referencedIn |
Judd, Charles Hubbard, 1873-1946. Papers, 1925-1937 (inclusive), 1927-1937 (bulk).
University of Chicago Library |
creatorOf |
Association of Clerical/Technicals-URI/NEA (Kingston, R.I.). ACT/NEA oral history project records 1974-1980.
University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, University Library |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. State Federations. American Federation of Teachers State Federations records, 1922-1967, (bulk 1945-1967).
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
creatorOf |
American Academy of General Practice. St. Louis convention program collection, 1886-1964
Missouri History Museum, Missouri History Museum; Missouri Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Miles, Cynthia. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Cynthia Miles.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Inc. Records MG2., 1927-1934
Hampshire College Archives |
referencedIn |
Edinboro State Teachers College. President. Carmon Ross Papers, 1931-1957 1934-1939.
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Baron-Forness Library |
referencedIn |
Workers Education Local 189 (U.S.). Records, 1939-1977.
Wayne State University |
referencedIn |
Hochwalt, Frederick G. (Frederick George), 1909-1966. Papers, 1944-1966.
University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Library |
creatorOf |
Keough, John, 1906-1979. John F. Keough Papers, circa 1930-1979
Brown University Archives, John Hay Library |
referencedIn |
Chamberlain, Arthur Henry, 1870-. Arthur Henry Chamberlain miscellany, 1909-1912.
UC Berkeley Libraries |
referencedIn |
Swain, Joseph, 1857-1927. Papers, 1891-1921 1898-1921.
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College |
referencedIn |
Samuelson, Agnes. Agnes Samuelson papers, 1887-1963.
Iowa State Historical Society |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. National Defense Fund. American Federation of Teachers National Defense Fund records, 1937-1968.
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
referencedIn |
Charl Ormond Williams Papers, 1924-1959, (bulk 1935-1945)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
West, Allan M. Allan Morrell West scrapbook, 1911-1994.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library |
referencedIn |
West, Allan M. Allan M. West : papers, 1946-1980.
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library |
referencedIn |
Heidelberg, Harvey B. Papers, 1927.
Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library |
referencedIn |
Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926. Charles William Eliot papers, 1870-1915.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Tinson, Mary Lois. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Lois Tinson.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Records of the President of Harvard University, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, 1909-1933.
Harvard University Archives. |
creatorOf |
Thompson, William Oxley, 1855-1933. Papers, [ca. 1880]-1933.
Ohio State University Libraries |
creatorOf |
Colorado Education Association. Schools: Colorado Education Association printed materials 1936-1986 (bulk 1960s).
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Allan M. West : papers, 1946-1980
Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives |
referencedIn |
Boulder Daily Camera. Schools: National Education Association clippings 1972.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Wittman, Wilma E. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Wilma Wittman.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
North Carolina Federation of Teachers. North Carolina Federation of Teachers records, 1970-1995.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
referencedIn |
Detroit Education Association. Detroit Education Association records, 1914-1968.
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
referencedIn |
Allen, Mildred, 1894-1990. Oral history interview with Mildred Allen, 1979 June 18.
American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. Local 803 (Schenectady, N.Y.). Schenectady Federation of Teachers, American Federation of Teachers Local 803 records [microform], 1918-1989.
University at Albany, University Libraries |
referencedIn |
William George Carr papers, 1926-1995.
Hoover Institution Archives |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. Local 61. American Federation of Teachers Local 61 records, 1944-1971, (bulk 1956-1969).
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
referencedIn |
John K. Norton. Papers, [ca. 1900-1980].
New York State Historical Documents Inventory |
referencedIn |
Deer, George Harvison, 1903-1966. George Harvison Deer papers, 1940-1966.
Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries |
referencedIn |
Stover, Hazel. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Hazel Stover.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Futrell, Mary Hatwood. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Mary Hatwood Futrell, third interview, August 20, 1990.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Women's Joint Congressional Committee Records, 1920-1970, (bulk 1920-1953)
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division |
referencedIn |
Gruenberg, Robert, 1922-1992. Robert Gruenberg papers, 1947-1990.
Newberry Library |
creatorOf |
Bankhead, William Brockman, 1874-1940. Papers, 1875-1952 and n.d.
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
referencedIn |
Seattle Teachers' Association records, 1958-1969
University of Washington Libraries Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Copeland, Walter S. (Walter Scott), 1856-1928. Walter Scott Copeland papers [manuscript], 1880-1954.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
World War posters, 1914-1945
Claremont Colleges.Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library. |
creatorOf |
National Education Association of the United States. National Education Association of the United States issuances, 1877-1981.
Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library |
referencedIn |
Madison Teachers Incorporated. Records, 1960-1987.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Canfield, Eli Hawley, 1817-1898. Eli Hawley Canfield family papers, 1806-1919.
Vermont Historical Society |
referencedIn |
The Utah Education Association Papers, 1908-1985
Utah State University. Merrill-Cazier Library. Special Collections and ArchivesUniversity Archives |
referencedIn |
Plata, José,. Oral history interview with José Plata, 1998 [videorecording].
University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library |
creatorOf |
Newton Free Library. Newton's White House Conference on Education, 1956.
Minuteman Library Network |
creatorOf |
National Education Association of the United States issuances, 1877-1981
Hoover Institution Archives |
creatorOf |
National Education Association of the United States. [National Education Association pamphlets].
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
William Ernest Hocking papers
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Chicago Teachers' Federation. Chicago Teachers' Federation records, 1864-1968 (bulk 1898-1968).
Chicago History Museum |
referencedIn |
Berg, Marvin. A comparative study of the collective bargaining approaches of the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association [microform] / by Marvin Berg.
Michigan State University Libraries, Main Library |
referencedIn |
McMahan, John Joseph, 1865-1936. John Joseph McMahan papers, 1847-1935.
University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Owosso Education Association. Owosso Education Association records, 1914-1968.
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
referencedIn |
Bicknell, Thomas Williams, 1834-1925. Papers, c. 1855-1924.
Gadsden Public Library |
referencedIn |
White, Emilie Margaret. Emilie Margaret White papers, 1917-1972, bulk 1954-1969.
George Washington University |
referencedIn |
Castro, Rosie, 1947-. Oral history interview with Rosie Castro, 1996 [videorecording].
University of Texas at Arlington, Central Library |
referencedIn |
Norton, John K. (John Kelley), 1893-1979. Reminiscences of John Kelley Norton : oral history, 1963.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Haight, Floyd L.,. Floyd L. Haight collection, 1777-1974.
Western Michigan University, Dwight B. Waldo Library |
referencedIn |
Learned Hand papers
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 |
referencedIn |
Scharnau, Ralph,. Oral history interview with Ralph Scharnau, 2002 June 12.
Iowa State Historical Society |
referencedIn |
Williams, James H., political activist. Papers, 1947-1971.
Wayne State University |
creatorOf |
Boulder Valley School District No. Re2 (Colo.). Educational Park Study Committee. Boulder Public Schools educational park study printed materials.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Evans, Luther Harris, 1902-1981. Reminiscences of Luther Harris Evans : oral history, 1965.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Carr, William George, 1901-. Reminiscences of William George Carr : oral history, 1961.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
John F. Keough papers, Keough (John F.) Papers, circa 1930-1979
John Hay Library, Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Blake Family. Papers, 1872-1958.
Smith College, Neilson Library |
referencedIn |
Pawnee Indian Tribe of Oklahoma. Tribal Executive Director. Carol WalkingBull files, 1986-1987.
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma |
referencedIn |
General Education Board. Archives, 1901-1964.
Rockefeller Archive Center |
creatorOf |
Newlon, Jesse H. (Jesse Homer), 1882-1941. Jesse H. Newlon papers, 1916-1941.
University of Denver, University Libraries, Anderson Academic Commons |
referencedIn |
Archives Organization File, 1875-1986, pt.2.
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
Stewart, Cora Wilson, 1875-1958. Cora Wilson Stewart papers, 1900-1940.
University of Kentucky Libraries |
referencedIn |
Blake Family Papers MS 18., 1872-1958, n.d.
Sophia Smith Collection |
creatorOf |
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Office of Publications Book Files, 1973-1998.
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, The Clark |
creatorOf |
National Education Association of the United States. Task Force on Assessment of Ethnic Heritage Studies Program.
Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies Library |
referencedIn |
Clark, Frances Elliott. Frances Elliott Clark papers, 1890-1963 (majority 1911-1957)
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. American Federation of Teachers records, 1916-1980.
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
referencedIn |
Elizabeth Duncan Koontz Papers
Bennett College, Thomas F. Holgate Library |
referencedIn |
Pickard, J. L. (Josiah Little), 1824-1914. Writings, 1905-1906.
Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project |
referencedIn |
Carle, Barbara. [Letter, 2001 Oct. 25 : to Fred Rogers].
Saint Vincent College, Saint Vincent Library |
referencedIn |
National Association for Public School Adult Education (NAPSAE) Records, 1934-1964
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center |
referencedIn |
Jervey, Edward Drewry, 1929-. Papers of Edward Drewry Jervey [manuscript], 1968-1972.
University of Virginia. Library |
creatorOf |
Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Inc. Records, bulk 1927-1934.
Hampshire College, Harold F. Johnson Library |
creatorOf |
Hitt, J. M. (Jesse Martin) 1854-1931. Hitt family papers, 1851-1950 / compiled by Jesse Martin Hitt.
Washington State Library, Office of Secretary of State |
referencedIn |
Carr, William George, 1901-. William George Carr papers, 1926-1995.
Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library |
referencedIn |
Miller, J. Cloyd, b. 1905. J. Cloyd Miller Papers, 1910-1967.
New Mexico State University |
referencedIn |
Henry, Inola F. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Inola Henry.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Moroni L. and Vivian N. Jensen papers, bulk 1976-1980, circa 1950-1991
L. Tom Perry Special Collections |
referencedIn |
Davis, John W. (John Warren), 1888-1980. Reminiscences of John Warren Davis : oral history, 1976.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Clark, Frances Elliott. Frances Elliott Clark papers, 1890-1963 (majority 1911-1957)
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries |
referencedIn |
Dorothy Pollard Adkins.
Texas Woman's University Library, Mary Evelyn Blagg-Huey Library |
referencedIn |
Horace Mann Bond Papers, 1830-1979, 1926-1972
Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries |
referencedIn |
Seidenberg, Jacob. Jacob Seidenberg. Additional arbitration files.
Cornell University Library |
referencedIn |
American Federation of Teachers. Secretary-Treasurer's Office. American Federation of Teachers Secretary-Treasurer's Office records, 1928-1967, (bulk 1936-1953).
Wayne State University. Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs |
creatorOf |
Lovett, Jennifer Gordon. Curatorial Office Records of Jennifer Gordon Lovett, 1983-1995.
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, The Clark |
referencedIn |
Judd, Charles Hubbard. Papers, 1925-1927
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library, |
referencedIn |
Caliver, Ambrose, 1894-1962. Ambrose Caliver collection, 1912-1938.
John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library. Special Collections & Archives |
creatorOf |
Harold E. Wigren Papers, 1934-1993 and undated, 1952-1981
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.). Libraries |
creatorOf |
United Teachers Los Angeles. United Teachers Los Angeles Archives, 1962-1992.
California State University, Northridge |
referencedIn |
Yen, Kathy. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Kathy Yen.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Boulder Public Schools (Boulder, Colo.). Boulder Public Schools teachers printed materials 1951-1954.
Boulder Public Library |
referencedIn |
Pidgeon, Mary Elizabeth. Oral history interview of Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon [manuscript], 1976 November 12, 1977 March 26.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Ariel, Joan. Joan Ariel files on women's political activism. 1970 - 1992 1971 - 1976
University of California, Irvine. Library. Department of Special Collections |
creatorOf |
Curry, J. L. M. (Jabez Lamar Monroe), 1825-1903. Pamphlet collection, 1788-1902.
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
referencedIn |
Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969. Papers, 1925-1969 (bulk: 1937-1969)
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Futrell, Mary Hatwood. Women in educational politics : a series of oral history interviews by Debby Huffman : Mary Hatwood Futrell, fourth interview, October 29, 1990.
The Claremont Colleges, Claremont University Consortium |
referencedIn |
Givens, Willard E. (Willard Earl), 1886-1971,. Oral history interview with Willard Earl Givens, 1968.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |
referencedIn |
Smith, Henry Lester, b. 1876. Henry Lester Smith papers, 1897-1964, bulk 1908-1957.
Indiana University |
referencedIn |
Samuelson, Agnes. Samuelson, Agnes papers, 1930-1954.
State Historical Society of Iowa, Library |