lacy’s acting edition, vol. 6, no. 79). Licence sent 2 April 18...
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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‘The Corsican brothers’, ‘legendary drama in three acts dramatised from A. Dumas’s romance Les Frères Corses by E. Grangé and Xavier de Montépin. Translated and adapted to the English stage by Charles Webb. Printed from the acting copy with remarks...
British Library |
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Le demi-monde, comedy in five acts by Alexandre Dumas fils. Printed (Michel Levy Frères; 6ème éd., 1855). French. Licence refused 24 May 1860. First performed at the Gymnase-Dramatique, Paris, 20 March 1855. Publisher's advertisement on back cov...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXLIV (ff. 1113). Oct.-Dec. 1847 (see also 43007). (1) 'Une Fille Terrible', by E. Deligny. French. Printed (1846). ff. 2-13b. (2) 'Le Chef-d'OEuvre Inconnu', by C. Lafont. French. Printed (n.d.). ff. 14-25 b. (3) 'Fre...
British Library |
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Un père prodigue, comedy in five acts by Alexandre Dumas fils. Printed (Libraire théatrale, 1859). French. Date of licence not listed, almost certainly intended for performance at the St James’s in December 1861. First performed at the Gymnase-D..., 1861
British Library |
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Le cachemire vert, ‘comédie’ in one act by Alexandre Dumas père and Eugène Nus. Printed (1851). French. Licence sent 26 February 1852 for performance at the St. James’s. Manager: John Mitchell. Original first performance at the Théâtre du Gymna...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXXII (ff. 806). April-May 1836. (1) 'Thérésina ou l'Héroine d'Andalousie' altered from 'Judith et Holopherne', by M. E. G. M. Théaulon de Lambert, T. Nézel and A. J. Overnay. French. Printed (1834). ff. 2-20 b. (2) 'Le...
British Library |
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LES QUARANTE-CINQ, by Alexandre Dumas, père. Original autograph MS. of the first seven chapters, dated 29 Mar. 1847 and forming volume i of the first edition (10 vols., 1848). The published text not infrequently exhibits misreadings and other slight ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLA1N'S PLAYS. Vol. CXLVII (ff. 961). April-May 1848. (1) 'The Lambton Worm', by S. Roxby. ff. 2-20b. (2) 'The Venetian Maid or the Dark Deed at the Madonna's Shrine', by F. Neale. ff. 21-95. (3) 'The Scarecrow', by J. B. Buckstone. ff. 96...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXXV (ff. 935). 1836 (artt. 1-8, Dec.). (1) 'The Parish Revolution', by G. A. À Beckett. ff. 2-25. (2) 'Harlequin and George Barnewell or the London 'Prentice', by 'H. Younge' (J. B. Buckstone). ff. 26-35 b. (3) 'The Mi..., 1836
British Library |