University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Employee Forum..

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The Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was established in March 1992 by Chancellor Paul Hardin to advise him and other administrators about the interests and concerns of the university's non-faculty employees and to assist in fostering "open and effective communication among all levels of employees, students, faculty and the administration."

From the description of Employee Forum records, 1990-2006. WorldCat record id: 778090939

The Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was established in March 1992 by Chancellor Paul Hardin to advise him and other administrators about the interests and concerns of the university's non-faculty employees and to assist in fostering open and effective communication among all levels of employees, students, faculty and the administration. The forum held its first meeting in September of that year, after a steering committee composed of employees recommended electoral divisions and arranged for the election of members. Forty-five members were elected by their peers from nine divisions representing both SPA employees (i.e., those subject to the State Personnel Act) and EPA non-faculty employees (i.e., those exempt from the State Personnel Act). The bylaws of the forum specified that the chancellor might appoint up to five additional members and that he would attend forum meetings at least twice a year. Officers of the forum included a chair, vice-chair, and secretary.

Improving the university's management of its personnel was one of Hardin's priorities as chancellor. Soon after he assumed office in July 1988, the university hired the consulting firm Cambridge Associates Inc. to study and make recommendations for improvements. In 1990, as a result of this study, the position of associate vice chancellor for human resources was created in the Division of Business and Finance. The associate vice chancellor headed a new Office of Human Resources responsible for employee services and benefits administration for both EPA and SPA employees. It was Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest who, after soliciting ideas from employees, drafted a proposal for the Employee Forum in 1991. Chancellor Hardin encouraged the idea. Before comming to Chapel Hill, he had been president of Drew University, where there was an active employee forum.

From the guide to the Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records, 1990-2006, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. University Archives.)

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Active 1990

Active 2006

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Ark ID: w6gc0jgv

SNAC ID: 35811179