Miller, Loren. Papers of Loren Miller, 1876-2003 (bulk dates 1932-1966)
Papers of Loren Miller, 1876-2003 (bulk dates 1932-1966)
The collection contains 10,454 semi-cataloged items and housed in 72 boxes and 3 oversize folders. The collection documents Loren Miller's four decades of fighting for equality and civil rights and his legal work against racial real estate covenants and discrimination in housing. It contains material related to his work with several organizations including the NAACP, National Urban League and the ACLU. The collection also contains material related to Loren Miller's personal life and family as well as his journalism career and ownership of the California eagle. The collection also contains many items related to Langston Hughes including letters written between Miller and Hughes and copies of some of Hughes' writings. The collection contains the following types of material: correspondence, telegrams, postcards, manuscripts, speeches, newspaper and magazine clippings, publications including full magazines, briefs and other legal documents, brochures, meeting minutes, reports and photographs as well as research notes for and drafts of Miller's book The petitioners: The story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro. Participants in the collection include: Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander, Fletcher Bowron, Tom Bradley, Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, Nathaniel Colley, Lester B. Granger, Augustus Hawkins, Langston Hughes, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Thurgood Marshall, Henry Lee Moon, Stanley Mosk, Walter White, Roy Wilkins and Franklin Williams, American Civil Liberties Union, American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations, Congress of Racial Equality, Japanese American Citizens' League, League for Struggle for Negro Rights, Los Angeles Urban League, NAACP and its legal defense fund, National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, National Negro Congress, National Urban League and the California Eagle. The collection highlights events in Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama; Harlem, New Yok; Little Rock, Arkansas; Los Angeles, California; Washington, D.C. and the Soviet Union. Subjects include: James Baldwin, W.E.B. Du Bois, Medgar Evers, Angelo Herndon, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas J. Mooney, Joel Elias Spingarn, Malcolm X, and Whitney M. Young. The California Supreme Court and Municipal Court (Los Angeles Judicial District), Los Angeles Police Department, Meschrabpom Film Company, National Bar Association, and the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, 14th Amendment to the Constitution, Fair Employment Practices Committee, Federal Housing Administration, National Housing Agency, President's Committee on Civil Rights, Commission on Civil Rights and the US Supreme Court. And African American authors; civil rights workers, judges, lawyers and newspapers; civil liberties and civil rights; crime and race; Communism; discrimination in general but more specifically criminal justice administration, employment and housing; hate crimes; inner cities; other minorities including Japanese Americans, Mexican Americans and Jews; journalists; labor law; lynching; mass media and minorities; police brutality with emphasis on Los Angeles; racial profiling; racism; real covenants; segregation; slavery and American history; socialists; United States government and politics and California government and politics; the Scottsboro trial; and the Watts Riot and Zoot Suit Riots of Los Angeles.
10,454 items.72 boxes. View
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