United States. American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission

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The American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission was established during the Civil War, after the enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation, to determine the condition of free slaves. The men appointed as Commissioners were: Samuel Gridley Howe, James McKaye (1805-1888), and Robert Dale Owen (1801-1877).

Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1876) was a doctor, educatior and activist. Along with his wife, Julia Ward Howe, he was a strong and vocal opponnent of slavery.

From the description of United States American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission records, 1862-1864. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612775411

The American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission was established during the Civil War, after the enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation, to determine the condition of free slaves. The Commission was appointed in March of 1863 by U.S. Secretary of War, Edwin McMasters Stanton, to "inquire into the condition of the Colored population emancipated by acts of Congress and the proclamations of the president, and to consider and report what measures are necessary to give practical effect to those acts and proclamations, so as to place the Colored people of the United States in a condition of self-support and self-defense..." The men appointed as Commissioners were: Samuel Gridley Howe, James McKaye (1805-1888), and Robert Dale Owen (1801-1877).

Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1876) was a doctor, educator and activist. He graduated from Brown University in 1821 and from Harvard Medical School with an M.D. degree in 1824. He was an American reformer and philanthropist who is best remembered for his work with the blind. He was the organizer of the New England Asylum for the Blind (later the Perkins School for the Blind) and was its head for 44 years. Along with his wife, Julia Ward Howe, he was a strong and vocal opponnent of slavery.

From the guide to the United States American Freedmen's Inquiry Commission records, 1862-1864., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
associatedWith 1st Alabama Infantry Colored Troops. corporateBody
associatedWith A. C. Hamlin person
associatedWith A. D. Adamidy. person
correspondedWith Alexander, J. M. person
correspondedWith Allen, Nathan, 1813-1889 person
associatedWith American Freedmen's Friend Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, William. person
correspondedWith Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867 person
correspondedWith Anthony, D. R. (Daniel Read), 1824-1904 person
associatedWith Anti-slavery Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Anti-slavery Society of Canada. corporateBody
correspondedWith Aspinwall, J. W., Dr. person
associatedWith Asylum for the Insane (Brattleboro, Vt.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Atkinson, Edward. person
correspondedWith Balch, F. V. (Francis Vergnies), 1839-1898 person
correspondedWith Ballinger, R. H. person
correspondedWith Bancroft, J. P. person
correspondedWith Barlow, Francis C. (Francis Channing), 1834-1896 person
correspondedWith Barnes, J. S. person
correspondedWith Bartlett, John R. person
correspondedWith Binis?, William. person
correspondedWith Blatchford, Thomas W. (Thomas Windeatt), 1794-1866 person
associatedWith Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bogert, S. V. K. person
correspondedWith Booth, L. F. person
associatedWith Boston Lunatic Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowditch, Henry J. person
correspondedWith Boynton, Charles Brandon, 1806-1883 person
correspondedWith Bradley, Henry. person
correspondedWith Brice, William H. person
associatedWith Brigham Hall (Canandaigua, N.Y.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown, D. T. person
correspondedWith Brown, Isaac G. person
correspondedWith Brown, O. person
correspondedWith Buchanan, J. W. person
correspondedWith Burge, John Henry Hobart, 1823- person
associatedWith Butler Hospital for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith Butler, Isaac Ray. person
correspondedWith Butler, John S. person
correspondedWith Butler, S. W. person
correspondedWith Buttolph, Horace A., b. 1815 person
correspondedWith Camp Buford corporateBody
correspondedWith Camp Springdale corporateBody
correspondedWith Carney, Thomas, 1824-1888 person
associatedWith C. B. Wilder person
associatedWith Central Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chamberlain, C. T. person
correspondedWith Chapin, J. B. person
correspondedWith Chapman, George T. person
associatedWith Charles B. Wilder person
correspondedWith Chiply, W. S. person
correspondedWith Clark, Henry. person
correspondedWith Cogswell, M. F. person
correspondedWith Comegys, C. G. (Cornelius George), 1816-1898 person
correspondedWith Cotes, L. B. person
correspondedWith Cougdon?, James B. person
correspondedWith Cowgill, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Curwen, John, 1821-1901 person
correspondedWith Day, C. P. person
correspondedWith Dearing, J. H., Dr. person
correspondedWith Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895 person
correspondedWith Draper, A. G. person
associatedWith Eastern Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Eaton, John, 1829-1906 person
correspondedWith Edwin M. Stanton person
correspondedWith Eliot, Thomas Dawes, 1808-1870 person
associatedWith E. Mouttet. person
correspondedWith Enos, DeWitt C., Dr. person
associatedWith E. W. Denny person
correspondedWith Fiske, Asa Severance, 1833-1925 person
associatedWith Fleming, Andrew. person
correspondedWith Fonerden, John. person
associatedWith Frank E. Howe person
associatedWith Friends' Asylum for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gloucester, James N. person
correspondedWith Gray, John P. (John Perdue), 1825-1886 person
correspondedWith Griscom, John H. (John Hoskins), 1809-1874 person
correspondedWith Gundry, Richard. person
correspondedWith Hammond, John Q. person
correspondedWith Harlow, H. M. person
associatedWith Harris. person
correspondedWith Hawley, Roswell, Dr. person
correspondedWith Hays, Isaac, 1796-1879 person
correspondedWith Henning, J. person
correspondedWith Hills, R. person
correspondedWith Hilton, George L. person
correspondedWith Hinton, Richard J. person
correspondedWith Howe, George E. person
associatedWith Howe, Samuel Gridley, 1801-1876 person
associatedWith Howe, S. G. 1801-1876. person
correspondedWith Hoyt, George H. (George Henry), b. 1837 person
correspondedWith Hubbard, D. H. person
correspondedWith Hubbard, S. G. person
correspondedWith Hunt, E. K. person
correspondedWith Hurst, B. H. person
associatedWith Illinois State Hospital for the Insane. corporateBody
associatedWith Iowa Hospital for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith James, Horace, 1818-1875 person
correspondedWith James McKaye person
associatedWith James S. Mackie person
correspondedWith Jarvis, Edward, Dr. person
correspondedWith Jarvis, George Ogelvie, 1795-1875 person
correspondedWith J.B. Lippincott & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jewell, Wilson, 1800-1867 person
associatedWith J. G. Kennedy. person
associatedWith J. M. W. Yerrington person
associatedWith John B. Clark person
correspondedWith Johnston, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Johnston, J. B. person
correspondedWith Josephs, A. F. person
correspondedWith Kirkbride, Thomas Story, 1809-1883 person
correspondedWith Knight, H. M. person
correspondedWith Leigh, Charles C. person
correspondedWith Litchfield, John Palmer. person
associatedWith Lucy Chase person
associatedWith MacKaye, James Morrison, 1805-1888. person
associatedWith Maine Insane Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mansfield, J. B. person
associatedWith Maryland Hospital for the Insane, at Baltimore. corporateBody
correspondedWith McClure, Samuel T. person
associatedWith McCrea, Walter. person
correspondedWith McDiarmid, George W. person
correspondedWith McFarland, A. person
correspondedWith McFarland, J. W. person
correspondedWith McGann, J. B. person
associatedWith McKaye, James. person
correspondedWith McKeene, Silas. person
associatedWith McLean Asylum for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith Merion, N. person
associatedWith Michigan Asylum for the Insane. corporateBody
correspondedWith M'Kim, J. Miller (James Miller), 1810-1874 person
correspondedWith Morton, James St. C. (James St. Clair), 1829-1864 person
associatedWith Mount Hope Institution (Baltimore, Md.). corporateBody
associatedWith National Freedman's Relief Association. corporateBody
associatedWith New England Loyal Publication Society. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. corporateBody
associatedWith New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton. corporateBody
associatedWith New York City Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nichols, D. B. person
associatedWith Northampton Lunatic Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith N. S. Perkins person
associatedWith O. Brown person
associatedWith Ohio Penitentiary (Columbus, Ohio). corporateBody
associatedWith Ohio Reform School. corporateBody
correspondedWith Olds, A. D. person
associatedWith Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. person
associatedWith Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. person
correspondedWith Palmer, George E., Dr. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Joseph. person
associatedWith Palmer Litts person
associatedWith Parker, B. F. person
correspondedWith Patterson, R. I. person
correspondedWith Patton, William W. (William Weston), 1821-1889 person
correspondedWith Peabody, Daniel. person
associatedWith Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith Phillips, William A. (William Addison), 1824-1893 person
correspondedWith Pile, John A. person
correspondedWith Pollack, R. H. person
correspondedWith Pomeroy, James M. (James Morgarum), 1836-1887 person
correspondedWith Porter, Isaac G., Dr. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Carrie H. person
associatedWith Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Missions for Freedmen. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ranney, Moses H. person
correspondedWith R. D. (Reuben Delevan) Mussey person
correspondedWith Read, Philander? person
correspondedWith Redpath, James, 1833-1891 person
correspondedWith Reed, J. A. person
associatedWith Retreat for the Insane at Hartford. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rev. W. J. Kermott person
correspondedWith Richardson, I. L. person
correspondedWith Rockwell, W. H. person
associatedWith Rockwood Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Russell, Le Baron, d. 1889 person
correspondedWith Schneck, W. S. person
correspondedWith Scofield, H., Colonel. person
correspondedWith Searle, George W. person
correspondedWith S. G. (Samuel Gridley) Howe person
correspondedWith Shaw, F. G. person
correspondedWith Sidell, N? W. person
correspondedWith Slifer, Eli. person
correspondedWith Snow, Edwin M. (Edwin Miller), 1820-1888 person
correspondedWith Société Cosmopolite pour la Fusion des Races Humaines. corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Ohio Lunatic Asylum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Spickler, D. H., Dr. person
correspondedWith Spooner, J. W. person
associatedWith S. S. Jocelyn person
associatedWith State Asylum for Insane Criminals (Auburn, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith State of Rhode Island. Secretary's Office. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stearns, Geo. L. (George Luther), 1809-1867 person
correspondedWith Stetson, Edward Gray. person
correspondedWith Stevens, Edward B. person
correspondedWith Stevens, H. F. person
correspondedWith Stokes, William H. person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 person
associatedWith Thomas Hill person
correspondedWith Tolles, C. W. person
correspondedWith Tucker, John person
correspondedWith Tyler, John E. person
correspondedWith United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Missions for Freedmen. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Dept. of Virginia. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Paymaster-General. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. Dept. of State. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. Dept. of the interior. Census Office. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1861-1865 : Lincoln). corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Auden, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Van Deusen, E. H. person
correspondedWith Vincent, G. C. person
correspondedWith Warner, A. S. person
correspondedWith Watson, Peter H. person
associatedWith Western Freedmen's Aid Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Western Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. corporateBody
associatedWith Western Theological Seminary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Pa.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Wheeler, O. G. person
correspondedWith Wheeler, William G., Dr. person
correspondedWith Whitman, E. B. (Edmund Burke), 1812-1883 person
correspondedWith Wilder, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Willard, S. D. person
correspondedWith Williams, J. M. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Hiram, 1803-1864 person
associatedWith Wilson, William J. person
correspondedWith Wolker, C. N. person
correspondedWith Woodbury, W. H. person
associatedWith Wool, John Ellis, 1784-1869 person
correspondedWith Worthington, J. H. person
correspondedWith Wright, Sela G., 1816-1906 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
African Americans
Mental health

Corporate Body

Active 1862

Active 1864


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6fj8z2w

Ark ID: w6fj8z2w

SNAC ID: 44768405