Simpson, Sidney Post, 1898-1949

Variant names
Birth 1898
Death 1949

Biographical notes:

Law professor. A.B., Knox Coll., 1917, LL.B., Harv. L.S., 1922. Law practice in Wash., D.C., 1922-1925; N.Y.C., 1925-1931. Consultant on cost of crime for U.S. Wickersham Commission, 1929-1931. Prof. of Law, Harv. U., 1931-1947. Author: Report on the Cost of Crime (1931); (with Z. Chafee) Cases on Equity (1934); (with A.W. Scott) Cases on Judicial Remedies (1938).

From the description of Papers of Sidney Post Simpson, 1922-1931 (inclusive). (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 122581216

Simpson was a professor at Harvard Law School from 1931-1946.

From the description of Remarks on the oral presentation of a case, 3 December 1935. (Harvard Law School Library). WorldCat record id: 235152026

Professor at Harvard Law School.

From the description of Correspondence to Johan Thorsten Sellin, 1932. (University of Pennsylvania Library). WorldCat record id: 243846470

Simpson, Sidney Post, jurist, law professor

b. Galesburg, Illinois, August 4, 1898.

s. James Clarke and Harriette Helene (Post) S.

A.B. Knox College, 1917; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1922.

m. Anne Paine Washburn, February 19, 1934.

Practiced law in Washington D.C., 1922-1925, New York City, 1925-1931; partner Hines, Rearick, Dorr, Travis & Marshall, 1930-1931.

Consultant on cost of crime, National Crime Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, 1929-1931.

Professor of Law, Harvard University, 1931-1947.

Fellow American Academy Arts and Sciences.

Member American Bar Association.

d. October 6, 1949, New York, NY

Report on the Cost of Crime(with G.H. Dorr), 1931. Cases on Equity(with Z. Chafee, Jr.), 1934. Cases on Judicial Remedies(41st A.W. Scott), 1938. Also articles in legal periodicals.

From the guide to the Papers, 1922-1931, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

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