Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971

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Russian born composer and conductor.

From the description of Audio materials [sound recording]. 1931-1965. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 40723194

Igor Stravinsky was a Russian composer.

From the description of Sketchbook, [1917?]. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 122465769

Stravinsky's opera The Rake's Progress, set to the libretto by W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman, was inspired by William Hogarth's series of paintings. Stravinsky had wanted to write an English-language opera since arriving in the United States in 1939, and was inspired to do so by seeing the paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago on May 2, 1947. The opera premiered in Venice on September 11, 1951.

From the description of Igor Stravinsky correspondence on The Rake's Progress, 1950-1951. (San Leandro Community Library). WorldCat record id: 750514534

Russian composer.

From the description of "[I. Golub'. / II. Nezabudochka-tsvetochek'. / (Radeniye belïkh golubey) / K. Bal'mont'. / Igor Stravinskiy]" : autograph manuscript, 1911. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569767

From the description of [L'oiseau de feu]. [1910?] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569726

From the description of Autograph note signed on his visiting card, dated : Hollywood, 27 February 1962, to Rolf Liebermann, 1962 Feb. 27. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270873784

From the description of Autograph postcard signed, dated : Paris, 13 June 1923, to Comte Etienne de Beaumont, 1923 June 13. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670311

From the description of Autograph postcard signed, dated : Morges, 19 February 1919, to O. Kling at J. & W. Chester in London, 1919, 17 February. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670313

From the description of Prélude et Ronde des Princesses / tiré de l'Oiseau de Feu / et transcrits par l'auteur / pour / Violon et Piano et dédié / a / Paul Kochanski. 16/17/18 Ii︠u︡li︠a︡. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569733

From the description of Sonata / for / two pianos / Igor Strawinsky / 1943-44. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569792

From the description of [L:] "[Igor Stravinskiy / 3 / stikhotvoreniya iz yaponskoy liriki / dlya / golosa (soprano), dvukh fleyt (2aya mal. / fl.), dvukh klarnetov (2oy bas.-/kl.), f-piano, dvukh skripok' / al'ta i violonchel'. / Orkestrovaya partitura / Russkiy tekst A. Brandta.]" / [r:] "Igor Strawinsky / 3 / poësies de la lyrique / japonaise / pour / chant (soprano), deux flutes [la 2de / pet. fl.], deux clarinettes [la 2de / Cl. bas.], piano, deux violons, alto / et violoncelle. / Partition d'orchestre / Text français de Maurice Delage" : autograph manuscript, 1913. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569796

From the description of Igor Stravinsky / La Vierge des Glaciers / Ballet en / 4 tableaux / d'après Tchaïkovsky. / Piano à 2 m. [1928?] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569710

From the description of [Sketches for Chant du rossignol]. 1916-1917. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569750

From the description of Piano-Rag-Music / à / Arthur Rubinstein / Igor Strawinsky / juin 1919. juin 1919. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569759

From the description of "[Arturu Rubinshteynu / fortepiannaya sonata / v trekh chastyakh / iz / Petrushki / druzheskoye posvyashcheniye / Igorya Stravinskago / 1921 g. / Daryu etu rukopis dorogomu Arturu -- bol'shomu / artistu v polnuiu sobstvennost Igor Stravinskiy.]" : autograph manuscript, 1921 Sept. 4. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569802

From the description of "[Igor Stravinskiy / Zhar Ptitsa / skazka-balet / v / Dvukh kartinakh / perelozheniye / dlya f-piano v 2 ruki / avtora / rukopis] / Igor Strawinsky / L'Oiseau de Feu / Conte dansé en / 2 tableaux / Réduction pour piano / à 2 mains / par / L'Auteur / Manuscrit" : autograph manuscript, 1918 Dec. 6. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569730

From the description of ["Bayka / pro / lisu, petukha / kota da barana. / Sochineniye / Igora Stravinskago / Boleye ili meneye svyaznïye chernoviki."] : autograph manuscript, 1916 July. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569778

From the description of Ragtime / A Madame E. Errazuriz / Igor Stravinsky / 1918. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569774

From the description of "RENARD" : autograph manuscript, 1921 June. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569782

From the description of [Caption title:] "Sonate / pour Piano / Dédiée à Madame la Princesse / Edmond de Polignac / Igor Strawinsky / 1924" : autograph manuscript, 1923. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569788

From the description of [Igor Stravinskiy / Tri / podblyudnïkh pesni / i / odna / pesn ovsenyu / daryu etu rukopis Vasiliyu Feodorovichu / Kibal'chichu v znak iskrenney moey pre-/dannosti / Igor Stravinskiy. 1917.]" : autograph manuscript, 1917 Feb. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569761

From the description of [L:] "[Igor Stravinskiy / 3 / stikhotvoreniya yapon-/skoy liriki / dlya / Golosa (soprano), dvukh fleyt / (2aya mal. fl.), dvukh klarne-/tov (2oy bas.-kl.), f-piano / dvukh skripok', al'ta / i violonchel'. / Transkriptsiya / dlya / golosa i f.-piano / v 2 ruki / avtora / Russkiy tekst A. Brandta]." / [r:] "Igor Strawinsky / 3 / poësies de la lyrique / japonaise / pour / chant (soprano), deux flutes [la / 2de pet. fl.], deux clarinettes / [la 2de Cl. bas.], piano, deux / violons, alto et violoncelle / Transcription / pour / chant et piano à / 2 mains / par l'auteur / Text français de / Maurice Delage" : autograph manuscript, 1913. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569800

From the description of Igor Stravinskiy / Pesnya solov'ya / simfonicheskaya poema / dlya orkestra / Igor Strawinsky / Chant / du / rossignol / poème symphonique pour / orchestre / 1914 -- 1917" : autograph manuscript, 1917 Apr. 4. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569745

From the description of Deĭstvie vtoroe [sic]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569719

From the description of Perséphone. [1934?] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569740

From the description of [Les noces villageoises : draft]. [1923?] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569722

From the description of [Etudes for piano, op. 7, nos. 1-3]. [1908?] (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569714

From the description of Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris Oct. 31 1925, to Herr [Hermann] Scherchen, 1925 Oct. 31. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270670318

From the description of Petrouchka / Igor Stravinsky. Oct. 14/[19]46. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270569755

From the description of Autograph postal card signed, dated : New York, 5 January 1960 to James Fuld, 1960 Jan. 5. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270873785

From the description of Autograph document signed (incomplete), dated : [n.p., n.d., ca. 1951], [ca. 1951]. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270902134

Igor Stravinsky was a Russian composer. Pianist Soulima Stravinsky is his son.

From the description of Note about Haydn and Mozart symphonies, [1939]. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 144652154

Weissberger was an attorney in New York who was Stravinsky's business manager for his musical affairs.

From the description of Letters to L. Arnold Weissberger, 1954-1962. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 122447642

Stravinsky moved to the U.S. from France in 1939. Vera Stravinsky (née de Bosset;1888-1983) was Igor's second wife; they married in New York, around 1940.

From the description of Correspondence with Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel, 1944-1957, n. d. (University of Pennsylvania Library). WorldCat record id: 155864567

Composed originally for jazz band, 1936-37. Revised and new arrangement made 1953. First performance Los Angeles, 18 October 1953, Evenings-on-the-Roof Concerts, Robert Craft conductor. Title sometimes given as Preludium.--Cf. Fleisher Collection.

From the description of Praeludium / Igor Strawinsky. c1937. (Franklin & Marshall College). WorldCat record id: 54313245

Igor Stravinsky was a Russian composer, who was considered by many in both the West and his native land to be the most influential composer of 20th century music. In addition to the recognition he received for his compositions, he also achieved fame as a pianist and a conductor, often at the premieres of his works. Stravinsky lived in the United States from 1939 until his death in 1971.

From the description of Igor Stravinsky collection, 1964-1967. (Princeton University Library). WorldCat record id: 181773597

Igor Stravinsky was a Russian composer. Recipient is his son, a pianist.

From the description of Letter : Los Angeles, to Soulima Stravinsky, 1952 July 25. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 122313993

From the description of Letter : Los Angeles, to Soulima Stravinsky, 1953 Dec. 5. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 86164258

From the description of Letter : Los Angeles, to Soulima Stravinsky, Urbana, Ill, 1952 Apr. 6. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 122575892

Composed 1938-40. First performance Chicago, 7 November 1940, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the composer conducting. Dedicated to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on the fiftieth anniversary of its existence.--Cf. Fleisher Collection.

From the description of [Symphony in C] / Igor Stravinsky. 1940. (Franklin & Marshall College). WorldCat record id: 54313276

Historical note

Stravinsky's opera The Rake's Progress, set to the libretto by W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman, was inspired by William Hogarth's series of paintings. Stravinsky had wanted to write an English-language opera since arriving in the United States in 1939, and was inspired to do so by seeing the paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago on May 2, 1947. The opera premiered in Venice on September 11, 1951.

From the guide to the Igor Stravinsky correspondence on, The Rake's Progress, 1950-1951, (USC Libraries Special Collections)

Born on January 10, 1910 in Lyon, the French conductor and composer, Jean Martinon entered the Lyon and Paris conservatoires to study the violin. At Lyon, his teacher was Maurice Foundray and at the Paris Conservatory, he studied violin technique with Jules Boucherit. While at the Paris conservatory, Martinon took composition with Albert Roussel and Vincent d’Indy. After completing the composition courses, he studied conducting with Charles Munch and Désormière. He graduated from the Paris Conservatory in 1928, winning a premier prix.

Martinon’s familiarity with conducting started in France, followed by various appointments in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. In 1946, he embarked on a conducting career directing the Concerts du Conservatoire in Paris and the Bordeaux Symphony. The successful debut with the LPO led to his appointment as associate conductor of the orchestra in 1947. From 1947-1950 Martinon directed the Radio Eireann orchestra, Dublin and in 1951, he returned to Paris to conduct the Concerts Lamoureux until 1957. From 1957-1959, Martinon conducted the Israel Philharmonic. His appointment as the next conductor of the Düsseldorf Symphony occurred in 1959. Martinon was in Düsseldorf until 1963 when the Chicago Symphony Orchestra selected him as their music director, a position he held until 1968. During that same year, he returned to France to direct the French National Radio Orchestra and served as the principal conductor of the Hague Residentie–Orkest from 1974 until shortly before his death in 1976.

Martinon’s extensive experience as a composer led to his approach to conducting. The Symphoniette pour orchestre á cordes, piano, harpe et timbales, op. 16, from 1935, is one of three first attempts at composition. After enlisting in the war, Martinon’s imprisonment in a German camp, Stalag IX A, resulted in several new compositions, Psaume 136, le Chant des Captifs, Musique d’Exil, Sonatina No.3, Sonatina No. 4 for wind instruments, and various choral works. In 1946, the city of Paris awarded a prize to his composition le Chant des Captifs. After the war, other notable compositions include Symphonie no. 3 (Irlandaise), the Concerto no. 2 pour violin et orchestre, op. 5, dedicated to Szeryng, and the Concerto pour cello et orchestre, op. 52, composed for Pierre Fournier. For the stage Martinon composed two works, the ballet Ambohimanga ou la Cité Bleue and in 1949 the opera Hécube with a libretto by Serge Moreux. Symphony no.4 Altitudes was the outcome of a commission from the Chicago Symphony to commemorate its 75th anniversary.

Martinon had recently taken on a position at the Paris Conservatory to teach conducting when he died from a serious illness on March 1, 1976.

From the guide to the Jean Martinon papers, 1923-1994, (Music Library)

Epithet: composer

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000815.0x00019a

Archival Resources


Birth 1882-06-17

Death 1971-04-06

Birth 1882

Death 1971

Birth 1924

Death 1957

Birth 1946

Death 1971

Birth 1950

Death 1967

Birth 1882








Ark ID: w6cd1qz0

SNAC ID: 85355076