Anderson Hunter Dupree Papers, 1940-1960
Anderson Hunter Dupree Papers, 1940-1960
Materials on a project of historical research for an unpublished work "Science in the Federal Government, 1940-1960." The collection also contains papers related to science, NASA, the government, and education in the era on the Berkeley campus. The collection contains research material conducted and collected by A. Hunter Dupree for the unpublished work "Science in the Federal Government, 1940-1960." There is also general material which concerns itself with Dupree's teaching years at the University of California, Berkeley. The arrangement of the files within the boxes has been predetermined by Dupree and has not been adjusted. Box 1 contains outlines, bibliographical notes, handwritten corrections, footnote sources, and typed draft copies for various chapters and volumes on the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC); Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD); and the War Molibization Board on the Judiciary Committee, otherwise known as the Kilgore Committee. There is also research on the Bowman Committee. Industrial research materials include information on Bell Laboratory; Wormser foundation, Rockefeller Foundation including Fordick Rockefeller Foundation; material on the NAS,NRC,NACA; British and German Scientific organizations 1940's, 1950's; British Society for Freedom in Science late 1930's; Ickes Chalkley 1939-1945 and the War Resources Board 1939. Box 2 contains research which is medical in nature and includes materials on Old-Line Agencies and the War 1939-1945; OSRD (Office of Scientific Research and Development) dissolution; material about uranium and atomic energy and planning; the OSRD rocket and guided missle programs; NACA/OSRD relations; evolution of military research under NRC; the establishment and work of CMR (Committee on Medical Research); NIH (National Institues of Health) cancer program; American Association of Science Workers; postwar research including NRPB action in planning; the War Production Board; Maury Maverick Committee; Bush and patents; Wallace Patent Committee; ICSRD patent policies and general articles on the patent systems including the nature of patents; Kilgore Bills and Committee hearings; an interview with Oscar M. Ruebhausen; essay "Subject Science the Endless Frontier" by Vannevar Bush which includes additonal research material on the topic; Applied Psychology Panel with material on the Magnunson Bill including copies of correspondence to and from Dr. W.S. Hunter, Dr. Irving Stewart, and Henry Allen; Committee on Medical Research; Medical Advisory Committee (report of 1945), prominent members of the Committee include Dr. Walter W. Palmer and Homer W. Smith; numerous miscellaneous reports including drafts to Bush (postwar) by date 1944/1945 and miscellaneous copies of letters by date 1944/1945. Box 3 includes material for chapters 4-7: Chapter 4: Waldemar Kaempffert criticisms of the "Endless Frontier"; notes from Dr. Alexander DeVolpi on the Federation of American Scientists and National Comiitee for Atomic Information (NCAI); chronological file of clippings, editorials and correspondence from the 1945 through passage of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 including legislative history of the Act; Kilgore Committee report on Wartime Research and Development; plans for joint Kilgore-Magnuson hearings; Truman reconversion message to Congress; OWMR (Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion) and BOB; inventory of papers of the Association of Cambridge Scientists; Kilgore hearings on Science Legislation; Russian /Soviet Science including notes on the Russian atomic bomb and Sputnick. Research for Chapter 5 include: "Bird Dogs" article; ONR (Office of Naval Research) and ORI (Operational Readiness Inspections); information on scientific secrecy; development of PHS (Public Health Research) Research Program and Facilities, 1900-1950 which were compiled from NIH records; work of the JRDB (Joint Research and Development Board); military R & D (Research and Development); notes on Hammond "Organizing for Defense" and Kintner "Forging a New Sword", notes from Bush "Modern Arms and Free Men"; Atomic Energy Commission 1945-49; material from John R. Steelman President of the Scientific Research Board; manpower statistics 1943-1950 report; "Science and Public Policy A Report to the President"; ICSRD its general history, origins, policies and activities, 1948-50; Golden Study (William T. Golden). Chapter 6 material include: NSF bills and NSF legislative summaries, 1948-1950. Chapter 7 files contain information on scientific breakthroughs and the military, (1951-53); AEC (Atomic Energy Commission); and the choosing of the direction and the battle on appropriations of the National Science Board. Box 4 contains a wealth of material about and from the NSF (National Science Foundation) which includes internal correspondence and notes, committee material, staff meeting notes, military research and other NSF activities. Also included are the origins of Pugwash; NAS, AAAS (American Assoication for Advancement of Science); FAS material; and IGY (International Geophysical Year); IGY Antarctic and IGY Satellite program; various articles including article "The International Geophysical Year" Man's Most Ambitious Study of His Environment" by Hugh L. Dryden reprinted from the National Geographic Magazine, February 1956; "The International Geophysical Year" by Alan T. Waterman reprinted from the "American Scientist", April 1956. Additional items discuss Russian science before Sputnik; Space, 1958-60 including the creation of NASA. The majority of Box 5 contains journal articles, the journal "Nuclear Information" and Scientist and Citizen" formerly called "Nuclear Information" and meeting minutes from the National Science Board, 1951-1958. Box 6 highlights include NSB meeting minutes from various months in 1959-1962; interviews with Lyman Chalkle, Dr. A.N. Richards, John F. Victory, Henry Allen Moe, General James M. Gavin, John Glenn, President Harry S. Truman and others. There are also numerous articles which include, "Two Cultures" by Vannevar Bush, Technology Review, November 1962; "The Evolution of the Office of Naval Research" by The Bird Dogs, Physics Today; "Influence of the Past", by A. Hunter Dupree reprinted from "The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science",January 1960, and a host of other articles. The box also contains Eisenhower's farewell speech; some Congressional Records, and NAS and NRC technical reports. Box 7 contains NSF press releases, the bulletin "Reviews of Data on Research and Development", memorandums, reports, budget information, and institutes program (staff papers). Also included are clippings, remark papers and journal articles by Alan T. Waterman, Dael Wolfle, Ralph E. O'Dette, Curt P. Richter, Paul B. Sears and numerous others. Publications include "Science and World Affairs History of the Pugwash Conferences" by Prof. J. Rotblat, published in 1962 and a manuscript copy 8 June 1963 "On the Sociology of Science" by Raymond J. Seeger. Addtionally, there is research on agriculture; Fort Monmouth Security Investigations; numerous correspondence (some handwritten by Hunter) on the Studies on the History of Science Project. Box 8 contains correspondence, proposals, meeting minutes, press releases and reports. The majority of the files deal with Dupree's "History of Science Project" and include grant information, status reports, and budget proposals. There are also various 1962 papers from Columbia University: "National Science Policy and the President's Science Advisors by Robert N. Kreidler, "The Scientific Strategists" by Bernard Brodie, "Civil-Scientifc Relations" in the United States by Robert Gilpin, "Scientists Seers and Strategy" by Albert Wohlstetter. The majority of Box 9 contains clippings from "Today's News Clips as well as clippings from the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Daily Californian. There is additional material on and from the NSF including several National Science Foundation Week bulletins and press releases. Box 10 concerns itself with NASA and contains correspondence about the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAS); material on the American Historical Association; meetings of the Society for the History of Technolgy; NASA Historical Advisory Committee/Historical Division of NASA (including agenda's and meeting minutes); the NASA Historical Program; NASA American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA); and Historical Perspectives on the Apollo Program. Box 11 contains Dupree's duties as NASA consultant to the Administrator of NASA. There is also a significant amount of information on and from the Technology Assessment Panel; AHD-COSPUP (Committee on Science and Public Policy) Papers and suggestions and revisions (including draft copy) of Dupree's "The Paper" (The Responsibilites of Scientists and the Federal Government) by COSPUP committee members. Box 12 contains draft reports to COSPUP; NRC Advisory Committee on Government Programs in the Behavioral Sciences material; numerous article and pamphlets from COSPUP files and COSPUP letters from scientists. Box 13 contains COSPUP procedures; correspondence and information on distribution of subject report " Federal Support of Basic Research, etc."; correpondence concerning "The Paper"; draft report of Federal Support of Basic Research in Institutions of Higher Learning: a wealth of miscellaneous material mainly concerned with the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences; copy of "Cartesian Studies" by R. A. Watson; COSPUP laws; and a draft copy of "Man Surviving The Present World Revolution" by Philip M. Smith and Richard A. Watson, July 1968. Box 14 contains military and naval research; miscellaneous files; BOB material; NSF duplicate notes, and numerous speeches by Alan T. Waterman. Box 15 contains AHA (American Historical Association) Committee on National Aid to Historical Research meeting material; Executive Committe of the Berkeley Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP); American Council on Education Conference on Research; "American Studies News" newsletter (American Studies Association); NSF (National Science Foundation, Dupree's plan for "A History of the Activitites of the Federal Government in Science"; correspondence, etc. and other proposals for research support from the NSF sent to Dupree for evaluation. In addition, there is material from some history classes taught by Dupree at the University of California, which include syallabi, grades, papers by students, exams, tests, reading lists for class, textbook needs, course catalog and Dupree's role as an advisor. Box 16 contains AHA (American Historical Association) Committee on National Aid to Historical Research meeting material; Executive Committe of the Berkeley Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP); American Council on Education Conference on Research; "American Studies News" newsletter (American Studies Association); NSF (National Science Foundation) Dupree's plan for "A History of the Activitites of the Federal Government in Science"; correspondence, etc. and other proposals for research support from the NSF sent to Dupree for evaluation. In addition, there is material from the History classes taught by Dupree at the University of California, which include syallabi, grades, papers by students, exams, tests, reading lists for class, textbook needs, course catalog and Dupree's role as an advisor. Box 17 continues with Dupress's material for history classes in addition to material on the crisis at Berkley from Fall 1964-June 1968 (Vietnam War); University of California, Berkeley Academic Senate; Graduate Council Committee; Department of History; American Institue of Physics/inclduing some newsletters; American Historical Association/including some AHA Newsletters; International Botanical Congress Newsletter; California Historical Society; Technology Assessment committee featuring Emilio Q. Daddario and a paper by Dupree "This Shift from Results to Capability: Coordination of Education and Research by the Federal Government." Box 18 contains the Harvard Project Physics Newsletter; Harvard University Press regarding "Asa Gray"; History of Science Society; Library of Congress Advisory Committee; recommendation letters and requests for former students of Dupree; Chancellor's Committee on Regents Professorships and Lectureships; miscelanneous newsletters; Report "The Technology Assessment Function" by Louis H. Mayo, George Washington University; NSF Grant lists; Prentice Hall and Rand McNally correspondance; a file on Nathan Reingold, historian and Prof. Morgan B. Sherwood; Smithsonian Journal of History concerning and a paper by Dupree "The Pace of Measurement from Rome to America" and some handbooks and manuals from the University of California, Berkeley. The majority of the files in Box 19 are arranged alphabetically, A-Z and contain correspondance, committee and bureau material.
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