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Vol. CXVII. 1906-1909.Charles de Sousy Ricketts, alias 'Jean Paul Raymond'; RA: Thomas Robert Way, artist and printmaker: Letters to Thomas Robert Way from Charles de Sousy Ricketts: [1906]-1907.Robert Baldwin Ross, literary executor of Oscar Wilde: ..., 1906-1909
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF RICHARD COBDEN, M.P., (b. 1804, d. 1865) and his daughter, Emma Jane Catherine Cobden (b. 1851, d. 1949), wife (1892) of Thomas Fisher Unwin, publisher; 1852-1939. Supplement Add. MSS. 43647, 43678, 43807, 43808, 50748-50..., 1852-1939
British Library |
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COBDEN PAPERS. Vol. XXXI (ff. 192). (1) Miscellaneous letters, etc., from Richard Cobden; 1836-1864. ff. 1-89b. Typewritten copies.(2) Correspondence of Catherine Anne, wife of Richard Cobden; 1856-1875. Followed (ff. 134-151) by that of other member..., 1835-1921
British Library |
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Vol. CXV. 1896-1901.Percy Sholto Douglas, 10th Marquess of Queensberry; brother of Lord Alfred Douglas: Very Reverend Archibald Edward Douglas, brother of John, 9th Marquess of Queensberry: Letters to Percy Sholto Douglas from Very Rev. Archibald Edw..., 1896-1901
British Library |
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Garrison family papers, 1801-1948 (inclusive), 1840-1907 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
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Volkhovskii, F. (Feliks), 1846-1914. Correspondence, 1878-1932
Houghton Library |
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G. K. CHESTERTON PAPERS. VOL. CCXCIX (ff. 274). Miscellaneous papers and correspondence relating to Chesterton, and other papers from the Chesterton papers; 1889-1976, n.d.Contents:1. ff. 1-2v. Extract of entry in Who's Who for George Laval Chesterto..., 1882-1976
British Library |
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Vol. VII (ff. 389). 1901-1906.includes:ff. 1, 2, 10, 15, 47, 100 John Stuart Stuart-Glennie, author: Correspondence, etc., with G. B. Shaw of John Stuart Stuart-Glennie: 1889-1903: Partly draft, printed and typescript.f. 3 Frederick Kerr, acto..., 1901-1906
British Library |
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Vol. CXIV. 1893-1895.Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas, poet: Edward St Clair Weeden: Letter to Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas from E. S. Weeden: 1893.Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas, poet: Sybil Montgomery Douglas, mother of Lord Alfred Douglas; 1st wife of John Sholt..., 1893-1895
British Library |
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Vol. XXI (ff. 295). Nov. 1909-March 1911.includes:f. 1 Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland: Letter to J. Burns: 1909.f. 3 H. F. Keene, of the London County Council: Letter to J. Burns: 1909.f. 4 James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, Vi...
British Library |
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Vol. CXVI. 1902-1905.Sir Claude Phillips, Keeper of the Wallace Collection: Robert Baldwin Ross, literary executor of Oscar Wilde: Letters to Robert Baldwin Ross from Sir Claude Phillips: 1902-[1918], n.d.Robert Baldwin Ross, literary executor of Osc..., 1902-1905
British Library |
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Vol. XLIV (ff. 258). 1881-1911, n.d.includes:ff. 1-12b, 32 Mrs Mary Cowan, sister of E A Sothern: Letters to W. S. Gilbert: 1881, 1885. ff. 15-17 Thomas W. Terry: Letters to W. S. Gilbert: 1883. f. 18 David Carnegie, of Stronvar: Letter to W. S. Gi..., 1881-1911
British Library |
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Vol. LIII (ff 157). 1888-1900.Charles Charrington, alias Martin; actor: Janet Achurch, actress; wife of C Carrington: Letters of G. B. Shaw to Charles Charrington and Janet Achurch: 1889-1924, n.d.: Typewritten copies.Ashley Dukes, author and dramat..., 1888-1900
British Library |
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Vol. XXIX (ff. 239). 1905 -1913, n.d.includes:f. 1 Macmillan and Co; publishers: Letters to A. R. Wallace: 1896-1909. ff. 2, 7 Eveleen Myers, née Tennant; wife of F W H Myers: Letters to A. R. Wallace: 1901, 1905. ff. 5, 170, 221, 226 Jane Barlow, w..., 1905-1913
British Library |
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Vol. CXIII. 1830-1892.William Wilkie Collins, author: Alexander Galt Ross, brother of Robert Baldwin Ross: Letter rel. to William Wilkie Collins: 1887.Sir Walter Besant, novelist: Alexander Galt Ross, brother of Robert Baldwin Ross: Correspondence of..., 1830-1892
British Library |
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G. K. CHESTERTON PAPERS. VOL. LV (ff. 146). Correspondence with:1. ff. 1-2. Pupils of Sacré Cœur Convent School, Timaru, New Zealand; [1928]. Forwarded by C. C. Martindale.2. ff. 3-5v. Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel; 1911.3. ff. 6-7v. Doro..., 1892-1936
British Library |
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Vol. XCV (ff. 309). Nov.-Dec. 1914.Albert I of Belgium: Papers rel. to the War Refugees Committee: 1914-1919.includes:f. 1 Louise Victoria Samuel, wife of G E Samuel; DBE 1920: Correspondence with Lord Gladstone: 1914-1917.ff. 2b, 15, 21 A. J. Bu...
British Library |
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Century Company records
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division |
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William Roscoe Thayer papers, 1762-1927 (inclusive), 1872-1921 (bulk)
Houghton Library |
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A. R. WALLACE PAPERS. Vol. XXVII (ff. 353). (1) Correspondence relating to socialism, the nationalisation of land, etc.; 1867-1913, n.d. ff. 1-292. (2) Correspondence relating to the opposition to vaccination; 1883-1912, n.d. ff. 293-353.includes:f. ..., 1867-1913
British Library |
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Wendell family papers
Houghton Library |
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Vol. XXVIII (ff. 261). 1853 -1904.includes:ff. 1, 2, 6, 12, 14 Sir James Brooke, KCB; Rajah of Sarawak: Letters to A. R. Wallace: [1853?]-1866.ff. 9, 19 Sidney Edward Bouverie Bouverie-Pusey: Letters to A. R. Wallace: 1864, 1868.f. 10 Charles ..., 1853-1904
British Library |
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Vol. XXXIX (ff. 148). 1910-1919.includes:f. 1 Edward Linley Sambourne, chief cartoonist for 'Punch': Letter to T. A. Guthrie: 1910.ff. 2, 3 Sir Henry William Lucy, journalist: Letters to T. A. Guthrie: 1910.f. 4v H. Greenhough Smith, editor of ..., 1910-1919
British Library |
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Vol. X (ff. i+212). 1 Jan.-29 Dec. 1896.Henry Festing Jones, author and composer: Correspondence with S. Butler: 1878-1902.Alfred Emery Cathie, assistant of Samuel Butler: Correspondence with S. Butler and H. F. Jones: 1888-1902.includes:ff. 1, 4, 1...
British Library |
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Vol. XVIII (ff. 259). April 1900-1905.COUNTY OF London: Correspondence and papers of J. Burns as L.C.C. representative for Battersea: 1889-1905.Trade Unions: Correspondence, speeches, etc., of J. Burns, M.P., 1872-1905.includes:f. 1 George ...
British Library |
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Vol. V (ff. 308). 1888-1892.includes:ff. 1, 1v William Swan Sonnenschein, publisher: Correspondence with G. B. Shaw of William Swan Sonnenschein: 1887, 1888: Partly signed and shorthand draft. ff. 2, 5, 8 Nellie Purland, teacher: Letters to G. B. Sh..., 1888-1892
British Library |
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Vol. XXXVII (ff. 189). 1890-1899.includes:ff. 1, 3, 8, 9, 30, 35, 58, 117, 131, 176 Sir Bernard Partridge, artist: Correspondence with T. A. Guthrie: 1890-1899.ff. 4-5 George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier, artist and novelist: Letter to T. A. ..., 1890-1899
British Library |
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Vol.XIV(ff i+225). 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1900.Henry Festing Jones, author and composer: Correspondence with S. Butler: 1878-1902.Alfred Emery Cathie, assistant of Samuel Butler: Correspondence with S. Butler and H. F. Jones: 1888-1902.includes:f. 1 Edwin...
British Library |