Putnam, F. W. (Frederic Ward), 1839-1915

It is safe to say that the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology would not be what it is today - a premier research facility with outstanding collections - without Frederic Ward Putnam. A multi-faceted and energetic man (see the chronology below for a selected list of his many and varied appointments), he was appointed the Harvard College Peabody Professor of American Archaeology and Ethnology in 1885. He retained that post until 1909 and was Professor Emeritus from 1910 until 1914. As Director, he was responsible for a variety of museum functions which included not only administrative duties but field collecting, curation of collections, fund raising, and teaching in the Harvard College Department of Anthropology which he helped to establish in 1897. He served on the Committee of the Department of Anthropology from its inception in the same year through 1908. Putnam also served as a Museum Trustee from 1875 through 1896, and became Honorary Curator/Director upon his retirement in 1909, in which capacity he served until his death in 1915.

1839, April 16 Born in Salem, MA 1856 Curator in ornithology, Essex Institute, Salem, MA 1856 Curator in ornithology, Essex Institute, Salem, MA Elected member, Boston Society of Natural History Student, Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University, under Louis Agassiz 1859 1868 Curator of Ichthyology, Boston Society of Natural History (part-time) 1862 1864 Special Assistant to Louis Agassiz, Lawrence Scientific School, in fishes and reptiles 1864 Curator of Vertebrates, Essex Institute, Essex, MA 1867 Co-founder, American Naturalist 1868 Director, Museum of the Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, MA 1873 Elected Permanent Secretary, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 1873-1874, summers Vertebrate zoology instructor, Anderson School of Natural History, Penikese Island 1874 Assistant, Kentucky Geological Survey (part-time) 1875 1908 Curator (Director), Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University 1876 1878 Assistant in Fish Collection, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, (Part-time) 1876 1879 Chief, Anthropology Collections, Wheeler Survey West of the 100th Meridian, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1882 1889 Appointed Massachusetts State Commissioner, Inland Fishes and Game 1885 1901 Peabody Professor of American Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard University 1887 1896 Trustee, Peabody Museum, Harvard University 1891 1894 Chief, Department of Anthropology, World Columbian Exposition, Chicago, IL 1897 1908 Committee Member, Anthropology Department, Harvard University 1898 Elected President, AAAS 1893 1903 Co-founder & Curator, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 1903 1907 Co-founder, Department of Anthropology Director, Anthropology Museum, University of California at Berkelely 1909 Honorary Curator (retired Director), Peabody Museum, Harvard University 1901 1915 Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University 1915 Died August 14, age 76



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