referencedIn |
Bond, Julian, 1940-. Oral history interview of Julian Bond by Mohini Shapero [manuscript], October 18, 1995.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Lee, William J., 1925-. William J. Lee oral history interview, 1988 May 9.
Georgia State University |
creatorOf |
Georgia House of Representatives. 1941-42 session photograph, 1941.
Georgia Southern University |
referencedIn |
Nunn, Sam. Sam Nunn papers, [ca. 1939-1997].
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
Barnett, William, 1761-1832. William Barnett petition, 1791.
Georgia Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Kidd, Culver, 1914-1995,. Culver Kidd oral history interviews, 1988 Oct. 3 and 20.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Greer, John, 1909-1994. [John Greer papers] 1945-1986.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Hamilton, Grace Towns, 1907-. Grace Towns Hamilton oral history interview, 1986 June 26.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Papers of Julian Bond 1897-2006
University of Virginia. Small Special Collections Library |
referencedIn |
Georgia Government Documentation Project. Women in the legislature oral history collection, 1987-1989.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Hamilton, Grace Towns, 1907-. Grace Towns Hamilton oral history interview, 1977 July 16.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Argo, Robert E., 1923-. Robert E. Argo, Jr. papers, 1978-1986.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Gowen, Charles L. (Charles Latimer), 1904-. Charles L. Gowen papers, 1946-1966 (bulk 1954).
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Mackay, James A. (James Armstrong), 1919-. James A. Mackay oral history interview, 1986 Mar. 31.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Richardson, Eleanor L., 1913-. Eleanor L. Richardson oral history interview, 1987 June 29.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Felton, Dorothy Jean, 1929-. Dorothy Jean Felton oral history interview, 1988 Mar. 25.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Hardman, Lamartine Griffin, 1856-1937. Lamartine Griffin Hardman Papers : Series IV: Legislative, 1898, 1902-1910.
referencedIn |
Tuck, Henry Carlton, 1864-1939. Henry Carlton Tuck papers, 1882-1939 (bulk 1927-1939).
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Savage, John, 1934-. John Savage oral history interview, 1987 May 1.
Georgia State University |
creatorOf |
Georgia. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Georgia General Assembly, House of Representatives certification and resolutions, 1791.
Georgia Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Hand, Judson Larrabee, 1851-1916. Judson Larrabee Hand family papers and business records, [ca. 1872-1989].
Troup County Archive |
referencedIn |
Steinberg, Cathey, 1942-. Cathey Steinberg oral history interview, 1989 July 21.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Richardson, Eleanor L., 1913-2006. Eleanor L. Richardson papers, 1967-1990.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
Peterson, Hugh, 1898-1961. Hugh Peterson, Sr. papers, 1814-1961, bulk 1919-1961.
referencedIn |
Harris, Roy Vincent, 1895-1985. Roy V. Harris papers, [1931] 1976-1983.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971. Richard B. Russell Jr. Collection, Subgroup A : Georgia Legislative/Speaker of the House Papers, 1927-1930.
referencedIn |
Lokey, Hamilton, 1910-1996,. Hamilton and Muriel Lokey oral history interview, 1989 Jan. 26.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Childs, Peggy, 1937-1987. Peggy Childs legislative papers, circa 1974-1977.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
Harris, J. Robin (James Robin), 1925-1989. J. Robin Harris papers, 1973-1984.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
Matthews, Chappelle, 1908-1986. Chappelle Matthews papers, 1951-1977.
referencedIn |
Lowe, Bettye,. Bettye Lowe oral history interview, 1987 Aug. 19.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
McElreath, Walter, 1867-1951. Walter McElreath papers, 1911-1942.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Mackay, James A. (James Armstrong), 1919-. James A. Mackay oral history interview, 1986 Mar. 18.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Simpson, John, 1957-. [John Simpson (1957- )].
University of West Georgia, Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library |
referencedIn |
Smith, George T. (George Thornewell), 1916-. George T. Smith oral history interview, 1992 Aug. 19.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Hardman, Lamartine Griffin, 1856-1937. Lamartine Griffin Hardman Papers : Series IX: Scrapbooks, 1881-1953.
referencedIn |
Cheatham, Frank Sellars, 1924-2008. Frank S. Cheatham, Jr., family papers, 1899-2008.
Georgia Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Dean, Nathan D., 1943-. Nathan D. Dean oral history interview, 1989 Oct. 2.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Smith, George T. (George Thornewell), 1916-. George T. Smith oral history interview, 1992 Aug. 20.
Georgia State University |
creatorOf |
Georgia. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Georgia House of Representatives Communications Office Records, 1971-2006.
referencedIn |
Morris, Newton Augustus, 1869-1941. Newton Augustus Morris letter 1 August 1912.
referencedIn |
Bergmark, Jean B. Jean B. Bergmark papers, 1982-2005.
Emory University. Special Collections and Archives |
referencedIn |
Hardman, Lamartine Griffin, 1856-1937. Lamartine Griffin Hardman Papers : Series III: Political, 1894, 1914-1928.
referencedIn |
Marcus, Sidney J., 1928-1983. Sidney J. Marcus papers, 1968-1983.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Sanders, Carl Edward, 1925-. Carl Edward Sanders oral history interviews, 1986 Aug. 5 and 12.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Georgia Institute of Law and Government, 1956-1971.
referencedIn |
Thurmond, Michael L. Michael L. Thurmond papers, 1972-1999.
referencedIn |
Hand, Fred, 1904-1978. Fred Hand Sr. political papers, 1947-1958.
Troup County Archive |
referencedIn |
Orrock, Nancy Grogan, 1943-. Nan Orrock oral history interview, 1993 May 5.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Harris, Joe Frank,. Joe Frank Harris oral history interviews, 1987 June 6 and Aug. 5.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Neighborhood Union (Atlanta, Ga.). Neighborhood Union (Atlanta, Ga.) speeches and lectures, 1915-1933.
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library |
referencedIn |
Greer, John W., 1909-. John W. Greer oral history interview, 1987 May 27.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971. Richard B. Russell Jr. Winder (Ga.) material, 1897-1970.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Wilson, Joe Mack, 1919-1993,. Joe Mack Wilson oral history interview, 1988 Apr. 1
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Murphy, Thomas Bailey, 1924-2007. [Thomas B. Murphy, 1924-2007].
University of West Georgia, Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library |
referencedIn |
Cook, Rodney Mims, 1924-. Rodney M. Cook papers, 1951-1978.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Clark, Betty Jean, 1944-. Betty Jean Clark oral history interview, 1987 July 28.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Georgia Government Documentation Project. Legislative oral history collection, 1993-1994.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Smith, George Leon, 1912-1973. George L. Smith, II papers, 1943-1974.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Isakson, John H., 1944-. John H. Isakson oral history interview, 1992 May 22.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Brown, Benjamin D., 1939-. Benjamin D. Brown papers, 1949-1970.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Center |
referencedIn |
Coxon, Helen Williams. Helen Williams Coxon family papers, [ca. 1770-1970].
Georgia Southern University |
referencedIn |
Eppinger, James, b. 1790. James Eppinger family papers, 1807-1899.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
creatorOf |
Georgia. General Assembly. House of Representatives. A resolution congratulating Georgia Southern College ..., February 11, 1970.
Georgia Southern University |
referencedIn |
Steinberg, Cathey W. (Cathey Weiss), 1942-. Cathey Steinberg oral history interview [sound recording], 1997 March 21 ; 28.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Alverson, Luther A., 1907-. Luther A. Alverson oral history interview, 1990 Oct. 11, Oct. 22.
Georgia State University |
referencedIn |
Fleming, William H. (William Henry), 1856-1944. William Henry Fleming papers, 1875-1912.
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library |
referencedIn |
Groover, Denmark, 1922-. Denmark Groover oral history interview, 1989 Sept. 12.
Georgia State University |