Bogart, Leo.

1921 Sep. 23 Born in Lvov, Poland 1923 Moved to the United States 1938 1941 A.B., Brooklyn College 1942 1946 Served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps in WWII 1946 1948 M.A. in sociology from University of Chicago 1947 1948 Instructor in English, Illinois Institute of Technology 1948 Aug. 8 Married Agnes Cohen 1948 1951 Opinion Research Analyst, Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 1948 1950 Ph.D. in sociology from University of Chicago 1949 1951 Lecturer in Sociology, New York University 1951 1952 Fulbright Research Fellow, Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques, Paris, France 1952 1958 Vice President, Market Planning Corporation Division, McCann-Erickson, Inc. 1953 1961 Lecturer in Sociology, Columbia University 1956 1957 President, Radio-Television Research Council 1958 1960 Director of Marketing Research, Revlon, Inc. 1960 1966 Vice President of Marketing Planning and Research, Newspaper Advertising Bureau (NAB) 1965 1966 President, World Association for Public Opinion Research 1965 1966 President, Market Research Council 1966 1967 President, American Association for Public Opinion Research 1966 1989 Executive Vice President and General Manager, NAB 1971 1972 President, Consumer Psychological Division, American Psychological Association 1989 1990 Senior Fellow, Gannett Center for Media Studies, Columbia University 1990 Adjunct Professor of Marketing, New York University 1996 2005 Director and Senior Consultant, Innovation International Media Consulting Group 2005 Oct. 15 Died, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY

Organization Abbreviations

AAAA - American Association of Advertising Agencies AAPOR - American Association for Public Opinion Research ABC - Audit Bureau of Circulations ACR - Association for Consumer Research AEJ - Association for Education in Journalism (changed to AEJMC) AEJMC - Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication AMA - American Marketing Association ANA - Association of National Advertisers ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association APA - American Psychological Association APME - Associated Press Managing Editors ARF - Advertising Research Foundation ASA - American Sociological Association ASNE - American Society of Newspaper Editors ESOMAR - World Association of Opinion and Marketing Research Professionals (formerly European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research IAPA - Inter American Press Association ICMA - International Circulation Managers Association IFRA - [publishers] INAE - International Newspaper Advertising Executives (changed to INAME) INAME - International Newspaper Advertising and Marketing Executives INCFO - Institute of Newspaper Controllers and Finance Officers INPA - International Newspaper Publishers Association MRDA - Media Research Directors Association NAB - Newspaper Advertising Bureau NRMA - National Retail Marketers Association WAPOR - World Association for Public Opinion Research

From the guide to the Leo Bogart Papers, 1912-2005 and undated, (David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University)

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