Nettleton, George Henry, 1874-1959

Variant names
Birth 1874
Death 1959
English, French,

Biographical notes:

George Henry Nettleton was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1874, and graduated from Andover Academy and Yale University (B.A. 1896, Ph.D. 1900). He was instructor (1898), assistant professor (1906-1916), and professor (1916-1943) of English, and chairman of the English Department (1921-1931) at Yale. From 1937-1939 he was dean of Yale College. Nettleton served as the director of the Yale Bureau in Paris in 1917, and from 1917-1919 was the director of the American University Union in Europe. In addition to writing works on Restoration and eighteenth century drama, Nettleton edited The Book of the Yale Pageant and Yale in the World War. He died in 1959.

From the description of George Henry Nettleton papers, 1819-1964 (inclusive). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702166699

George Henry Nettleton was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1874, and graduated from Andover Academy and Yale University (B.A. 1896, Ph.D. 1900). He was instructor (1898), assistant professor (1906-1916), and professor (1916-1943) of English, and chairman of the English Department (1921-1931) at Yale. From 1937-1939 he was dean of Yale College. Nettleton served as the director of the Yale Bureau in Paris in 1917, and from 1917-1919 was the director of the American University Union in Europe. In addition to writing works on Restoration and eighteenth-century drama, Nettleton edited The Book of the Yale Pageant and Yale in the World War . He died in 1959.

George Henry Nettleton was born on July 16, 1874, in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Boston attorney Edward Payson Nettleton and Mary Ellen Tucker Nettleton. He attended the Boston Latin School (1886-1889) and Phillips-Andover Academy (1889-1892), and received the B.A. (1896) and the Ph.D. (1900) from Yale University, and an honorary Litt.D. (1920) from Baylor University. As an undergraduate at Yale, Nettleton was an editor of the Yale Courant and of the Lit, a member of Chi Delta Theta, the Yale Union, the Cap and Gown Committee, Kappa Psi, Psi U, and Scroll and Key, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Nettleton was instructor (1898), assistant professor (1906-1916), and professor (1916-1943) of English, and chairman of the English department (1921-1931) at Yale. From 1937-1939 he was dean of Yale College. During the academic year 1922-1923, he served as acting president of Vassar College.

In 1917 Nettleton was appointed director of the Yale Bureau in Paris, a meeting place for Yale-affiliated servicemen. From 1917-1919, Nettleton directed the American University Union in Europe. This organization coordinated the efforts of a number of American universities in establishing facilities to provide meeting, dining, and overnight accommodations, as well as cultural activities, in Paris, London, and Rome for American servicemen. Nettleton continued to be involved in the activities of the American University Union after the war, when, under the Institute of International Education and the American Council on Education, the Paris and London divisions of the union evolved into educational and cultural information exchange centers for American students and scholars pursuing studies abroad. In addition to acting as advisor to the union, he was chairman of the Finance Committee and was a member of the governing board.

Nettleton was made honorary professor of the Ecole Interalliée des Hautes Etudes Socialles in Paris; lecturer (Louis Liard Foundation) at the Sorbonne and at the University of Cambridge; and chevalier of the Legion of Honor (1919).

Nettleton authored a number of works on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British drama, including English Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1914) and The Drama and the Stage . He also edited Specimens of the Short Story (1901), The Major Dramas of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1906), Old Testament Narratives (1909), The Book of the Yale Pageant (1916), Twelfth Night (Yale Shakespeare) (1921), Yale in the World War (1925), and British Dramatists from Dryden to Sheridan (1939).

George Nettleton married Mary Clark Treat in 1902. They were the parents of Edward Treat and Mary Treat Nettleton. George Nettleton died in 1959.

From the guide to the George Henry Nettleton papers, 1819-1959, (Manuscripts and Archives)

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