Stieglitz family.

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Information about the Stieglitz family is readily available in many books about Alfred Stieglitz, including Sue Davidson Lowe's Stieglitz: A Memoir/Biography, which includes a detailed family tree that is very helpful in sorting out the photographer's extended family. The Flora Stieglitz Straus Collection contains a photocopy of a typescript draft of an autobiography by Edward J. Stieglitz ("Search for Maturity") that also includes biographical information about Julius Stieglitz. In addition, readers are directed to Herbert Newby McCoy's Julius Stieglitz, 1867-1937: A Biographical Sketch .

From the guide to the Flora Stieglitz Straus collection of Stieglitz family papers, 1860-1999, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)

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Ark ID: w6z75kmx

SNAC ID: 40149895