Found 20 results in 430.22 ms. Showing up to 20 of the total results.
Beckwith, John (31) (person)
John Beckwith, composer, author and teacher, was born in Victoria, BC, 9 March 1927. He has written in most musical genres, and has contributed scholarly articles and criticism in Canadian music studies. Epithet: Major-General; of Add MS 48837 Commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Composed 1953. First performance Toronto, October 1953, CBC Studio Orchestra, John Adaskin conductor. Revised (re-scored) 1955. First performance of revis...
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Beckwith, John W. (John Watrous), 1831-1890 (9) (person)
John Watrous Beckwith (1831-1890), Episcopal minister and the 2nd Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia (1831-1890). He lived and preached in Maryland, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Atlanta, Georgia. Episcopal bishop of Georgia. Second Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. John Watrus Beckwith (1831-1890) was the Episcopalian Bishop of Georgia from 1868 until his death in 1890. Before becoming Bishop of the Diocese of G...
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Beckwith, John `Christmas', composer and organist (4) (person)
Epithet: composer and organist
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Beckwith, John Charles, Major-General CB (4) (person)
Epithet: Major-General CB
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Beckwith, John, 1918-1991 (2) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Beckwith, John Charles, organist (2) (person)
Epithet: organist
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Beckwith, John A. (John Asahel), 1902-1974 (2) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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John Beckwith (1) (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.
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Beckwith, John (1) (person)
Chicago socialite.
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Beckwith, John. (1) (person)
Physician, of Petersburg, Va.
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