Fletcher, Horace, 1849-1919

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Food and health faddist in the early 20th century. Self-taught nutritionist, lecturer, author, world traveler. Taught that food should be chewed 30-40 times before swallowing.

From the description of Horace Fletcher letter to Dr. Powers [manuscript], 1910 Oct 22. (University of Virginia). WorldCat record id: 244832282

Fletcher, an American businessman, was best known for his writing and lectures on popular nutrition. His major innovation in eating habits, called Fletcherism, prescribed eating in small amounts only when hungry and chewing food thoroughly. He was president of the Health and Efficiency League of America, subsidized research on nutrition, and worked in Belgium during World War I teaching refugees his system of vital economics: how to make the most of their scant rations.

From the description of Horace Fletcher papers, 1898-1915. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612372838

Horace Fletcher (1849-1919), an American businessman from Lawrence, Massachusetts, was best known for his writing and lectures on popular nutrition. His major innovation in eating habits, called Fletcherism, prescribed eating in small amounts only when hungry and chewing food thoroughly. Numerous celebrities of the time, such as John D. Rockefeller, Upton Sinclair, and Henry James, followed Fletcher's advice.

Fletcher was president of the Health and Efficiency League of America, subsidized research on nutrition, and worked in Belgium during World War I teaching refugees his system of vital economics: how to make the most of their scant rations.

From the guide to the Horace Fletcher papers, 1898-1915., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A. A. Thomas person
correspondedWith Abby Fletcher? person
correspondedWith A. W. Erickson person
correspondedWith Barrett, Adela person
correspondedWith Barrett Manufacturing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Battle Creek Sanitarium? corporateBody
associatedWith Biggers. person
associatedWith Boy Scouts of America. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brennan, John person
correspondedWith Century Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935 person
correspondedWith Earling, Albert J., 1848-1925 person
correspondedWith E. B. Winans person
associatedWith Edgar Burnz. person
correspondedWith Ewart, Seymour & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fisher, Irving person
correspondedWith Fletcher? Putnam person
correspondedWith Frank Jefferson Patterson person
correspondedWith Fred person
correspondedWith George H. Yenowine person
correspondedWith Helen person
correspondedWith H. F. Whitcombe person
correspondedWith H. R. Murray person
associatedWith Irving Fisher. person
correspondedWith James E. (James Edward) West person
correspondedWith James P. Reilly. person
correspondedWith James, William, 1842-1910 person
correspondedWith J. E. Williams person
correspondedWith John Harvey Kellogg person
correspondedWith John Henry Patterson person
associatedWith Kellogg family family
correspondedWith Mary H. Waterman person
correspondedWith M. A. W. Sinclair person
correspondedWith McFadden, Bernar person
correspondedWith M. F. Feby person
correspondedWith M. (Michael) Foster person
correspondedWith M. (Mikkel) Hindhede person
associatedWith Morris, George Perry, person
associatedWith National Cash Register Company. corporateBody
associatedWith New York Kindergarten Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith N. (Nathan) Zuntz person
associatedWith Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918 person
associatedWith Pinchot, Gifford person
associatedWith Powers, Levi M., 1864-1920. person
correspondedWith Robert Barrett. person
associatedWith Robert Latham Owen. person
correspondedWith Robert M. Thompson person
correspondedWith Ruffy person
correspondedWith Russell Henry Chittenden person
correspondedWith Samuel E. Barrett person
correspondedWith Samuel M. Hitchcock person
correspondedWith Sinclair, M. A. W., Mrs. person
associatedWith Sir Horace Plunkett person
associatedWith S. S. McClure person
correspondedWith Taylor, Charlie person
correspondedWith Taylor, Graham person
associatedWith Thomas, A. A. person
correspondedWith Tolman person
correspondedWith Tomson, Alfred person
correspondedWith United Brotherhood Publishing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith University Press (Cambridge, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith University Storage Warehouse (Cambridge, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Someren? person
associatedWith Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 1845-1924. person
correspondedWith Wells person
correspondedWith W. Elmer Berry person
correspondedWith W. E. Willmott person
correspondedWith W. H. Pries person
correspondedWith Williams, Michael person
correspondedWith Wood, Leonard person
correspondedWith Woolff? person
correspondedWith W. W. Thomas person
correspondedWith Yonfletch. person
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Food habits
Physical fitness


Birth 1849-08-10

Death 1919-01-13


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w63x8vk2

Ark ID: w63x8vk2

SNAC ID: 70322122