New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control.

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These records were generated as a result of the duty of the Comptroller to maintain clerical accounting records for the state.

From the description of Computer-produced appropriation ledger abstracts for state agencies, 1968-1969. (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 77686278

Appraisal of damages was first carried out by a Canal Commissioner and two canal appraisers pursuant to Laws of 1817, Chapter 262; the Revised Statutes of 1829, Part I, Chapter 9, Title 9, Article 3; and Laws of 1836, Chapter 287. The Canal Appraisers began making annual reports in 1849 according to Laws of 1849, Chapter 352. The permanent Board of Appraisers was established by Laws of 1857, Chapter 538, and its procedure clarified by Laws of 1870, Chapter 321. The Board of Canal Appraisers continued until it was replaced by the Board of Claims, set up by Laws of 1883, Chap. 205.

The Board of Claims was abolished and succeeded by the Court of Claims according to Laws of 1897, Chapter 36. Though called a court, the Court of Claims was really a quasi-judicial auditing board. In 1911 (Chapter 856) the Court of Claims was renamed the Board of Claims. Over the next ten years it was known as a board, a court, or a bureau, but its functions remained the same. The Court of Claims was officially reestablished by Laws of 1922, Chapter 922, and continued by Laws of 1939, Chapter 860.

Appeals from awards of damages were taken to the Canal Board pursuant to Laws of 1829, Chapter 368, and Laws of 1868, Chapter 579. the Revised Statutes of 1829, Part 1, Chapter 9, Article 3, Section 55, Chapter 9, Title 9, Article 3, Section 55, also permitted appeals from awards of the Canal Appraisers directly to the Supreme Court. Laws of 1840, Chapter 288, permitted Canal Appraisers' awards in certain water rights cases to be reviewed by the Supreme Court in an action brought by the Attorney General at the request of the Canal Commissioners or the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Appeals from the Court of Claims are taken to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.

All damage claims and supporting documentation filed with the Canal Appraisers, the Board of Claims, and the Court of Claims prior to 1911, along with the original awards, are believed to have been destroyed in the Capitol fire. Copies of damage awards for appropriated lands were recorded by the clerks of the counties where the land lay, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of 1829, Part I, Chapter 9, Article 3, Section 51, as amended and readopted in later statutes.

From the description of Canal damage awards by Canal Appraisers, Board of Claims, and Court of Claims, 1835-1953. (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 81123183

In 1950 a survey was conducted of inactive records filed with the Department of Audit and Control. As a result, 5 per cent was culled as a sample to be preserved (separated from other records about 200 times as voluminous). From 1951 to 1954 the records were disposed of under provisions of state law. Historical records in the sample were inadvertently taken for disposal as part of one of these dispositions. The president of the Onondaga Historical Association, Richard Wright, notified state historian Albert B. Corey when records from the sample came to his attention in Syracuse. They were traced to Mont Rolland Paper Company in Quebec, Canada. Corey organized a search team, and about one-third of all the records set aside for preservation were recovered. The incident sparked dialogue about creating an official state records office to safeguard historical records.

From the description of Documents relating to the records survey of 1950 and subsequent disposition, 1950-1955 (bulk 1954) (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 83784049

The Department originated in 1625 when Dutch colonial authorities appointed a schout-fiscal to examine the accounts of New Amsterdam. In 1658, a Board of Audit consisting of a director general, receiver general, and a council member assumed auditing responsibilities. After the English took control of the colony in 1664, the auditing function was carried out by a royally appointed auditor general. Following its establishment in 1683, the colonial assembly gradually asserted greater fiscal control and fiscal responsibility continued to be divided between royal officials and the elected assembly until the American Revolution.

During the early days of the Revolution, the Provincial Congress selected auditors from its own membership and in 1776 appointed an auditor general. The first state constitution in 1777 created the Office of State Treasurer to collect and disburse revenues as authorized by the legislature, but did not mention an auditor. However, an auditor was appointed through a clause providing for the appointment of ?other officers.?

In 1782 (Chap. 21, 5th Session), the legislature established the office of auditor to assume responsibility for settling the State's accounts. In 1787, the auditor assumed what had been the treasurer?s duties relating to collection and commutation of quit rents. In 1788, the auditor was directed to settle accounts with certain other states, as well as the federal government. To avoid conflicts between the auditor and the treasurer, the legislature established the Office of Comptroller in 1797 (Chapter 21). The comptroller assumed all duties of the auditor and certain powers of the treasurer, including the power to draw up payment warrants, invest the State?s funds, and borrow money on the State?s credit. Originally appointed by the Council of Appointment, the comptroller was elected by the legislature under the 1821 State constitution. Under the 1846 and all subsequent constitutions, the comptroller has been chosen in the general election.

The comptroller was designated a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office in 1801 and was directed to sell lands for payment of delinquent State taxes. When construction of the canal system began in 1817, the comptroller was appointed to the Board of Commissioners of the Canal Fund and later to the Canal Board. The commissioners of the Canal Fund were responsible for managing the debts and funds of the State's canals. The Canal Board, comprised of the commissioners of the Canal Fund and the canal commissioners (responsible for canal construction and repair), exercised overall supervision over the State's canal system. The comptroller remained a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office until it was reorganized in 1926, and of the Canal Boards until they were abolished in 1926.

The comptroller examined the financial affairs of banks from 1843 until the creation of the Banking Department in 1851. From 1849 until the creation of the Insurance Department a decade later, the comptroller regulated the organization and operation of insurance companies. Beginning in 1865, State-supported hospitals and charitable institutions were required to submit financial reports to the comptroller and in 1873 the comptroller was empowered to examine the financial affairs of prisons and various other State institutions. In 1880 the comptroller was authorized to initiate a system of collecting taxes on corporations. The comptroller assumed the duties of the former office of canal auditor in 1883. Beginning in 1905, municipal divisions of the State were required to adopt uniform fiscal reporting systems and to file annual reports subject to examination by the Comptroller's Office.

Commencing in 1910 (Chapter 149), State agencies were required annually to submit a proposed expenditure plan to the comptroller, who then forwarded recommendations to the Assembly Ways and Means and the Senate Finance committees. This was the forerunner of New York State's executive budget process. In 1913 the comptroller's auditing powers were strengthened by legislation (Chapter 342) requiring agencies to adopt a uniform system of accounting and fiscal reporting; to verify purchases and services; and to obtain the comptroller's prior approval of all contracts over one thousand dollars. In 1920 (Chapter 741), a State employees retirement system was established under the administrative control of the comptroller.

The 1925 constitutional amendment reorganizing state government placed the elected comptroller at the head of a new Department of Audit and Control and assigned the office the duties of auditing all vouchers before payment, auditing the accrual and collection of all revenues and receipts, and prescribing accounting methods necessary to perform these activities. The 1926 law establishing the Department of Audit and Control (Chapter 614) transferred responsibility for the canal debt sinking fund from the commissioners of the canal fund to the comptroller. The comptroller's responsibility for licensing private detectives, auctioneers, steamship ticket agents, and theater ticket brokers was transferred to the Department of State. The new Department of Taxation and Finance, which absorbed the duties of the former state treasurer, assumed the comptroller's former responsibility for administering revenue-collecting activities. This included activities under any law related to direct State taxes, duties of the comptroller concerning land taxes and land sales for payment of delinquent taxes, and custody of State employee retirement funds.

In 1975 (Chap. 219), the duties of the welfare inspector general, relating to complaints of abuses, fraud, or violations of the welfare system, were transferred to the Dept. of Audit and Control. An additional statute (Chap. 868) directed the comptroller to assist the Emergency Financial Control Board in carrying out its responsibilities relating to New York City revenues, expenditures, and indebtedness. The office of the State Deputy Comptroller for New York City was established within the department to fulfill this mission.

In 2003, the department established a Division of Investigations comprised of three offices: Office of Internal Audit, Office of Internal Control, and Office of Investigations. The new division?s mission is to detect and investigate potential fraud committed against state agencies. Also in 2003, the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Community Relations was established with three subdivisions: Intergovernmental and Community Relations, the Citizen Action Center, and the Correspondence Division. The purpose of this office is to facilitate dialogue between the State Comptroller?s Office and local governments and community organizations.

From the New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY. Agency record NYSV86-A185

CURRENT FUNCTIONS. Under the direction of the state comptroller, chief fiscal officer of the State, the Department of Audit and Control is responsible for administering the accounts of the State.

The department carries out this responsibility by paying the State's bills and payrolls; auditing all revenues, receipts, and claims against the State; auditing the records, accounts, and financial and management practices of all State agencies and institutions; supervising the fiscal affairs of all units of local government in the State; reviewing the financial plans and fiscal and management practices of New York City; investing State funds and issuing bonds and notes; administering the State's retirement and social security agencies; administering the State's cash flow; and providing fiscal legal advice for State and local government agencies.

ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY. This department traces its origin to 1625 when New Netherland authorities appointed a schout-fiscal to examine the accounts at New Amsterdam. In 1658, a Board of Audit consisting of the director general, receiver general, and a council member assumed auditing responsibilities. After the English took control in 1664, the auditing function was carried out by an auditor general appointed by royal authorities. However, the colonial assembly, established in 1683, gradually asserted greater control over fiscal matters. The responsibility for fiscal matters continued to be divided between royal officials and the elected assembly until the Revolutionary War.

During the early days of Revolution, the Provincial Congress chose auditors from among its own members and in mid-1776 appointed an auditor general. The first state consititution of 1777 created an Office of State Treasurer to collect and disburse revenues as authorized by the legislature but did not mention an auditor. However, an auditor general was appointed under a constitutional clause providing for the appointment of "other officers."

In 1782 (Chapter 21, Fifth Session), the legislature established the office of auditor to assume responsibility for settling the State's accounts. In 1787 the auditor assumed the duties relating to collection and commutation of quit rents previously carried out by the treasurer. In 1788, the auditor was directed to settle accounts with the United States and certain other states.

To avoid conflicts between the auditor and the treasurer, the legislature established the Office of Comptroller in 1797 (Chapter 21), combining the auditor's power to audit and the treasurer's power to pay into one chief fiscal officer. The comptroller assumed all duties of the auditor and certain powers of the treasurer, including drawing up warrants to pay, investing the State's funds, and borrowing money on the credit of the State. The comptroller was appointed by the Council of Appointment until the 1821 constitution provided for election of the comptroller by the legislature. Under the 1846 and subsequent constitutions, the comptroller was elected in a general election.

The comptroller was designated a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office in 1801 and was directed to sell lands for payment of delinquent State taxes. When construction of the canal system began in 1817, the comptroller was appointed to the Board of Commissioners of the Canal Fund and later to the Canal Board. The commissioners of the Canal Fund were responsible for managing the debts and funds of the State's canals. The Canal Board, comprised of the commissioners of the Canal Fund and the canal commissioners (responsibile for canal construction and repair), exercised overall supervision over the State's canal system. The comptroller remained a member of the Land Board until it was reorganized in 1926, and of the Canal Boards until they were abolished in 1926.

The comptroller examined the financial affairs of banks from 1843 until the creation of the Banking Department in 1851. From 1849 until the creation of the Insurance Department a decade later, the comptroller regulated the organization and operation of insurance companies. Beginning in 1865, State-supported hospitals and charitable institutions were required to report on their financial conditions to the comptroller, and in 1873 the comptroller was empowered to examine the financial affairs of prisons and various other State institutions. In 1880 the comptroller was authorized to initiate a system of collecting taxes on corporations. The comptroller assumed the duties of the former office of canal auditor in 1883. Beginning in 1905, municipal divisions of the State were required to adopt uniform fiscal reporting systems and to file annual reports subject to examination by the Comptroller's Office.

In 1910 (Chapter 149) State agencies were required annually to submit a proposed expenditure plan to the comptroller, who then forwarded recommendations to the Assembly Ways and Means and the Senate Finance committees. This was the forerunner of New York State's executive budget process. In 1913 the comptroller's auditing powers were strengthened by a law (Chapter 342) requiring agencies to adopt a uniform system of accounts, uniform fiscal reporting, verification of purchases and services, and the comptroller's prior approval of all contracts over one thousand dollars. In 1920 (Chapter 741) a State employees retirement system was established under the administrative control of the comptroller.

The 1925 constitutional amendment reorganizing state government placed the elected comptroller at the head of a new Department of Audit and Control and assigned the office the duties of auditing all vouchers before payment, auditing the accrual and collection of all revenues and receipts, and prescribing accounting methods necessary to perform these activities. The 1926 law establishing the Department of Audit and Control (Chapter 614) transferred responsibility for the canal debt sinking fund from the commissioners of the canal fund to the comptroller. The comptroller's responsibility for licensing private detectives, auctioneers, steamship ticket agents, and theater ticket brokers was transferred to the Department of State. The new Department of Taxation and Finance, which absorbed the duties of the former state treasurer, was given the comptroller's former responsibility for administering revenue-collecting activities, including activities under any law related to direct State taxes; duties of the comptroller concerning land taxes and land sales for payment of delinquent taxes; and custody of State employee retirement funds.

In 1975 (Chapter 219), the duties of the welfare inspector general, relating to investigation of complaints of abuses, fraud, or violations of the welfare system, were transferred to the Department of Audit and Control. Another law that year (Chapter 868) directed the comptroller to assist the Emergency Financial Control Board in carrying out its responsibilities relating to New York City revenues, expenditures, and indebtedness. In that year, the new office of the State Deputy Comptroller for New York City was established as a part of the department to fulfill this mission.

From the description of Department of Audit and Control Agency History Record. (New York State Archives). WorldCat record id: 80190902

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Legal documentation relating to state sales tax on land, 1853-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Weekly returns of deposits for salt duties, Onondaga Salt Springs, 1843-1848. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Highway money system reports by county boards, 1911-1913. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bills, receipts, and warrants for the proposed state prison at Albany, 1796-1803. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of monies expended at Auburn Prison, 1871-1873. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Vouchers for repair of Ox Bow break, Erie Canal, 1871. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence, 1807-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes and working papers of the board to supervise the repairs upon the State Hall, 1897-1898. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Proposals and awards made for state loans regarding the general fund debt sinking fund, 1859-1862, 1875. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bonds of canal employees, contractors, and boards, 1827-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's ledger of accounts with county agricultural societies, 1841-1854. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to lands sales for unpaid quit rents (Sale of 1808), 1808-1814. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers for expenses submitted by Board of Barber Examiners, 1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Forms and instructions in relation to accounts of collectors of tolls, 1837. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes of meetings of the Commissioners for Building a State Prison in the First or Second Senate District, [ca. 1825-1829] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Computer-produced accounting reports for state agencies, 1971-1972. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Abstracts and vouchers of expenditures, [ca. 1831-1869] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Reports of canal tolls received, 1826. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Canvass of proposals for Erie Canal Enlargement, 1851. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Cash and earned income statement submitted by Corporation Tax Bureau, 1940-1943. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Vouchers and correspondence submitted by the State Roosevelt Memorial Commission, 1932. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statements of expenditures for building and repair of state prisons and normal schools, 1896. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of receipts and taxes paid by athletic clubs, 1911-1914. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to maps of undivided tracts and of tracts sold by the Comptroller for unpaid taxes, [ca. 1930] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Lists of non-resident lands with unpaid taxes, [ca. 1810-1850] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Survey maps and plans for projected canal alterations, [ca. 1830-1851] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of public libraries, 1978-2003. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Coal and wood bids from dealers for provision of fuel for state buildings, 1856. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Subscriptions and redemption statements of canal stock, and lists of bank contracts for canal deposits, 1815-1839 (bulk 1833-1839) New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Abstracts and vouchers for Barge Canal and canal terminal expenses, 1922-1936 (bulk 1922-1923, 1936) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Canal Board. Index to rough minutes of the Canal Board and to petitions and appeals to the Canal Board, 1845-1925. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Estimates of work done and material delivered on Erie, Champlain, and Black River canals, 1867-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts for construction of New York State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, 1839-1840. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Deeds to lands sold for non-payment of taxes, 1833-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Auditor General. Index to certificates and accounts for purchase of forage and account of hay pasture and grain supplied to the Continental Army, 1780-1782. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Superintendents of Repairs' reports of expenditures for repairs, 1835-1878. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Report of the joint committee of the Senate and Assembly on the subject of quit rents, 1821. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation relating to draining of the Cayuga Marshes, 1825-1841, 1853-1861. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence replying to inquires about records of soldiers of the Revolutionary War, 1904-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Warrant and check register for various accounts, 1828-1836. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Sample forms for canal tolls paid by railroads, [ca. 1851] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation submitted by the collector for the Port of New York, 1723-1838. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers submitted for publishing session laws of 1893, 1893. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Journal of surveyor general's accounts, 1810-1824. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County commissioners' annual reports of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1837-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Receipt book of land grants from Gerrit Smith to "colored and poor white slaves from the South", 1846. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of incorporated companies, 1866. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Emergency Financial Control Board. Counsel's correspondence and subject files, 1975-1978. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts for enlargement and improvement of the Erie Canal, 1835-1849. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Daybook and journal number 8, 1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of the repayment of the loan of 1808, [ca. 1808-1850] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's accounts of taxes due for various state roads, 1811-1815. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of canal boat name changes, 1817-1852. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Newspaper notices of tax sales, 1878-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation relating to pension claims, First N.Y. Regiment Volunteers, Mexican War, 1878-1882. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Auburn Prison accounts and vouchers of agent and warden, 1869-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of shareholders in the Hudson River Railroad Company at Hudson and Rhinebeck, 1847. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Statement of valuations and taxes on state lands, 1923. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA A1363.xml New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Financial records on construction and maintenance of Sing Sing ("Mount Pleasant") Prison, 1825-1847. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of unpaid taxes assessed on non-resident lands, 1799-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for construction of Reformatory for Women at Bedford, 1893-1896. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Miscellaneous maps and plans of canal structures, [ca. 1830-1900] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. Register of tax sale certificates surrendered for deeds, 1873-1931. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bills and receipts of the superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs, 1841-1842. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bonds and correspondence regarding public defense, 1861-1862. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bear bounty affidavits, 1892-1894. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payroll ledgers of the State Legislature, 1834-1843, 1912-1933. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Report of A.J. Davis on irregularities in performance of repair of Chemung Canal Feeder, submitted to Commission to Investigate Canal Frauds, 1871. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Maps of non-resident lands sold for unpaid taxes, [ca. 1820-1910] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Applications and resignations for the office of notary public, 1908-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Prisoners' deposit vouchers from Institution for Defective Delinquents, Napanoch, 1925. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal Fund account book, 1835-1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Account book for lumber business, 1837-1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. Engineers' accounts, 1899-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of newspapers designated to publish concurrent resolutions of the Legislature of 1861, 1861. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts for road improvement, [ca. 1806-1819] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Map and assessments prepared by commissioners for draining the swamp and marsh lands in the Town of Salina, 1824. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Accounts relating to construction and operation of Barge Canal, 1920-1938. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. Special Deputy State Engineer's monthly reports, 1917-1920. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's subject files, 1979-1998. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Comptroller's register of checks drawn for Canal Commissioners, 1817-1824. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Documents relating to cancellations and redemptions of tax sales, [ca.1873-1934] (bulk 1878-1900). New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts and receipts of Commission for Settling Claims for Land Ceded to Vermont, 1797-1800. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts, check rolls, and vouchers for canal expenditures, 1827-1880. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Transcript of hearing before the Assembly Committee on Privileges and Elections, 1903. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers for expenditures on account of canal fund, 1833-1900, bulk 1853-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Proof of publication of list of wild, vacant and forest lands owned by the state, 1895. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Affidavits of publication of comptroller's notices, 1798-1885. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Bank book, 1839-1844. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Weekly statements of canal shipments through Buffalo to or from other states, 1877,1879. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Computer-produced appropriation ledger abstracts for state agencies, 1968-1969. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Correspondence, speech, and report files, 1955-1978. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of apportionment of monies for schools, academies, hospitals, and orphan asylums, 1826-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Applications for cancellation of tax sales, 1841-1925. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Certificates of registry of canal boats, 1837-1880. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Public Works. Notices of service upon owners of lands appropriated for the Barge Canal, 1906-1916. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Register of mortgage tax receipts, 1915-1933. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Abstracts of bids received for work on canals, 1854-1857. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Copies of certificates of appointment of notaries public, 1887-1888. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. List of receipts relating to land patents, 1786. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Register of lands sold by the Surveyor General, 1835-1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Report of indebtedness of cities and villages, 1856. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payment authorization to treasurer, 1799. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing general correspondence from the Deputy Comptroller, 1897-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Drafts of laws on assessment and collection of taxes, [ca. 1826] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of taxes paid to road districts, 1868-1876. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Maps of undivided tracts and of tracts sold by the comptroller for unpaid taxes, [ca. 1700-1935] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Entry documentation for canal-related expenses, 1827-1901. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Documents relating to the records survey of 1950 and subsequent disposition, 1950-1955 (bulk 1954) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of debt subscription certificates, 1793. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for Utica and Schenectady railroad and Schenectady and Troy railroad, 1804-1849. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County treasurer's lists of non-resident lands to be sold for unpaid taxes, 1887-1904. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Personal service histories of state employees, 1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. General specifications of purchasing committee for state institutions reporting to the fiscal supervisor of State Charities, [ca. 1919-1920] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Payments for land sold for taxes, 1821. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Request to Comptroller by Corporation Tax Bureau to issue refund checks to corporations, 1938. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payment book to state agencies and officials, 1819-1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts of payments of New York state bounty by the paymaster general, 1863-1864. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Town assessor's statements of assessed value of forest and improved lands, 1884. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's schedules, 1979-1993. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Impeachment trial subpoenas and subpoena tickets for Canal Commissioner, 1853. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Circular regarding court martial records, 1819. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Notices from Forest Commission and Commissioners of the Land Office approving sale of state lands, 1894. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Opinion of state agent for War of 1812 claims, 1905. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts of sales of non-resident lands for unpaid quit rents, road and marsh taxes, and U.S. Direct Tax, 1803-1830. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Records concerning the raising of troops and payment of bounties to volunteers, 1861-1863. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of Comptroller's Office expenses, 1808-1815. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Inventories of canal property, 1835-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of abstracts of audited accounts for governor's military expenses, 1819. New York State Archives
referencedIn Tax assessment rolls of real and personal estates, 1799-1804 New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Check register, income tax account, 1925-1940. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Assessment rolls for construction of roads from Lewis County to Brown's Tract in Herkimer County, 1853-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Specifications of tax forms to be used between State Tax Commission and Comptroller, [ca. 1921] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. State Engineer's maps of highway rights of way and estimates of value, [ca. 1906] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Certificates of searches of judgment dockets and mortgage records, 1813-1819, 1838-1843, 1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statements of court and trust funds in New York City banks, 1892-1901. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Legal documentation relating to lands conveyed to Commissioners of the Canal Fund, 1861-1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Abstracts of applications to redeem land from tax sale of 1920, 1921-1923. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to legislative accounts, 1895-1903. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Selected audited accounts of state civil and military officers, 1780-1858. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Cancelled state stock certificates, 1815-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of decedent estates paying transfer taxes, 1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Inventory of documents stored in State Hall, [ca. 1830] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to invalid pensioners, [ca. 1850] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's subordinate ledgers, 1796-1827. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Proceedings on applications to redeem land from tax sales, 1895-1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of bids and payments for land sold for unpaid taxes, 1830-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County summaries of tax assessment rolls, [ca. 1838] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax assessment rolls of real and personal estates, 1799-1821. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Receipts of New York State Fair Commission, 1903, 1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to claims for the war account, 1862-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Conservation Commission recommendations to the Commissioners of the Land Office on land purchases for new state parks, 1917-1925. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Journal of expenses for building State Hall, 1834-1839. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daybooks, 1801-1890. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daily journals of receipts and disbursements, 1803-1843. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of prison factory work, 1802-1803. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal auditor's decisions, 1854-1882. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Assorted documents relating to grant, sale, or mortgage of lands by the state, 1777-1892 (bulk 1777-1856) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of bank note impressions, 1856-1857. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of villages, 1956-2003. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Boat inspectors' weekly reports, 1862-1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Designs for Watervliet Arsenal Bridge, 1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Register of buyers of state lands, 1818-1834. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Warrants issued, 1798-1802, 1861-1863. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. Copies of certificates confirming title to state lands, 1926-1929. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of taxes on incorporations, 1825-1827. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Vouchers for expenditures on enlargement of the Erie Canal, 1837-1848, bulk 1848. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Land Office. State Engineer and Surveyor's maps of the Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation, 1891. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of tax relevied, 1887-1890. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Index to minutes, 1817-1854. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Resident and division engineers' abstracts and vouchers of expenditures, 1833-1874. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Certified search of land in Township 41 of Totten and Crossfield's Patent, 1897. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Annual and supplemental debt statements of housing and urban renewal authorities, 1968-1969. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax assessment rolls for Union Free School District No. 1, Town of Ossining, Westchester County, 1916-1917. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Monthly reports on Barge Canal terminal construction, 1913-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of taxes on corporations, 1824-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Returns of arrears of United States direct tax, 1815. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Survey map of extension of Genesee Valley Canal from Olean to Mill Grove Pond, 1857. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of accounts with county treasurers, 1799-1810. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Incoming correspondence regarding state franchise tax, 1917-1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statement of lands sold for taxes, 1808-1821 New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. U.S. Deposit Fund county commissioners' ledger of accounts, 1840-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Warrants for payments to government officials and legislators, 1799-1836. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Maps and assessment for the draining of Cayuga Marshes, 1825. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendents of Repairs' measurements of water depth, 1860-1862 (bulk 1860, 1862) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Western Inland Lock Navigation Company damage assessments and reimbursements, 1820. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Letters from agents appointed to serve notice on illegal occupants of state lands, 1881-1893. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers and accounts of Commissioners of Quarantine, New York City, 1904-1905, 1924. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's reports to the legislature, 1789-1843. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Form for engineers' field notes to be filed with Comptroller, 1842. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Field notes of Canal engineers, 1841-1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Documents relating to deposit of Canal Funds in banks, [ca. 1831-1901] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to the canals and canal fund, 1826-1886. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Special Fund estimates, 1919-1931. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation pertaining to the new emission of bills of credit, 1786-1797. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Notices to state regarding assessments for local improvements, 1888-1901. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual village constitutional tax margin statements, 1947-1996. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes of Commissioners to Extinguish Claims Against Lands Sold by the State, 1799-1831. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Applications and correspondence relating to liquor licenses for steamboats and railroad cars, 1892-1896. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificates of exemption from quitrents, 1786-1787. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Index to accounts of loan officers, auctioneers, and mortgagors, [ca. 1805] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Draft manual, "Uniform system of accounting for villages," 1953. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Legal documentation for sale of unappropriated land, 1731-1883. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Agreements for commutation of passenger tolls on freight boats carrying passengers, 1834. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Blueprints of state buildings and county courthouse, [ca. 1900-1920] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal Dept. Register of canal boats, 1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal stock transfer receipt book, 1820-1824. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for construction of State Tuberculosis Hospital, Raybrook, New York, 1902-1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of arrears of taxes, 1799-1805. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Original maps of surveys for the Erie Canal, 1817. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Engineers' drafts and vouchers for general fund, 1895-1899. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County commissioner's ledgers of mortgage loans of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1837-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Annual reports of inspector of gas meters, 1883-1889. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Audited accounts of payments made by overseers of the poor for support of children born to slaves, 1799-1820. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daily journal, 1838-1841. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificates of sale of land for unpaid taxes, 1815-1928. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. Lists of state lands, [ca. 1865-1978] (bulk 1869-1920) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Treasurer's receipts and certificates of receipt, 1784-1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Insurance company bonds and reports of agents, 1825-1880. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Auburn and Syracuse Rail Road waybills, 1839. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Register of County Treasurers and Commissioners of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1873-1906. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Monthly bank balances of Canal Fund, 1817-1877. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payment records, 1894-1916. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County commissioners' minute and account books of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1837-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. List of quit rents, 1820. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Account book for cash paid out for Black River, Genesee Valley, and other branch canals, 1840-1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Copies of deeds from Comptroller, 1889-1923. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Correspondence relating to the publication of notices of lands sold for taxes and unredeemed, [ca. 1923-1927] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Schedule of Erie and Champlain Canal stock redeemed by the Commissioners of the Canal Fund, 1838. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of rejected property descriptions, 1807-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Education Dept. Bureau of Public Service Training. Bureau chief's public employee training program files, 1938-1941. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Superintendents of Repairs' estimates of expenditures for repairs, 1835-1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Lock tenders' monthly reports of lockages, 1858-1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Auditor General. Index to copies of accounts audited for bills presented to the state, 1780-1794. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Published notices of lands sold for unpaid taxes and unredeemed, 1826-1905, bulk 1843-1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Accounts of monies paid to contractors and others for construction, repair, and enlargement of Erie and Champlain canals, 1817-1871. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of urban renewal agencies, 1963-1983, 1986-1999. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payment receipts for lands purchased at tax sales, 1859-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. Scrapbook of photographs, maps, and diagrams of canal, highway, and watershed construction, 1898-1907. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Newspaper receipt for printing notice, 1853. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Leases of toll collectors' offices, 1849-1882. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Lists of certificates of payments by the treasurer, [ca. 1776-1786] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Resolutions and reports of the Commissioners, 1818, 1825, 1874. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Appropriations cash book, 1866-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence from the Clerk of the Contracting Board, 1857-1861. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of State Treasurer, 1812-1816. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Scrapbooks of newspaper articles relating to the canals, 1817-1826. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for building and maintenance of government facilities, 1785-1855. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to tax searches, 1893-1895. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual county constitutional tax margin statements, 1953-1999. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Reports by stock corporations, 1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptrollers' Office. Index to tax maps for Kings and Richmond counties, [n.d.] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Records regarding bonds for the New York and Erie Railroad Company, 1847-1848. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's outgoing correspondence files, 1979-1998. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Accounts of courts of inquiry and fines, 1818-1828 (bulk 1818-1821) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Correspondence concerning prisons, 1892-1895. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canaseraga Creek improvement records, 1906-1915. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of cancelled tax-sales, 1818-1946 (bulk 1818-1930) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Documents supporting orders for cancellation of tax sales, 1829-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Documents relating to canal claims, [ca. 1830-1880] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Incoming correspondence from the Chief Tax Clerk, 1878-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Lists of freight on Baxter Steam Canal Boats, [ca. 1840-1870] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Accounts of town assessors and commissioners of taxes, 1799-1801. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daybook of tax and redemption payments to county treasurers 1850-1855. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Affidavits relating to land taxation, [ca. 1790-1850] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax sale notices to occupants of lands sold, 1821-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. Copies of tax search certificates, 1892-1986. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Compensation claims of former commissary general, 1844-1871. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of newspapers for publishing proposals for printing Session Laws of 1862, 1862. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statements of court-administered trust funds (New York and Kings counties) transferred to National Bank of Commerce in New York, [ca. 1900-1915] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Weigh Masters' annual statements and inventory and weekly abstracts, 1860-1882. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of unpaid taxes on resident lands in the Forest Preserve, 1919-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County treasurers' statements of conveyance and redemptions of non-resident land sold for unpaid taxes, 1852-1854. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Engrossed minutes of the Canal Commissioners, 1849-1857. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Auctioneers' statements of sales, [ca. 1838-1844] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for state asylums, 1870-1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Register of appointments, 1848-1861. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Council of Appointment documents and other documents, [ca. 1800-1864] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of towns, 1956-2002. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Railroad grade crossing elimination payment registers, 1927-1960. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Legal documentation relating to college landscrip fund, 1865-1874. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of companies chartered in New York State, [ca. 1798-1837] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Monthly statements of monies received by state agencies and institutions, 1899-1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Indexes to applications for redemption of lands from tax sales, 1889-1895. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Account book of salary payments to government officials and employees, 1829-1832. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of fire districts, 1956-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of duties paid by auctioneers, 1827-1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers and bills submitted by the Andersonville Monument Dedication Commission, 1914. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Reports by county clerks and treasurers of land owned by counties and mortgaged to loan commissioners, 1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Releases upon commutation for farm bridges over canals, with related correspondence and documents, 1835-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Documents relating to charges against Louis F. Haffen, Borough President of the Bronx, 1908-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Mortgage statements of county commissioners of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1838. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Statements of taxes assessed on lands of Allegany State Park, 1926-1928. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Division of Canals and Waterways. Official orders, 1927-1930, 1934-1939. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Account book pertaining to cleaning ladies at the State Capitol, 1875. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daybooks of tax payments, 1815-1986. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Name index of landowners with unpaid taxes in Sullivan County, 1924-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Applications to redeem property from tax sales, 1828-1927. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Engineers' abstracts and vouchers for survey of canal routes, 1825-1835. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statement of bank failures, 1845-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of interest payments, 1802-1815. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of consolidated health districts, 1954-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of tax monies received, 1897, 1900, 1904-1907. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendents of Repairs' annual reports of structures or work completed or repaired, 1841-1875. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Law. Bureau of Real Property. Railroad deed files, 1870-1962 (bulk 1870-1900). New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to Civil Service and appointments, 1903-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County treasurers' returns of unpaid taxes on non-resident lands, 1849-1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn Records, 1813-1980. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. U.S. Deposit Fund reports and lists, [ca. 1890-1960], bulk 1902-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County Clerks' reports (statements) on the highway money system, 1902, 1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Miscellaneous documents relating to canals, [ca. 1825-1875] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daily statements of bank balances of the Canal Fund, 1922-1927. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Schedule of bids for improvement bonds for canals, highways, and parks, 1905-1917. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts of corporation reports, 1834-1841. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Lists of newspapers selected to publish official notices, 1837-1860. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Financial records relating to maintenance of Clinton Prison, 1845-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Report of treasurer of Lake Champlain Tercentenary Commission, 1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's opinion on bills introduced in the legislature, 1897-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Licensing receipts account book, 1928-1932. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Documents relating to acquisition of lands for highway purposes, [ca. 1902-1908] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Applications to purchase state lands, 1859-1913. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's accounts with county treasurers for taxes due the state, 1816-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Search certificate form books, [n.d.] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. List of patentees referenced in "Revolutionary Manuscripts," [ca. 1897] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Office of the First Deputy Comptroller. Comptroller's speeches, 1960-1974. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's accounts with individuals, 1812-1817. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Records of the East Boston Timber Company, [ca. 1833-1840] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendent of Repairs' reports of inspection of materials and tools, 1849-1852. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statement of bonds and mortgages taken by City Chamberlain, New York County, on account of court and trust funds, 1899-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Copies of outgoing telegrams, 1872-1885. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA A0174.xml New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers for Senate and Assembly expenses, [ca. 1802-1915] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Report and minutes of hearing and proceedings by the Commission to Investigate the Public Service Commission, First District, 1911. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of unpaid taxes on non-resident lands, 1799-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Ledger of general accounts with county commissioners of the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1837-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Corrected proofs of advertisement for redemption of lands sold for non-payment of U.S. Direct Tax, 1804. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County clerks' certificates of searches for New York and Erie Railroad Company records, 1840-1847 (bulk 1840, 1847) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Monthly schedules of accounts and balances in bank, 1899-1904. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Statement of work done under contract on Erie Canal Enlargement, 1847-1849. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Inventories of items sold at public auctions, 1785-1786. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Contracts and accounts for construction and repair, [ca. 1817-1828] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Daily journal, 1797-1802. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Copies of documentation establishing ownership of lands sold for unpaid taxes, 1873-1923. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal superintendents' accounts, 1852-1858. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Incoming correspondence relating to canals, [ca. 1830-1880] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Annual statistical reports of cargoes cleared at various canal ports, 1830, 1832. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledgers of accounts with county treasurers, 1848-1912. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of Senate and Assembly expenses, 1911-1921. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Incoming correspondence, [ca. 1846-1883] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of public authorities, 1951-1983, 1986-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Passenger list and freight account book of steamboat "Red Jacket," 1838-1839. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax assessment rolls for Town of Gravesend, Kings County, 1885-1892 New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Incoming correspondence, 1777-1890. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Incoming correspondence from county treasurers, 1816-1825, 1852. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Case file of securities deposited in the Comptroller's Office, 1933. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Specifications of an index for searching records or books, 1831. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Division Engineer (Erie Canal : Western Division). Historical abstracts concerning lands of western division, Erie Canal, [ca. 1860-1880] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Resolution, agreements, and purchase list of the sale of college land scrip, 1864-1870. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Statements of tolls on canal passenger boats, 1827-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of apportionment of State monies, 1868-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Treasurer's receipts, 1914-1916. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of State. Records from the Comptroller's New York City office, 1914-1929 (bulk 1914-1921) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Contract documents for canal enlargement and repairs,[ca. 1836-1900] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal Dept. Expense accounts related to Commissioners for Inland Navigation Between the Great Lakes and the Hudson River, 1810-1814. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to Comptroller's miscellaneous papers, [ca. 1860] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Letter to Superintendent of Banking Department with memorial protesting illegal practices of savings banks in Buffalo, 1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificates of employee salaries, 1833-1889. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificates and correspondence relating to fish net bounties, 1898-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Treasurer's journal of receipts and expenditures, 1802-1812. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes of the New York State Athletic Commission, 1911-1917. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of the repayment of the loan of 1792, [ca. 1792-1849] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Cancelled checks, 1835-1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendent of Prisons' vouchers for services and expenses of engineers for prison highway construction, [ca. 1919-1922] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. General and Canal Fund bond register, [ca. 1931-1935] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payroll for construction of Auburn Prison, 1818-1819. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Daybook relating to mortgage taxation, 1916-1940. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificates of commutation of quit rents, 1754-1848 (bulk 1806-1848) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Contract for constructing bridge over Cattaraugus Creek at Irving, 1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to applications to redeem property from tax sales, 1828-1903. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Cancelled certificates of sale of land for unpaid taxes, 1877. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of counties, 1961-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Payroll for workers employed in building State Hall, 1839-1841. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Unidentified indexes, [ca. 1850] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bill for goods procured for the Executive Mansion, 1868 Dec. 26. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Draft of index to first volume of "Laws of New York 1777-1786," 1819. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA A0870.xml New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger accounts of Senate members, officers, and employees, 1883-1885. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Copies of tax assessment rolls for towns in Hamilton and Warren Counties, 1843-1876, bulk 1857-1876. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Estimates of blank forms required by Superintendents of Repair 1842-1852 (bulk 1842-1843, 1846, 1850-1852) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Claims of Spanish-American War volunteers, 1899. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence authorizing the execution of enclosed drafts, 1902-1911. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of state funds, 1831-1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes of commissioners of highways of Town of Clarksville, 1836. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Appropriations requested by state departments and the legislature, 1912, 1914. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Treasurer's certificates of money paid into the treasury, 1788, 1798-1799, 1803-1806. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Accounts of taxes on state lands, 1886-1961. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Canal Fund loan proposals, 1817-1857. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Engrossed minutes and index, 1817-1855. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Committee on Constitutional Tax and Debit Limitations and City-School Fiscal Relations. Proceedings and draft legislation, 1948-1949. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's telephone logs and messages, 1979-1993. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Certificate for deputy comptroller to sign warrants and audit accounts, 1902-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County Commissioners accounts relating to interest on the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1839-1866. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts and vouchers for fighting fires submitted by the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission, [ca. 1901-1908] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Monthly balances of canal monies in banks, 1834-1844. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. William Beard estate papers, 1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of adjusted estate transfer taxes, 1909-1913. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendent of Repairs' reports of locktenders employed by contractors for repairs, 1863-1864. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of taxes paid on passengers of steamboats, 1817-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of monies paid into treasuries of Albany and Dutchess counties, 1779-1782. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Affidavits of non-occupancy of lands purchased at Comptroller's tax sales, 1869-1927, bulk 1869-1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Treasurer's Office. Treasurer's account of canal tolls and salt duties deposited in banks, 1826-1832. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Statements of proceeds from sales of Canal Fund lands, 1826-1833. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Contract between III Olympic Winter Games Committee and Leo A. Malone, 1930. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Affidavits of publication of county treasurers' notices of tax sales, 1852-1855. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. Ledger accounts for leases of surplus canal water, salaries of canal officials, and canal loans, 1826-1931. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of Canal Commissioners for expenditures on branch canals, 1825-1837. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to Comptroller's reports to the legislature, 1797-1820. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. Abstracts of deeds conveyed to purchasers of land sold for unpaid taxes, 1873-1937. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Auditor General. Register of land bounty rights, [ca. 1782] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to direct tax books, [ca. 1820] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Ledger of accounts of property acquired through foreclosure, 1839-1884. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comprtoller's Office. Daybooks of redemption payments made for non-resident lands sold for unpaid taxes, 1849-1929 (bulk 1849-1856, 1866-1929) New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's speeches, 1956-1997. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Resident and division engineers' monthly estimates, 1850-1868, 1875. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Measurements, calculations, and estimates for construction of Chenango Canal, 1833-1837. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Affidavits of publication of tax sale and redemption notices, 1814-1927. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Weekly statements of canal shipments to or from tide water, 1863. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of payments, sales, redemptions, and conveyances of delinquent quit rents, [ca. 1740-1830] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. List of lands advertised to be sold for arrears of quit rents, 1815. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Field notes of the surveys of Brant Lake tract, 1884. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Record of certificates and affidavits of veterans of the War of 1812, 1869-1870. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Financial reports of corporations, 1805-1922. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Land Office. Register of Canal Fund land sold by the Surveyor General, 1843-1847. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Craig Colony at Sonyea Treasurer's report, 1921. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts, vouchers, and reports on building and maintenance of Auburn Prison, 1816-1825. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canvasses of proposals for enlargement of Erie Canal and completion of Genesee Valley Canal, 1854-1857. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Exhibit material used by the Office of the State Comptroller, 1870-1962. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Notices of local assessments of state property for local improvements, 1904-1909. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Entry documentation submitted by the Indian Commissioners and Indian agents for annuities paid to Indians and for other expenditures, 1796-1925. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Opinions of the Attorney General and court decisions concerning the sale of lands for unpaid taxes, 1876-1937. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index book to mortgages, land sales, and bank accounts of loan commissioners, 1901-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledgers for state stock, 1815-1818. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. County treasurers' statements of non-resident lands sold for unpaid taxes, 1849-1854. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of tax monies received, 1910-1912, 1917. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstract of statement of monies received by the Clerk of the Supreme Court in the City of New York, 1839-1840. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers and correspondence relating to highway maintenance and repair, 1902-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Notices to state regarding cutting of brush along highways on state land, 1909-1912, 1922-1924. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bills for state printing, 1840-1842. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Audited accounts of Onondaga Commissioners, 1801-1892. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Vouchers for Erie Canal survey, 1900. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax sale certificates, 1859. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of the County Loan Commissioners, 1802-1807, 1827-1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Geographical registers of comptroller's tax deeds, 1815-1845, 1895, 1900, 1924-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation for state agency expenses, 1784-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Treasurer's receipts for payments of land purchased at Comptroller's tax sale of 1853, 1853. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to audits and vouchers and state expenses, 1893-1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. List of expenditures for work done on the Erie Canal, [ca. 1829-1857] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of municipalities' joint activities, 1983-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Bills of lading and clearances for cargoes, 1830-1855, 1869, 1881. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Reports, correspondence and entry documentation relating to inspection of potash, 1816-1839. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of non-current bank notes deposited in the Treasury and other banks, 1817, 1819-1822. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. U.S. Deposit Fund mortgage payment ledger, [ca.1860-1938] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Bonds from purchasers of lands in old military tract, 1805-1813. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Legal documentation relating to quit rents, [ca. 1785-1828] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. County assessments of real and personal property, 1786-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. General account ledgers, 1775-1918. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Lists of bonds and mortgages on state lands delivered to the Attorney General, 1811-1817. New York State Archives
referencedIn Outgoing correspondence replying to inquiries about records of soldiers of the Revolutionary War, 1904-1909 New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of non-resident lands sold in tax sales by county treasurers, 1852-1896 (bulk 1852-1854, 1896) New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Contracting Board. Proposals and bonds for canal enlargement and repairs, 1848-1869. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Employee position and salary roster of state agencies, 1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Warrants for payment, 1890-1894. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Receipts and accounts for state expenses, [ca. 1765-1907]. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. List of Loan Office Certificates from the United States to the State of New York, 1777-1781. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Canal damage awards by Canal Appraisers, Board of Claims, and Court of Claims, 1835-1953. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of industrial development agencies, 1975-1983, 1986-1988, 1990-2002. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Canal system survey maps, 1832-1843. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of property transfer taxes, 1885-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax assessors' atlases, [ca. 1864-1927]. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of state lotteries, 1817-1819. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation submitted by the Commissioners of Navigation to the Comptroller, 1794-1828. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Rough minutes, 1827-1926. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's blank forms, [ca. 1835] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to land taxes, 1897-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Bonds of banks holding deposits of Canal Fund monies, 1855-1867. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Warrants to sheriff of Ulster County to levy arrears of taxes, 1788. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Canal Investigating Commission (1898). Printed material, correspondence and photographs from the Canal Investigating Commission, 1888-1912. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of incorporated companies, [ca. 1827-1828] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Lists of stockholders of Million Dollar Loan and canal loans, 1815-1823. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of applications for cancellations of tax sales, [ca. 1866-1885] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Quarterly statements of fees collected, 1850-1856. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Index to Comptroller's tax sale records, [n.d.] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Canal Board. State Engineer and Surveyor's maps and plans for the Hudson and Champlain Improvement survey, 1866. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Reports of occupancy of lands purchased by the state in tax sales, 1902-1912. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Requisitions for Barge Canal materials and equipment, 1934-1938 New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Whiteprint copies of maps of portions of canals lands belonging to the State of New York, 1917-1948. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's correspondence concerning claims for war service and bills for military expenses, 1813-1915 (bulk 1850-1853). New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Incoming correspondence from clerks of boards of supervisors regarding the assessment of taxes, 1893-1894, 1897-1898. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Delivery receipts for distribution of quit rents, [ca. 1820-1824] New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Adirondack can Catskill Forest Preserves land purchase journal, 1897-1919. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to prisons, the Onondaga Salt Springs, and the U.S. Deposit Fund, 1890-1903. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Register of tolls paid by railroads on canals, 1849-1851. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Auditor. List of pay certificates issued to New York Continental Soldiers by the U.S. Paymaster General, 1783-1787. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Minutes of meetings of the Board of Commissioners of the Mohansic Lake Reservation, 1919-1920. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Financial and administrative records of canals, 1838-1880. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Claims examined by the Auditors Board, 1864-1866. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Abstracts of property valuations made for State taxes, 1799-1800. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Calendar of petitions, 1849-1854. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Annual debt statements of municipalities, fire districts, and school districts, 1967-1969. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Documents relating to refund of overpaid tolls, 1851-1882. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Loan to College of Physicians and Surgeons of the City of New York, 1817. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Card index to states of tolls on canal passenger boats, 1828-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Examination of accounts of Battle Island Paper Company, 1915. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Survey map of Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, 1830. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Emergency Financial Control Board. Meeting minutes, 1975-1978. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. New York State Prison financial records, 1800-1828. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation relating to escheats, [ca. 1901-1903] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of rejected taxes in Forest Preserve Counties, 1912. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal Commissioners' estimates of work done and materials delivered on Erie, Champlain, and Black River canals, 1867-1868. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. Payment book for work on canals, 1817-1841. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Tables showing distribution of tax monies to various counties, 1929-1942. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal Dept. Accounts and returns of canal tolls by railroads, 1844-1851. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA A0200.xml New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Outgoing correspondence relating to taxation and sale of state land, 1891-1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Comptroller's ledger 'K', 1879-1890. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's consents to local governments to issue bonds, 1920-1931. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Department of Audit and Control Agency History Record. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts for expenditures by the Buffalo Harbor Company, 1820-1822. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. Contract for protection of Albany Basin, 1869. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Superintendents of repairs' unpaid accounts, 1846-1875. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of lands sold by Surveyor General, 1830-1834. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of deposits and withdrawals in bank accounts, 1806-1820. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Chief Clerk of the Canal Department. Canal Toll Collector's book, 1847. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of auctioneers, 1830-1848. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Scrapbook relating to canal matters, 1871-1975. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Cash account of Toll Collector at Rochester, 1826. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Schedule of lands of John Hone sold for taxes, 1831. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Canal fund accounts (receipt and disbursement book), 1824-1832. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax accounts of the Treasurer of the City and County of New York, 1785-1787. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual schedules of real property taxes levied by county boards of supervisors/legislators, 1958-2001. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. Index to contracts for Erie Canal Improvements, [ca. 1840-1860] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. List of assignments and satisfactions of mortgages, 1911-1931. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of state printer, 1843-1894. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual financial reports of regional Off-Track Betting corporations, 1974-1983, 1990-2001. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Legal documentation relating to Comptroller's sales of land for taxes, [ca. 1870-1910] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Corporation Tax Bureau. Accounts of cash received, 1901-1921. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Toll collectors' annual accounts, 1853, 1878-1879. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. Annual city constitutional tax margin statements, 1947-1999. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. Lists of awards made by Board of Claims, 1892-1894. New York State Archives
creatorOf NYSA B0950.xml New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Registers of non-resident lands sold in tax sales, [ca.1808-1926] Arkansas State Library
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. Bonds for the sale of unappropriated lands, [ca. 1803-1815] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Senate bill files of proposed legislation, 1970-1974. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Accounts of bank deposits and withdrawals, 1838-1850. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of bonds of state and local officials, 1768-1873. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Entry documentation concerning the estate of Abraham De Peyster, [ca. 1771-1774] New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Barbers' applications for certificate of qualification, 1904-1905. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Tax assessment roll for Town of Rochester, Ulster County, 1909. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. Lists of appointments of assistant engineers and other employees, 1851-1900. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Register of occupied lands in Erie County sold as non-resident lands in tax sales of 1826-1885, 1891. New York State Archives
referencedIn Copies of accounts audited by the Auditor General for bills presented to the State, 1780-1794 New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Account book of expenses for building Sing Sing Prison (Mt. Pleasant), 1825-1829. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Correspondence relating to the payment of interest on loans from the Common School Fund, 1845, 1896-1897. New York State Archives
creatorOf New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Surrogates' certificates of wills and executors, 1873-1921. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Summary of appropriations requested by state government agencies, 1910. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Records relating to the purchase of firearms, 1861. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Ledger of salaries and expenses for state agencies, 1923-1924. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Notices to and from mortgagees of lands sold for taxes, 1848-1930. New York State Archives
referencedIn New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Summary account of bounties paid out by paymaster general, 1865. New York State Archives
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Corey, Albert B. person
associatedWith Cornwall (N.Y. : Town). Town Supervisor. corporateBody
associatedWith Malone, Leo A. person
associatedWith New York (State). Auditor. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Auditor General corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Auditor General. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Auditor General. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Auditor General. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Board of Canal Appraisers. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Board of Claims. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Bureau of Canal Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Bureau of Claims. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Canal Board. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Canal Board. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Canal Investigating Commission (1898) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comprtoller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Committee on Constitutional Tax and Debit Limitations and City-School Fiscal Relations. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
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associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Contracting Board. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Court of Claims. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Comptroller's Office. Land Tax Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Office of the First Deputy Comptroller. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Law. Bureau of Real Property. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) Dept. of Public Works. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Public Works. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Public Works. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of State. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Dept. of Taxation and Finance. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Division of Canals and Waterways. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Division of Canals and Waterways. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) Education Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Education Dept. Bureau of Public Service Training. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Emergency Financial Control Board. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Emergency Financial Control Board. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Emergency Financial Control Board for the City of Yonkers. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of Canal Appraisers. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Auditor of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Canal Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Chief Clerk of the Canal Department. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Land Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Commissioners of the Land Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the Division Engineer (Erie Canal : Western Division) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) Office of the State Comptroller. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Office of the State Comptroller corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) Office of the Superintendent of State Prisons. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Public Service Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Teachers' Retirement System. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Treasurer's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Onondaga Historical Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Winter Olympic Games (3rd : 1932 : Lake Placid, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Wright, Richard N. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)
New York State Canal System (N.Y.)
United States
Champlain Canal (N.Y.)
Oswego Canal (N.Y.)
Erie Canal (N.Y.)
Syracuse (N.Y.)
Quebec (Canada)
Black River Canal (N.Y.)
Chenango Canal (N.Y.)
Archival surveys
Courts-martial and courts of inquiry
Debts, Public
Expenditures, Public
Finance, Public
Finance, Public
Finance, Public
Fire protection districts
Government purchasing
History materials
Housing authorities
Land patents
Mental health facilities
Military law
Municipal finance
Property tax
Public records
Railroad crossings
Real property tax
Redemption of securities
School districts
Special funds
Stock ownership
Urban renewal
Administering finance
Advocating government policy
Archiving state government records
Fiscal records
Indexing state government records
Monitoring government contracts
Records management

Corporate Body

Active 1850

Active 1855

Active 1927

Active 1960

Active 1873

Active 1934

Active 1796

Active 1925

Active 1960

Active 1974

Active 1924

Active 1926

Active 1956

Active 1997

Active 1978

Active 2003

Active 1947

Active 1999

Active 1968

Active 1969

Active 1815

Active 1986

Active 1919

Active 1931

Active 1808

Active 1926

Active 1934

Active 1938

Active 1975

Active 2002

Active 1815

Active 1839

Active 1866

Active 1885

Active 1914

Active 1929

Active 1954

Active 2002

Active 1955

Active 1978

Active 1803

Active 1830

Active 1958

Active 2001

Active 1940

Active 1943

Active 1971

Active 1972

Active 1835

Active 1953

Active 1820

Active 1822

Active 1950

Active 1955

Active 1956

Active 2003

Active 1979

Active 1993

Active 1833

Active 1909

Active 1700

Active 1935

Active 1818

Active 1946

Active 1870

Active 1962

Active 1951

Active 2002

Active 1886

Active 1961

Active 1818

Active 1828

Active 1983

Active 2002

Active 1860

Active 1938

Active 1799

Active 1926

Active 1754

Active 1848

Active 1974

Active 2001

Active 1963

Active 1999

Active 1956

Active 2002

Active 1953

Active 1999

Active 1979

Active 1998

Active 1897

Active 1919

Active 1922

Active 1936

Active 1849

Active 1929

Active 1920

Active 1931

Active 1873

Active 1921

Active 1967

Active 1969

Active 1740

Active 1830

Active 1852

Active 1896

Active 1947

Active 1996

Active 1901

Active 1910

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6sz7561

SNAC ID: 87010235