Small collections, 1670-1975.
Small collections, 1670-1975.
Papers, ca. 1850-1891, of Samuel and Rabbi Jonah B. Bondi, of Mainz, Germany, including correspondence with Azriel Hildesheimer, and other rabbis, scholars, and leaders of the Orthodox movement; lists, correspondence, and draft entries for ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICA, 1968-1970; documents concerning the role of Jacob Idler in supplying arms to Venezuela and subsequent disputes over payment, including later historical works and correspondence, ca. 1819-1962; and documents concerning Jews of Nice and elsewhere in France, 1670-1828. Correspondence and other material of Hyman Enelow, 1929-1934; Isidore Goldblum, 1882-1890; Jonas Goldsmith, 1824-1920; Rabbis Benjamin and Herman L. Grossman, 1919-1978; Ida Espen Guggenheim, 1905-1935; Igersheim family, Frankfurt, 1806-1869; Lehman family, Hessen, 1829-1884; Morris D. Levine, ca. 1916-ca. 1935; Itchak Margolis, 1879-1887; Sabato Morais, 1823-1897; Gerson Rosensweig, 1890-1912; and Nahum Sokolow, Henrietta Szold, Ephraim Benguiat, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, Maurice Frankhuis, Ignaz Goldziher, Moses Hyamson, and Raphael Hirscheim. Also includes material concerning the Mendel Beilis trial, 1913; blood libel in Massena, N.Y., 1928; Jewish Theological Seminary, Soncino-Gesellschaft der Freunde des Jüdischen Buches, 1931-1932; United Synagogue of America, Chicago Council, 1943-1950; World Zionist Congress, 1898-1929; genealogies of Beck family and of family of Samuel Cohen of Baltimore; and other material.
10 cubic ft. View
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