creatorOf |
Boulder Daily Camera. Juvenile offenders (Boulder, Colo.) printed materials 1939-1979.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
University of Connecticut, President's Office Records [Homer D. Babbidge, 1962-1972], undated, 1962-1972.
Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center. |
creatorOf |
New Mexico. Governor (1971-1974 : King). Governor Bruce King papers, 1st term, 1971-1974.
New Mexico State Library |
referencedIn |
Goleman (Fay) Papers, 1933-1983
University of the Pacific. Library. Holt-Atherton Department of Special Collections |
creatorOf |
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Printed materials 1955-1979.
Boulder Public Library |
creatorOf |
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Internships in Multicultural Education in the West.
Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies Library |
referencedIn |
Ricardo-Campbell, Rita. Rita Ricardo-Campbell papers, 1946-2004.
Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library |
referencedIn |
Mathews, William Rankin, 1893-1969. The coming of medical education to Arizona / Mathews.
Arizona Historical Society, Southern Arizona Division |
referencedIn |
Governor Bruce King Papers, 1st Term, 1971-1974
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives |
referencedIn |
Goleman, Fay Weinberg, 1910-. Fay Goleman papers, 1951-1974.
University of the Pacific, William Knox Holt Memorial Library |
referencedIn |
Rita Ricardo-Campbell Papers, 1964-2004
Hoover Institution Archives |