Russell, Timothy, approximately 1742-1819

Birth 1742
Death 1819-12-08

Biographical notes:

Timothy Russell was a Quaker who lived in Nantucket and North Carolina. He was born to William Russell and Mary Coleman Russell of Nantucket on the 29th of 10th month 1742 (it is unclear if this date is old-style or new-style). In 1767 Russell married Sarah Macy, daughter of David and Dinah Macy. Over the next 18 years the couple had 7 children: Mary (1769-), William (1774-), Hepzibah (1776-), Miriam (1777-), Timothy Jr. (1780-1803), George (1782-), and David (1785-).

In 1773 Timothy, Sarah, and their young daughter Mary left Nantucket for Guilford County, North Carolina, where they joined New Garden Monthly Meeting. Sarah died in 1789, and in 1791 Timothy married Judith Barnard Swain, widow of Paul Swain, of Deep River Monthly Meeting. Timothy and Judith had one child: Sarah, born 1792. Russell lived at New Garden for the rest of his life, which ended on the 8th of 12th month 1819.

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