Price, Lucien, 1883-1964

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Author and journalist.

From the description of Fifty years backstage, 1960 Jan. 4. (Boston Athenaeum). WorldCat record id: 85787292

Junius Lucien Price was an American writer of books and for publications including the Boston Evening Transcript and the Atlantic Monthly . At the time of his death at age 81, he was still writing for the Boston Globe .

From the guide to the Lucien Price additional papers, ca. 1863-1964., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Author and journalist, on the staff of the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and Boston Globe (1914-1964).

From the description of Editorials for the Boston Globe, 1914-1964. (Boston Athenaeum). WorldCat record id: 85786345

Lucien Price was an author and journalist with the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and then the Boston Globe until his death. He published books on education, Europe, and memories of his early life in Ohio.

From the guide to the Lucien Price notebooks and correspondence, 1901-1964., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Lucien Price (1883-1964) was an author and journalist. He was on the staff of the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and for the rest of his life wrote for the Boston Globe. He published books on education, Europe, and memories of his early life in Ohio. He published three books under the pseudonym Seymour Deming.

From the description of Boston Globe scrapbooks [microform]. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 38134903

Reviewer and editorial writer for the BOSTON GLOBE, 1914-1964.

From the description of Manuscripts, 1951-1958. (Columbia University In the City of New York). WorldCat record id: 86159424

Price was an author and journalist with the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and then the Boston Globe until his death. He published books on education, Europe, and memories of his early life in Ohio.

From the description of Lucien Price notebooks and correspondence, 1901-1964. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612708754

Lucien Price was an author and journalist. He was on the staff of the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and for the rest of his life wrote for the Boston Globe. He published books on education, Europe, and memories of his early life in Ohio. He published three books under the pseudonym Seymour Deming.

From the description of Lucien Price correspondence and compositions, 1908-1960. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612366616

From the guide to the Lucien Price correspondence and compositions, 1908-1960., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Correspondence with Ted Shawn, 1934-1940. 307 items. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966. Papers, 1681-1966 (bulk 1900-1960) Houghton Library
creatorOf Lucien Price notebooks and correspondence, 1901-1964. Houghton Library
referencedIn Papers of Samuel Eliot Morison Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Hermann Hagedorn Papers, 1904-1962 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn John Phillips Marquand correspondence Houghton Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Lucien Price notebooks and correspondence, 1901-1964. Houghton Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Lucien Price correspondence and compositions, 1908-1960. Houghton Library
referencedIn Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939. Harvey Williams Cushing papers, 1745-1965 (inclusive), 1887-1939 (bulk). Yale University Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Editorials for the Boston Globe, 1914-1964. Boston Athenaeum
creatorOf Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Journal des années de guerre (1914-1919) : notes et documents pour servir à l'histoire morale de l'Europe de ce temps, 1934-1935. Houghton Library
referencedIn Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk) Houghton Library
creatorOf Lucien Price additional papers, ca. 1863-1964. Houghton Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Fifty years backstage, 1960 Jan. 4. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn Lowe, Victor, 1907-1988. Victor Lowe papers, 1929-1988. Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939. Harvey Williams Cushing papers, 1745-1965 (inclusive), 1887-1939 (bulk). Yale University Library
creatorOf Lucien Price correspondence and compositions, 1908-1960. Houghton Library
referencedIn John Reed papers, 1903-1967. Houghton Library
referencedIn Witter Bynner papers, 1829-1965. Houghton Library
referencedIn Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933. Additional papers, 1841-1940 Houghton Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Manuscripts, 1951-1958. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Elmer, Cathleen Burns. The last Athenian : recollections of Lucien Price / Cathleen Burns Elmer, 1965. Boston Athenaeum
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Letter, 1931, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn John Jay Chapman papers Houghton Library
creatorOf Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Letters to Lucien Price, 1913-1940 and undated. Houghton Library
creatorOf Price, Lucien, 1883-1964. Boston Globe scrapbooks [microform]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Manny, Frank Addison, 1868-1954. Papers, 1890-1955 Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Livingstone, Richard Winn, Sir, 1880-1960. Letters to Lucien Price, 1908-1960. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Alan Starkweather (Lucien Price) person
associatedWith Alice James. person
associatedWith Alice Long person
correspondedWith Ames, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Angoff, Charles, 1902- person
associatedWith A. R. Sicuro person
correspondedWith Atkinson, Justin Brooks, 1894- person
associatedWith Barbara Burgoyne person
associatedWith Ben Mansfield (Frederick H. Middleton). person
associatedWith Bennie Mansfield (Frederick H. Middleton). person
associatedWith Betty Poindexter. person
correspondedWith Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918 person
correspondedWith Bradford, Robert Fiske, 1902- person
associatedWith Brassert, J. E. person
correspondedWith Brown, Ralph. person
correspondedWith Burgoyne, Oliver person
correspondedWith Burgoyne, Oliver. person
correspondedWith Bynner, Witter, 1881- person
associatedWith Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968, person
associatedWith Chancellork, John. person
correspondedWith Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933 person
associatedWith Charles F. Moore person
associatedWith Charles H. Compton person
correspondedWith Cleghorn, Sarah N., 1876- person
correspondedWith Cleveland, Albert C. person
associatedWith Collum, Herbert, person
correspondedWith Conrad, Henry Shoemaker, 1874- person
correspondedWith Cormier, Robert G person
associatedWith Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939. person
correspondedWith Darrs, Horace. person
correspondedWith Deming, Seymour, 1883- person
correspondedWith Demmler, Edward W., 1848- person
correspondedWith Deppert, Eugen. person
correspondedWith Eaton, Sidney. person
associatedWith Elmer, Cathleen Burns. person
associatedWith Evelyn Middleton person
associatedWith F. B. Mumaw person
correspondedWith F. H. Middleton person
correspondedWith Finley, John Huston, 1904- person
correspondedWith Fornason, C. F. person
correspondedWith Frederick H. Middleton person
correspondedWith Frederick H. Middleton person
associatedWith Fritz Demmler. person
associatedWith Frost, Eleanor person
associatedWith Gammell, Ives. person
correspondedWith Gannett, Lewis, 1891-1966 person
correspondedWith Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1885- person
associatedWith Gregor Norman-Wilcox. person
correspondedWith Grünhagen, Herbert. person
associatedWith Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882-1964 person
correspondedWith Hall, William. person
correspondedWith Herbert Collum person
correspondedWith Hillyer, Robert Silliman, 1895-1961 person
correspondedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960 person
correspondedWith Hoyt, Frank W. person
correspondedWith Hurd, John. person
associatedWith James, William, 1882-1961, person
correspondedWith James, William, d. 1961 person
associatedWith John H. Mohr. person
associatedWith John James person
associatedWith Lady Cecile Livingstone person
associatedWith Laura M. Livingstone person
associatedWith Livingstone, Helen person
associatedWith Livingstone, Richard Winn, Sir, 1880-1960. person
correspondedWith Louisa (Price) Parker person
correspondedWith Louise (Price) Parker person
associatedWith Lowe, Victor, 1907-1988. person
associatedWith Lucia Augusta (Demming) Price Upton. person
correspondedWith Lucien Price person
associatedWith Lucien Price person
correspondedWith MacLellan, Alexander person
correspondedWith Maclellan, Alexander George. person
associatedWith Manny, Frank Addison, 1868-1954 person
correspondedWith Marquand, John P. (John Phillips), 1893-1960 person
associatedWith Mary Price person
correspondedWith Mason, Leland. person
correspondedWith Mason, Mary Bacon. person
correspondedWith McClain, Robert N. person
correspondedWith McClure, Raymond. person
associatedWith McClure, Raymond. person
associatedWith McClure, Raymond Thibeau, person
correspondedWith McClure, Raymond Thibeau. person
correspondedWith Middleton, Frederick H. person
correspondedWith Middleton, Frederick H. person
associatedWith Middleton, Frederick H., person
correspondedWith Middleton, Frederick H., recipient. person
correspondedWith Middleton, Kate. person
correspondedWith Middleton, Mr. person
correspondedWith Middleton, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Mintum, Annie F. person
associatedWith Mirandi Masocco person
correspondedWith Moorepark, Carton. person
correspondedWith Morgan, James. person
associatedWith Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976. person
correspondedWith Murray, Gilbert, 1866-1957 person
correspondedWith Parker, Louise (Price). person
associatedWith Phyllis Cormier person
correspondedWith Powers, George E. person
correspondedWith Powers, James. person
correspondedWith Ratig, Karl. person
correspondedWith Reed, John, 1887-1920 person
associatedWith Richard Rohman person
correspondedWith Rich, Edwin Gile, 1879- person
correspondedWith Ridgway, Erman J. person
associatedWith Robert E. M. Goolrick person
associatedWith Robert Moore. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Louisa. person
correspondedWith Rolland person
associatedWith Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. person
correspondedWith Rothschild, John. person
correspondedWith Sedgwick, Ellery, 1872-1960 person
correspondedWith Seymour, Charles, 1885-1963 person
correspondedWith Seymour Deming person
correspondedWith Shawn, Ted, 1891- person
correspondedWith Sheffield, Erik person
correspondedWith Titcomb, Caldwell. person
associatedWith TS. person
correspondedWith Upton, Lucia Augusta (Deming) person
correspondedWith Vidal, Gore, 1925- person
correspondedWith Waite, Clara T. person
associatedWith Walter Muir Whitehill person
correspondedWith William James person
associatedWith W. McNeil Lowry person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
Authors, American
American newspapers
Literature publishing
Authors, American


Birth 1883-01-06

Death 1964-03-30



Ark ID: w6bk1gng

SNAC ID: 26458299