Correspondence of Adolphus P. Nelson, a Republican Congressman from Grantsburg, Wis., 1918-1923, relating to national legislation of these years, and particularly to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway project, including numerous copies of letters addressed to President Coolidge in 1924 in behalf of Nelson's appointment to the International Joint Commission. Other subjects are soldier legislation, the Soldiers' Land Bill, adjusted compensation, and war risk insurance; agricultural legislation, including amendment to the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916, proposed rural credits legislation and the Norbeck-Nelson Bill, Muscle Shoals Dam appropriation, and other topics of concern to farm organizations; and prohibition. Miscellaneous correspondence relates to the appropriation for the United States Employment Service in 1919, proposed tariff legislation in 1920-1921, postal rates legislation and postal employees' salaries, rivalry between Superior and Duluth in regard to customs collections, personal election campaigns, local issues, services for constituents, and speeches. There are occasional letters from officials and faculty members of the University of Wisconsin to Nelson in his capacity as president of the Board of Regents, and a few letters from clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church.