Armstrong, Henry Edward, 1848-1937

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English chemist.

From the description of Papers, 1869-1937. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 83026872

Henry Edward Armstrong: Born Lewisham, London, 1848; educated at the Royal College of Chemistry, 1865-1867, University of Leipzig, 1867-1870; lecturer, St Batholomew's Hospital, 1870; Professor of Chemistry, London Institution, 1870; elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 1876; Professor of Chemistry at the Cowper Street Schools (later Finsbury Technical College), 1879; Professor of Chemistry, Central Technical College (later the City and Guilds College), 1884-1913; President of the Chemical Society, 1893-1895; Davy medal of the Royal Society, 1911; Professor Emeritus, Imperial College, 1913; died, 1937. Publications: include: Essays on the Art and Principles of Chemistry, including the first Messel Memorial Lecture (Ernest Benn, London, 1927); Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry Second edition (Longmans & Co, London, 1874); The Teaching of Scientific Method, and other papers on education Second edition (Macmillan & Co, London, 1903).

Edward Frankland Armstrong: born Lewisham, London, 1878; educated St Dunstan's College, Royal College of Science, 1895; studied Chemistry at the Central Institution (later City and Guilds College), 1896-1898; student at the Universities of Kiel and Berlin, 1898; awarded PhD, University of Kiel, 1901; Salter's Research Fellow, Central Institution, 1902-1903; Chief Chemist, Huntley and Palmer, 1905; Technical Adviser, later Director, Crosfields, 1914; elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 1920; President of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1922-1924; Managing Director, British Dyestuffs Corporation, 1925-1928; consultant, 1928; President of the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 1935; Scientific Adviser to the Ministries of Home Security and Works, 1939-1945; died, 1945. Publications: The Simple Carbohydrates and the Glucosides Second edition (Longmans & Co, London, 1910); Chemistry in the Twentieth Century (Ernest Benn, London, 1924); Raw Materials from the Sea with Laurence Mackenzie Miall (Constructive Publications, Leicester, [1946]).

From the guide to the ARMSTRONG papers, 1819-1945, (Imperial College London)

Archival Resources


Birth 1848-05-06

Death 1937-07-13





Ark ID: w6j41xcn

SNAC ID: 52076147