Adams, Abigail Brooks, 1808-1889

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Relation Name
spouseOf Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 person
parentOf Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 person
memberOf Adams family (Quincy, Mass.) family
parentOf Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 person
child-in-law of Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 person
child-in-law of Adams, Louisa Catherine, 1775-1852 person
associatedWith Adams, Marian, 1843-1885, person
associatedWith Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879. person
childOf Brooks, Ann Gorham. person
childOf Brooks, Peter Chardon, 1767-1849 person
correspondedWith Bulwer-Lytton, Rosina. person
associatedWith Burgon, Mrs person
associatedWith Candwell, Edward. person
correspondedWith Chartres, Duc de Robert d'Orleans. person
correspondedWith Clive, Caroline. person
associatedWith Cobden, Richard. person
associatedWith Colchester, Earl of. person
associatedWith Colenso (Bishop of Natal). person
associatedWith Collins, Wilkie person
associatedWith Crawford, John person
associatedWith Dennison, John Evelyn person
associatedWith Derby, Earl of. person
associatedWith Devonshire, Duke of. person
associatedWith Dickens, Charles. person
associatedWith Dufferin, Lady Helen. person
associatedWith Dufferin, Lord. person
correspondedWith Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth Rigby. person
associatedWith Eastlake, Sir Charles. person
associatedWith Edm. Cardwell. person
correspondedWith Erne, Earl of. person
associatedWith Faraday. person
correspondedWith Forbes, (Professor). person
associatedWith Ford, Mrs person
correspondedWith Gibson, John. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Thomas Milner. person
associatedWith Gladstone, William E. person
correspondedWith G. P. Patmore person
associatedWith Grenely, Lord. person
correspondedWith Grey, Sir George. person
associatedWith Grote, George. person
associatedWith Guizot. person
associatedWith Hall, Mrs. S. C. Anna Maria. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Lord Claude. person
correspondedWith Hardwicke, Earl of. person
associatedWith Heller, H. person
associatedWith Herschell, Sir John. person
correspondedWith Holland, Lady Saba Smith. person
associatedWith Holland, Sir Henry. person
correspondedWith Hooker, Joseph D. person
associatedWith Houghton, Richard M. Milnes, Lord. person
correspondedWith Hughes, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Hunt, Holman. person
correspondedWith Jameson, Mrs. Anna. person
associatedWith Jerrold, Douglas. person
associatedWith Karr, Alphonse. person
correspondedWith Keene, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Kinglake, A. W. person
associatedWith Kossuth. person
parentOf Kuhn, Louisa Catherine Adams, 1831-1870 person
associatedWith Lady Lyell person
correspondedWith Lady Tennent person
correspondedWith Landseer, Edwin. person
associatedWith Lansdown, Marquis of. person
correspondedWith Layard, Austin Henry. person
associatedWith Lewis, Right Hon. George Cornwall. person
correspondedWith Lockhart, John G. person
associatedWith Londonderry, Marquis of. person
correspondedWith Louis-Phillippe, King. person
correspondedWith Lyell, Lady person
associatedWith Lyell, Sir Charles. person
correspondedWith Lytton, Edward Bulwer. person
associatedWith Macaulay, Thomas Babington. person
correspondedWith Macready, W. C. person
associatedWith Marcet, Mrs. Jane. person
correspondedWith Marse, Amelia (Queen of France). person
associatedWith Martineau, Harriet. person
correspondedWith Massey, Gerald person
correspondedWith Mathews, Charles. person
correspondedWith Millais, John E. person
correspondedWith Milman, H. H. person
associatedWith Miss Horner. person
associatedWith Morpeth, Lord (Earl of Carlisle). person
associatedWith Mr. Adams person
correspondedWith Mr. Elliott. person
correspondedWith Mr. Ford person
correspondedWith Mr. Lyell person
correspondedWith Mrs. Adams. person
correspondedWith Mrs. Burzon. person
correspondedWith Mrs Ford person
correspondedWith Mrs. Homer. person
correspondedWith Mrs Horner person
associatedWith Mrs. Milman. person
correspondedWith Mrs. Patmore. person
correspondedWith Murchinson, Roderick. person
correspondedWith Napier, J. person
correspondedWith Newcastle, Duke of. person
associatedWith New York Metropolitan Fair, 1864. corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton, Mrs. Caroline. person
correspondedWith Oliphant, Lawrence. person
associatedWith Owen, Richard. person
correspondedWith Palfrey family. family
associatedWith Palmerston, Viscount. person
associatedWith Palmerston, Viscountess E. person
correspondedWith Patmore, Coventry person
associatedWith Peel, Robert. person
correspondedWith P. G. Patmore. person
associatedWith Planche, J. R. person
correspondedWith Reade, Charles. person
associatedWith Rice, Alexander Hamilton, 1875-1956, person
associatedWith Robins, George. person
associatedWith Roden, Earl of. person
associatedWith Rogers, Samuel. person
associatedWith Russell, Lord. person
associatedWith Seymour, Sir Hamilton. person
correspondedWith Smith, Goldwin. person
associatedWith Smith, James. person
associatedWith Smith, Sidney. person
associatedWith Somerville, Mrs. Mary. person
associatedWith Stanhope, Earl of Lord Mahon. person
associatedWith Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. person
correspondedWith Stanley, Lord. person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 person
correspondedWith Tennent, Emerson person
associatedWith Torrington, Viscount. person
associatedWith Townshend, Viscount. person
associatedWith Tricoupi S. person
correspondedWith Tument, Lady person
associatedWith Victoria, Queen of. person
associatedWith Villiers, Charles. person
associatedWith Widener, Eleanor Elkins, person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1808-04-25

Death 1889-06-06



Ark ID: w6x16z3r

SNAC ID: 85040188