Records of insurance companies and agents, 1781-1909 (inclusive) [microform].
Records of insurance companies and agents, 1781-1909 (inclusive) [microform].
Correspondence, ledgers, agency procedures book, policies (marine and fire), cash books, bills, receipts, monthly financial statements, scrapbook, and other insurance records of: William Morland & Henry Hudson, Newburyport, Mass., 1781-1783; Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Boston, 1798-1876; New Bedford Marine Insurance Co., New Bedford, Mass., 1805-1825; Commercial Insurance Co., Boston, 1812-1813; Joseph Balch, Boston, 1813-1823; Union Insurance Co., Portsmouth, N.H., 1815-1821; Mercantile Marine Insurance Co., Boston, 1823-1873; Nathan White, Bucksport, Me., 1839-1874 (includes ledgers and papers relating to insurance with the Thomaston Mutual Fire Insurance Co.); Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, N.J., 1845-1903; Maverick Mutual Fire Insurance Co., East Boston, Mass., 1849-1851; Thomas P. James, Philadelphia, Pa., 1856-1861 (includes insurance of shipments with the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.); Boston Mutual Benefit Association, Boston, 1857-1878; Williams & Gould, Boston, 1858; Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Boston, 1866-1876; The London Assurance, Philadelphia, 1907-1909; and unidentified monthly financial statements, 1795-1806, for a firm in Boston. There is a microfilm copy of records and papers, 1839-1854, of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Milwaukee. It also includes Civil War letters of Robert Chivas and J.L. Mitchell.
ca. 23 linear ft. (23 v., 1 box, 1 envelope, 1 folder, 1 reel of film) View
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