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Massachusetts. Office for Children (49) (corporateBody)

St 1972, c 785 established the Office for Children within the Executive Office for Human Services, with a director appointed by the governor (by the secretary of human services per St 1985, c 737, s 30; title changed to commissioner per St 1987, c 553, s 6), and supported by a Statewide Advisory Council (which see). Its functions include serving as an advocate for the needs of children and disseminating information on children's services; promoting development of programs and ser...

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Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children. (57) (corporateBody)

Lincoln Developmental Center, an Illinois state developmental center for mentally handicapped children, was initially established (1865) by Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb directors instructed by the General Assembly to found an Experimental School for the Instruction and Training of Idiots and Feeble-Minded Children in the State of Illinois at Jacksonville. Following a five year trial period, the school was incorporated as the Illinois Institution for the Educatio...

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Illinois. Commission on Children (22) (corporateBody)

The Commission for Physically Handicapped Children was created by General Assembly in 1933 to coordinate services to clients provided by Departments of Public Welfare, Public Health and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Commission further was assigned to stimulate efforts for care, treatment, education and social services afforded ; promote special classes and instruction; arrange for special training of teachers; promote vocational guidance, training and placement...

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Rescue Children, Inc. (10) (corporateBody)

Child adoption program of Vaad Hatzala.

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Wisconsin. Division for Children and Youth (23) (corporateBody)

The Division for Children and Youth was created under Chapter 376, Laws of 1949 as the Division of Child Welfare and Youth Service within the State Department of Public Welfare (WIHV85-A488). This new division assumed the duties of the former Youth Service Commission and the Division of Child Welfare (WIHV89-A80). Chapter 245, Laws of 1951, renamed it the Division for Children and Youth. With reorganization of state government in 1967, the functions of the Division were placed wi...

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New England Hospital for Women and Children (30) (corporateBody)

Founded by women in 1862 as the New England Hospital for Women and Children, until the 1950s the Hospital was staffed exclusively by women. In 1951 the name was changed to New England Hospital since men were also being admitted as patients. In 1969 the Hospital's name was changed to Dimock Community Health Center. The New England Hospital, formerly the New England Hospital for Women and Children, was founded in Boston in 1862 by Dr. Marie Zakrzewska. It was the first hos...

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Save the Children (U.S.) (11) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children (20) (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Council for Exceptional Children. (10) (corporateBody)

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Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children (N.Y.) (29) (corporateBody)

An 1851 law provided for the state to undertake the care and teaching of "idiots" (the then accepted term for people with retardation). That year, Dr. Hervey B. Wilbur opened an experimental school, with 20 pupils, at a private residence in Albany, New York. Two years later the legislature appropriated funds to buy land and erect a new institution. A group of Syracuse's most prominent citizens wanted the school located in their city, and offered the trustees 18 acres of free land. The offer w...

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