Certificates of condition, 1870-1928 (bulk 1870-1889).
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
Massachusetts. Corporations Division
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6w423h0 (corporateBody)
Early incorporations of religious, charitable, educational, and other non-profit organizations were authorized through charters granted through the passage of special acts by the General Court. Changes to this process began per St 1857, c 56, which directed the articles of association of charitable corporations to be filed in the registry of deeds in the county where the organization was located. Filing of articles of organization and the issue of certificates of charter by the Secr...
Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6z934cb (corporateBody)
St 1832, c 166 authorized county commissioners in Massachusetts to grant liquor licenses to innholders and retailers. St 1852, c 322 (revised by St 1855, c 215) established state-wide prohibition, forbidding the sale of all liquor except for medicinal, chemical, or mechanical purposes. This was changed by St 1868, c 141, passed in April of that year, which authorized county commissioners (in Suffolk County specially-elected license commissioners) to issue licenses for the sale of liquor in their...