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MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS: correspondence and papers, partly relating to William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland, and his family; 1717-1902. Some French. Purchased from John Wilson, Esq., 10 Feb. 1968. Paper; ff. 148. British Library arrangement. Contents: 1. ff..., 1717-1902
British Library |
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Vol. X, 1764-1792.includes:ff. 1-14b Elizabeth Vassall Fox, formerly Fox; wife of Henry, 3rd Baron Holland: Copies by, of correspondence and verses: 1808, 1820, n.d.ff. 1, 4, 6b, 7b, 9, 11, 89 George Macartney, Earl Macartney: Letters to, from C..., 1764-1792
British Library |
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LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. CCCII (ff. 428). Letters relating to Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, wife of the Prince Regent, afterwards (1820) George IV ; 1812-1821. The correspondence is chiefly that of the 2nd Earl with Henry Peter Brougham (Baron Brougham an..., 1812-1821
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 320). 1798, 1799.Alexander Davison, contractor: Letter to W. Huskisson: 1798.: Signed.George III of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1782-1820.includes:f. 3 Sir George Macartney, Lord Macartney 1776, Viscount 1792, Ear..., 1798-1799
British Library |
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Vol. v. (ff. 523). Aug. 1778-Dec. 1779.British America, and United States: Proceedings of the Commissioners sent out to treat with: 1778.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:f. 1...
British Library |
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Vol. xliv. (ff. 565). Oct. 1798-1802.George III of England: Letter to the Princess of Orange: 1802.: Fr.: Copy.includes:ff. 1, 111, 144, 368, 371 George Rose, PC; MP: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1785-1806. ff. 3, 167, 168, 180*, 261, 284, 381...
British Library |
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ALBUM OF MARIANNE SPENCER STANHOPE, Containing copies in her hand of verses and a few letters, etc.; compiled circ. 1812-circ. 1823. The compiler was the daughter of Walter Spencer Stanhope, M.P., of Cannon Hall, W.R., co. York, and married in 1828 R..., approximately 1812-approximately 1823
British Library |
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Vol. xlix. (ff. 512). 1831-1861. Undated A-H.includes:ff. 1, 23 George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon: Letters to Lord Auckland: 1833-1834. ff. 1-154 George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland; 2nd Baron Auckland: Correspondence: 1814-1845..., 1831-1861
British Library |
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Vol. CXIX (ff. 221). 4 Sept. 1780-10 Nov. 1781.Hon Henry Seymour-Conway, Field-Marshal 1793: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1767-1795.M-Pierrepont, Secretary to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: Letter-books of the same written by: 1775-178...
British Library |
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MORLEY PAPERS. Vol. XXXV (ff. 129). Verse, commonplaces, etc.; 1701-circ. 1854, n.d. Included (f. 35) is a visiting card of Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi (see A. Baudi di Vesme and A. Calabi, Francesco Bartolozzi, 1928, no. 19..., 1701-1859
British Library |
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Vol. I.Ireland: Abstracts of letters and papers of state: 1724-1783.Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle: Abstracts of his letters and papers: 1782.William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland: Abstracts of his letters and ..., 1724-1783
British Library |
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DROPMORE PAPERS. Vol. CXXXVIII (ff. 170). 1. ff. 1-51. 5th Earl of Carlisle; 1794-1820, n.d. 2. ff. 52-106. 2nd Duke of Northumberland; 1806-1813. 3. ff. 107-170v. 1st Earl of Carnarvon, his wife Elizabeth, and Henry, 2nd Earl; 1794-1831.includes:ff...., 1794-1831
British Library |
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Vol. vi. (ff. 416). Jan. 1780-July, 1781.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:ff. 1, 43 Peter Johnson, Recorder of York: Letters to W. Eden: 1780-1785. ff. 3. 36 Adam Ferguson, ...
British Library |
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Vol. iv. (ff. 453). Jan.-July, 1778.British America, and United States: Proceedings of the Commissioners sent out to treat with: 1778.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:ff. 3, ...
British Library |
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Vol. L (ff. 292). Oct.-16 Dec. 1803.Francis Drake, Minister at Genoa and Munich: Despatches,: 1803, 1804.: partly in cypher, decyphered and sympathetic ink.Cyphers: Various British and foreign diplomatists: 1800-1804.includes:ff. 1, 247 Francis Drake...
British Library |
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THOMAS GRENVILLE PAPERS. Vol. X. Correspondence of Thomas Grenville, M.P. (1755-1846), supplementing that in Add. MSS. 41851-41859, for which see above, p. 150; 9 Feb. 1793-24 June 1834. Arranged as follows:-(1) Letters from [George Nugent-Temple-G..., 1793-1834
British Library |
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Vol. CCLXXXII (ff. 319). 1781-1790.includes:f. 1 George Jubb, DD, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford 1780: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1771-1782. f. 3 Ralph Payne, 1st Baron Lavington: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverp..., 1781-1790
British Library |
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HERTFORD PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 171). Correspondence, etc., of Selwyn with members of the Fagnani family and others, consisting mainly of letters addressed to him (some to 'Mie Mie') with a few autograph copies of his replies; 1778-1789, n.d. Partly Fre..., 1778-1789
British Library |
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HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. DLXXXY. Transcripts of state correspondence and papers relating, almost exclusively, to the Roman Catholics in Ireland; 1697-1798. From the accidental substitution by the transcriber of the date "1804" for "1697" in the second ..., 1804
British Library |
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Vol. XXVI (ff. 348). Dec. 1780-Mar. 1781.Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1779-1794.John Robinson, Secretary to the Treasury: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1761-1802.includes:f. 1 Dav...
British Library |
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THOMAS GRENVILLE PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 379). Letters to Thomas Grenville from:-(1) His nephew Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Lord Temple, 2nd Marquess of Buckingham 1813, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos 1822; 29 May 1797-7 Dec. 1..., 1793-1824
British Library |
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NORTH (SHEFFIELD PARK) PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 228). Correspondence and papers; 1765-1787, n.d. Partly French.1. ff. 1-216. General political correspondence and papers; 1765-1787, n.d. Partly French. Most of the letters date from 1783-1787. 2. ff. 217..., 1765-1787
British Library |
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Vol. CXVII (ff. 209). 17 July, 1775-21 July, 1779.Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1779-1794.M-Pierrepont, Secretary to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: Letter-books of the same written by: 1775-1783.inclu...
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 418). 1802-1809.George III of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1782-1820.William Huskisson, statesman: Correspondence with G. Canning.: 1801-1827.includes:f. 1 Major-General Francis Dundas, Acting Governor at the Cape:..., 1802-1809
British Library |
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(ff. 147). Journal 25 Feb.-18 Apr. 1803; letters, etc., 24 Dec. 1788-1 May 1803.includes:ff. 1-41 Reverend Thomas Willis, LLD 1791; Rector of St George's, Bloomsbury, 1791, and of Wateringbury 1800: Journals rel. to the King's illness: 1801-1803.f..., 1788-1803
British Library |
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Vol. vii. (ff. 524). Aug. 1781-July, 1782.includes:ff. 8, 40, 73, 91, 95, 103, 108, 118, 131, 133, 149, 163, 169, 184, 188, 197, 208, 219, 228, 318, 324, 350, 372, 379, 387 Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough; 1st Marquess of Downshire: Correspondence w...
British Library |
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Vol. XCVI (ff. 374). 14 May-28 June, 1820.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1, 52 Richard Mant, Bighop of Killaloe and Kilfenora: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-...
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 363). 1800, 1801.Robert Arbuthnot, Chief Secretary, Ceylon Government: Letters to Huskisson: 1801, 1802.George III of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1782-1820.includes:ff. 1-4, 313 General Charles Grey, 1st Earl Gre..., 1800-1801
British Library |
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Vol. VI (ff. 283). 30 June 1800-22 Nov. 1806.includes:f. 2 Richard Fitch: Letter to W. Frogatt: 1800. f. 3 Barott Hendrik August van Kinckel, Dutch Admiral: Letters to T. Grenville: 1799, 1800.: Fr. ff. 5, 13, 51 Euseby Cleaver, Bishop of Ferns; Arch...
British Library |
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Vol. xlvii. (ff. 640). 1810-1813.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.includes:ff. 1, 11, 41, 71, 211, 248, 250, 254, 335, 357, 364, 424, 451, 519, 588, 637 Nicholas Vansittart, Baro..., 1810-1813
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 337). 1782 and 1790-1797.George III of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1782-1820.includes:f. 1 John Warner, DD, Chaplain at the British Embassy, Paris: Letter to, from W. Huskisson: circ. 1790.: Fr. f. 2 b Elizabeth ..., 1782-1797
British Library |
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BERRY PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 454). Miscellaneous correspondence of Mary Berry arranged Chronologically, viz., (a) English, 1789-1851. f. 1;-(b) Foreign, 1791-1849. f. 299. Names of writers are given in the Index.includes:ff. 2-7 Richard Owen Cambridg..., 1789-1851
British Library |
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Hon. Augusta Leigh née Byron: literary commonplace book; circa Aug. 1805 -Aug. 1848. English and French. The contents consist largely of copies of verses and epigrams by, together with extracts from, both contem-porary and earlier poets. The main...
British Library |
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THOMAS GRENVILLE. Vol. I A (ff. 184). Bound album of letters to Grenville from relatives, politicians and men of letters; 1800-1842.Thomas Grenville, bibliophile and statesman: Letters to Thomas Grenville: 1782-1842, n.d.includes:ff. 20, 21 John Ho..., 1800-1842
British Library |
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Vol. xlv. (ff. 643). 1803-Aug. 1806.includes:ff. passim Robert Hobart, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire: Correspondence with lst Lord Auckland: 1795-1814. ff. 3, 11, 92 Alexander Wedderburn, Baron Loughborough; 1st Earl of Rosslyn: Correspondence with Lo...
British Library |
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FOX PAPERS. Vol. XXIV (ff. 265). General correspondence of General the Hon. R. Fitzpatrick; 1773-1813.General Hon Richard Fitzpatrick, MP: General correspondence: 1773-1813.includes:ff. 1-42b passim William Fawkener, Clerk of the council, Secretary t..., 1773-1813
British Library |
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Vol. xliii. (ff. 508). June 1796-Sept. 1798.Ireland: Correspondence of Lord Auckland relating to: 1796-1801.includes:f. 1 William Wickham, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Cantons (1796): Letters to Lord Auckland: 1796, 1810. ff. 5, 40, 73, 78,...
British Library |
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Vol. xlvi. (ff. 612). Sept. 1806-1809.William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland: Miscellaneous private correspondence: 1806-1814.includes:ff. 1, 199-209, 492, 533 Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland: Letters to Lord Auckland: 1806-1809. ff. 3, 245, ...
British Library |
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Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Collection of documents concerning the American Revolution, 1740-1866
Houghton Library |
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ORIGINAL letters of noblemen and others to William Eden, Lord Auckland, and his son George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland, 1768-1827. Among the writers are:-E[dward] Thurlow [Attorney General, afterwards Lord Chancellor]; London, 20 Sept. 1775, f. 3. [Lo..., 1768-1827
British Library |
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Vol. viii. (ff. 486). Aug. 1782-Star. 1785.Ireland: Resolutions of Parliament conc. trade with England: 1785.includes:ff. 1, 14, 53, 95, 106, 332, 190, 208, 250, 268, 302, 307, 312, 319, 328, 385, 459, 465 George Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough: Cor...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Ireland: Abstracts of letters and papers of state: 1724-1783.Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle: Abstracts of his letters and papers: 1782.William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland: Abstracts of his letters and..., 1724-1783
British Library |
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ADAIR PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 201). 1. ff. 1-103. Papers relating to the East India Bill; 17th cent-1783, n.d.:-(i) Background notes and papers; 17th cent.-1782, n.d. Extracts, copies and printed. ff. 1-35;-(ii) Bills; 1773, 1783. Printed drafts, with..., 1600-1797
British Library |