Constellation Similarity Assertions

Flower, George, 1788-1862.

British pioneer with Morris Birkbeck in Edwards County, Illinois; founder of Albion, Illinois.

From the description of Manuscript of chapters 7-10 of History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, Illinois, ca. 1860. (Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library). WorldCat record id: 30607689


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Flower, George, 1780-1862. (person)

Founder of Albion, Ill., an English settlement, came from England in 1816, landed in New York and traveled through that state to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. A trip to choose a suitable place for settling his friends and family. Traveled to the major cities in those states learning as much as he could through observation and talking to many people, some of whom he had known in England. In Virginia he met Thomas Jefferson and his family and stayed at Monticello. He met br...
